View Full Version : Baby Squirrel About 4" Long

08-23-2013, 07:38 AM
I found 2 squirrels this morning. One dead on my driveway directly below a nest about 2 1/2 - 3 stories high, and one at my back door. The squirrel at my back door seems to be fine. I put him at the base of the tree, but he hopped back down and came over to me. He's perhaps 4" inches long (without tail). He was shaking a little when I put him at the base of the tree. Maybe he's scared to go back up right now because he fell off (don't know). What should I feed him? He's has all his fur/hair. I don't know much about squirrels, but I think he's at the point where he's supposed to start climbing around the tree and explore.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-23-2013, 07:43 AM
I will start a new thread for you for better notice.

08-23-2013, 07:53 AM
Thank you

08-23-2013, 08:00 AM
pictures?? Do you have any pictures for us to judge his age?? Also does he feel cold to the touch?? He may be too young to climb back up the tree and a mommy won't take a cold baby back.

08-23-2013, 08:42 AM
pictures?? Do you have any pictures for us to judge his age?? Also does he feel cold to the touch?? He may be too young to climb back up the tree and a mommy won't take a cold baby back.


Hopefully I did this correctly...

08-23-2013, 08:43 AM
pictures?? Do you have any pictures for us to judge his age?? Also does he feel cold to the touch?? He may be too young to climb back up the tree and a mommy won't take a cold baby back.


08-23-2013, 09:35 AM
He is too small to be alone. He came back to you because he is hungry. Poor baby. He needs a special formula... no MILK! But in the meantime, He would love some avacado (no skin or pits!) , blueberrys, yogurt, romaine lettuce, tomatoe, broccoli...etc. He looks old enough to have teeth and be able to eat on his own, but hold off on any nuts right now because you will need to observe for injuries/illness. Too many nuts will not be good if he has to stay with you for a while.

08-23-2013, 09:35 AM
Here's a link to basic care. You'll need to hydrate him, keep him warm, and probably go out and get goat's milk for formula. Thanks for saving this guy!


Is that Lilburn, GA? Would you like to see if we can find someone to take this little guy if possible?

08-23-2013, 09:42 AM
He would have a better chance at life in the wild if raised with siblings or other squirrels. Please keep going back and checking the area, there are probably more. The babies are probably leaving the nest in search of food because mom didnt come back. She may have been killed on the road or something. They will wait patiently for her, but eventually they get too hungry.... Its usually the first one to leave the nest that will alert you to thier situation. Can you get to the nest??

08-23-2013, 09:45 AM
He would have a better chance at life in the wild if raised with siblings or other squirrels. Please keep going back and checking the area, there are probably more. The babies are probably leaving the nest in search of food because mom didnt come back. She may have been killed on the road or something. They will wait patiently for her, but eventually they get too hungry.... Its usually the first one to leave the nest that will alert you to thier situation. Can you get to the nest??

To finish this thought: Normally, a nest will have more than 2... someone correct me but 3-5 (but more is possible) is a normal number right?

That is why they're telling you to keep searching (even for the next day or two).

08-23-2013, 10:08 AM
Yep, thats correct. The bravest one leaves first to find mom, or food. The others follow eventually... but sometimes, they grow weak and weary and just stay there waiting. I want to come climb that tree right now... im so sad for them :(

08-23-2013, 02:15 PM
Yep, thats correct. The bravest one leaves first to find mom, or food. The others follow eventually... but sometimes, they grow weak and weary and just stay there waiting. I want to come climb that tree right now... im so sad for them :(

Actually, he did finally climb back up the tree. We could hear his mom calling, so we put him back at the base, and he went right up. He was slow and cautious going, but he did climb back up.

08-23-2013, 02:19 PM
Actually, he did finally climb back up the tree. We could hear his mom calling, so we put him back at the base, and he went right up. He was slow and cautious going, but he did climb back up.

That is great news! Thanks for watching over him! :thankyou

Were you able to see if the mom took him back?

08-23-2013, 02:23 PM
Are you sure it was mom calling him and not another baby calling for mom? What sort of a call was it?

08-23-2013, 02:29 PM
Yes, please make sure that this is a reunion. If he's all alone, he'll probably die a bad death, as would any siblings.

California Squirrel Lover
08-23-2013, 02:33 PM
Are you sure it was mom calling him and not another baby calling for mom? What sort of a call was it?

Hey, that's a really good point! How can you be sure it was Mom calling for him, and not another baby calling for Mom, because they're alone and hungry?

Have you been able to actually see the Mom yet? I'm so glad you found him, or he found you, or you found each other! (Can you try and make sure you see the Mom?)

08-24-2013, 10:47 PM
Hey, that's a really good point! How can you be sure it was Mom calling for him, and not another baby calling for Mom, because they're alone and hungry?

Have you been able to actually see the Mom yet? I'm so glad you found him, or he found you, or you found each other! (Can you try and make sure you see the Mom?)

Me and my son enjoy watching squirrels, birds, spiders and all other critters in our backyard. We always try to identify various critters by sound. I know the difference between the sound of a baby squirrel (there are several playing in our trees every day) and an adult. The babies sound like a dog's squeaky toy. I didn't see them unite, but I know for a fact the tree he climbed is the tree from which he came.

08-24-2013, 10:51 PM
Please keep an eye on it. If mom's not there, they may come back down.