View Full Version : Wild Squirrel Food (and project)

11-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Hello - I am taking a biology class right now and one of the extra credit assignments is to put out 5 food sources for the squirrels in the yard and measure which ones get eaten the most.

I already have store bought wildbird suet in my yard they seem to really like. I would like 4 other food source ideas (or any other ideas that are better than the suet.)


11-30-2012, 01:09 PM
Is there any restrictions on what it can be?
Like does it have to be seeds, corn, suet, etc?

11-30-2012, 01:50 PM
Like humans, the foods squirrels LIKE to eat the most are the ones that are the worst for them!

Nuts of any variety, in or out of shell
Fresh corn (really not good for them BTW)
Chopped up fresh fruit such as apples
Pieces of bread or crackers smeared with peanut butter