View Full Version : Squirrel Nutrition
Pages :
- Couple of questions/concerns
- Collard Greens?
- a bone?
- Storing nuts?
- Strawberry Banana Flavored Fox Valley Formula
- Formula by syringe or bowl?
- Anazet
- Not sure if these acorns are safe, can you please help?
- teeth/eating issues please help
- fruit
- Squirrel Nut Logs????
- Hedge Fruit / Hedge Apples from the Osage Orange Trees
- is this mean
- magnolia cones??
- How & When to Insert a G-Tube
- local chestnuts, are they ok to feed?
- Hemp Seed
- hazelnut tree leaves
- Is this fruit safe? Balsam Apple
- Need some nutrition help.
- Ginko fruit. Is it safe?
- seaweed?
- Wild foods Is what I have safe to feed them?
- Squirrel nutrition
- Healthy blocks...
- Radish Greens?
- My flyer hates me for making him eat healthy
- Paper shell pecans?
- wilds are looking so big....
- Ice cubes
- easy calcium treat
- Sunflower sprouts
- Quick question!
- What is daily calories for fox squirrel?
- Diarrhea Remedy for baby Squirrels
- Sunflower Sprouts
- Fox Valley is here!
- water question
- Cranberries as a treat?
- White poop?!
- Shipping price
- Healthy Diet for wild Gray Squirrels
- Pineapple leaves?
- Picky Fox boy
- Is this ok for them to eat?
- Laws and Protection for Fox Squirrel
- easy nutritious recipes Please?
- Wild Squirrel Food (and project)
- General's Diet Can You Help Me Balance it?
- Calcium Carbonate and Tums
- Non threatening nutrition advice
- Does your squirrel eat there HBBs?
- Ginger flower?
- How do you mix your FV?
- When do they stop eating FV?
- DELUXE Squirrel Food, Exotic Nutrition????
- Early Nutrition : Compare for yourselves
- HHB's and ?
- can I use peanut butter?
- Squirrel Block Recipes?
- Harlan 2018
- Why no Peanuts?
- What kind of calcium?
- Hines Brand Jumbo Walnuts
- Will I see MBD coming?
- Are egg shells ok?
- Help
- Edamame soybeans in the pod
- Wow! My HHBs came today.
- My Squirrels LOVE HHB
- Winged Elm? Can they have it?
- Oxbow Rat Food For Squirrels?
- Natural diet fof Jerry
- Proper Wild Squirrel Nutrition
- Meal WOrms
- Feeding Squirrels in a Cold Winter Climate?
- I need to leave the babies for about 48 hours
- How can you tell...
- Kelp?
- Tahini?
- dried beans??
- ensure clear
- Question about healthy diet post
- Growing Dandelion Greens For Squirrels. Oh my!
- Kaytee Exact baby parrot food?
- Echinacea Dosing Cycle for Wilds
- Growing mealworms for Squirrels, please help
- Tree Branches
- Discussion thread: Emergency MBD Protocol Revisions?
- Is Fox Valley Day-One Formula 20/50 good for a 1 year old squirrel ?
- Temporary indoor diet
- Black Walnut Aroma/Taste??
- Butterfly Plants
- diarrhea. help
- rodent blocks in the UK
- Quantity to feed?
- Vitamin Mix For Squirrel Biscuits? Any thoughts?
- ***>OH HENRY<***
- bell peppers
- Peanut LOVES her squirrel blocks!
- Antlers - best place to get them and what size to get?
- New Vit D Research
- Pedialyte vs. Lactated Ringers
- All natural granola bars?
- Squirt just stole a frito???
- Corn/baby corn
- Zupreem primate chow???
- Coconut?
- queen palm nuts (not the date)
- Best Squirrel Nutrition for Squirrels
- Not eating veggies or block????
- sesame seeds??
- no blocks for a few days??
- average weight
- Carrot greens
- My squirrels aren't eating well, help please!
- Tasty wild food, now available
- Starting babies on solid foods!!
- My squirrel went wild and dropped his "nuts"
- Foods
- Can they have honey suckle?
- shells?
- This is what you get from bad info from vets and the internet
- banana chips
- Avocado ok for young fox squirrels?
