08-03-2013, 04:48 PM
We have tons of walnut trees in our area, and the nuts are getting to the size where they are dropping onto the ground (and roof, the cars, and people's heads, lol). I've seen some wilds grabbing them and running off, but not seen any sitting and actually eating them.. Walnuts have this tough green coating on them when they are fresh, and it eventually turns black and kind of sluffs off, then you really see the wilds go nuts (haha)- it has a colored substance in it that turns their little faces dark from snarfing all those luscious walnuts, so you can tell who the biggest piggers are..
.. but the ones that are falling now are still the green, well covered ones.
But here is my question- I have indoor (for the moment, lol) squirrel Miss Murphy, who is about 6 months old now.. Do you know if the green, fresh from the tree walnuts are good for her to eat? So far I haven't brought one in for her..but if they are an approved squirrel nummy, I have tons of them in my yard.. (she gets one almond per day, given by my husband.. no one else gives her nuts and she only gets the one.. I tried giving her a regular walnut in the shell once and she couldn't break into it.. she gnawed and gnawed till I couldn't stand the sound, so when she wasn't looking, I snitched it.) It would only be a tiny addition to a very healthy diet..but I don't want to risk making her sick if they aren't good until they are more ripe, or something...???
.. but the ones that are falling now are still the green, well covered ones.
But here is my question- I have indoor (for the moment, lol) squirrel Miss Murphy, who is about 6 months old now.. Do you know if the green, fresh from the tree walnuts are good for her to eat? So far I haven't brought one in for her..but if they are an approved squirrel nummy, I have tons of them in my yard.. (she gets one almond per day, given by my husband.. no one else gives her nuts and she only gets the one.. I tried giving her a regular walnut in the shell once and she couldn't break into it.. she gnawed and gnawed till I couldn't stand the sound, so when she wasn't looking, I snitched it.) It would only be a tiny addition to a very healthy diet..but I don't want to risk making her sick if they aren't good until they are more ripe, or something...???