- squirrel ice cream!!!
- Magnolia blooms
- Popcorn Tree branches and leaves???
- How much FV in all?
- Coconut
- Typo on the Healthy Diet Food Chart
- Can fox squirrels have day lilies?
- Question on feeding
- Maple Copters
- Not eating?
- Kale stems??
- Going shopping for the Squirrels tomorrow! Mind helping me?
- are pine nuts a treat or wild food
- Nuts for Wild Squirrels?
- Getting Enough Calcium?
- Bad wood ??
- Sunflower Sprouts/Squirrel Farming?
- Temp (3-5 day) substitute for Growth Squirrel Blocks?
- Rodent vs primate vs ferret food
- ott light
- Would love some advice on Chipmunk diet.
- More questions and observations on wild foods...
- feeding
- mullberrys
- Tums?
- HBV Adult Squirrel Diet
- Question about garden greens safe for squirrels
- The Birdsong Bay Trio are changing their diet!
- Poisonous trees? ???
- Chipmunks and Squirrels LOVE Sunflower Seed Sprouts!
- Ankle deep in pine husks
- Freezing formula
- dried mealies
- honey or maple syrup
- Skippy, my wild child is driving me crazy!!
- Goats milk mixture
- Royal Canin as a substitute?
- Question about walnuts fresh from the tree-
- question about hydration
- Prepping wild foods
- Sunsee Chew Blox
- Avocado Ice Cream for hot squirrels
- FOX VALLEY & PINKIES: Discussion Thread
- Kaytee "Squirrel and Critter" food
- Crabapple question
- Goats Milk Kefir?
- new here what do i need to feed my squirrels 2 months old
- Obese squirrel. So confused.
- Helicopters - looking crazy
- tree nuts in shell under $4 a pound !!
- Baby Squirrel About 4" Long
- Homemade Blocks (and a few questions, of course!)
- 3 picky eaters
- Night feedings
- 7-8 weeks old
- Those little round mineral and salt "licks"...
- Formula mixture?????
- hickory nuts
- Esbilac vs FV
- How much to feed?
- What did people do prior to the blocks?
- Transition from FV 32/40 to 20/50
- new food better weight!
- And what about....
- spinach
- wild cucumber
- 11 and 10 weekers refusing milk
- When can I introduce new foods?
- Wild nursing mama gnawing on a chicken bone
- Formula/block question :D
- Formula and Baytril?
- Bene-Bac
- How much Goat's Milk Formula to feed??
- Blocks ordered!
- Bird Banquet Mineral Blocks
- How long can Goat's Milk Formula be eaten?
- nipples!
- Food question
- Poopsies caused by overfeeding! :(
- Feeding questions
- lawn weeds?
- Oh wonderful...MIA FV...
- Avocado?
- Not trying solids
- UV B Light
- Henry's Pets out of Fox Valley 20/50
- TUNA???
- Vitamins
- Food? How much?
- Fuss Budget!
- $$$ Savings on Heavy Whipped Cream
- Dried cranberries
- Henrys blocks
- How much is too much
- What brand/type of rodent food or rodent block should I get?
- DO NOT GIVE SQUIRRELS SUGAR CANE FROM HAWAII (Use caution for any other Cane)
- Can squirrels eat plain sugar?
- Question about Homemade HHB'S
- Hold the Acorns, please.
- Eating habits
- I need ideas for outsider food for squirrels
- New cage for Ms.Kaye, Willie and Jase
- Help! How do I put my squirrel on a diet? Why is he sleeping so much?
- Can squirrels eat cypress cones (balls)?
- hungry all the time
- i spoke too soon
- Change from FV to solids = Change in Poop?
- My squirrels have been eating chestnuts
- Recipes for treats?
- Chewing Health
- Guava?
- Fox Valley- Switching from 32/40 to 20/50
- Pumpkin seeds
- My homemade HHB's/booballs...
- Are Bur(r) Oak Acorns OK?
- Diatomaceous Earth
- 9 Week Old Flyers REFUSE Formula, have they weaned themselves?
- Pumpkin okay to eat?
- Sulphites
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