View Full Version : What did people do prior to the blocks?
09-05-2013, 07:32 PM
I ask this because, I simply do not have the funds to buy those particular ones, but I do have a buffet of cooking supplies to make blocks, and tons of seeds/nuts/etc. I also have a garden full of veggies, and a pear and apple tree. So I was curious, could I just make these? For some reason, I can't find a recipe that doesn't say to order something specific for the blocks.
Was also curious, a while back I watched this video of this guy feeding his babies gerber baby oatmeal. Is this safe at all?
I am not opposed to finding the funds and ordering these blocks, I just have tons of stuff to bake with. Was curious if I could do it on my own. All help is welcome!
09-05-2013, 07:44 PM
Here is a recipe for blocks. You are likely not going to have all of what is needed though. You can also use Mazuri blocks from a local store, but having tried all of them, Henry's are worth the $ because the squirrels like them.
Homemade Squirrel Block Recipe
(Revised 11/01/11)
Makes approximately a 4-week supply for a 1-pound squirrel.
Preheat oven to 205 degrees Fahrenheit
Dry ingredients:
80 g Pure Whey Protein Isolate for adult formula (for growth formula, use 160 g).
130 g finely ground nuts (any kind; peanuts, pecans, or almonds work well)
1/3 cup wheat flour (optional)
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder
1 package (33 g) Henry's Healthy Vita-Mins*
Wet ingredients:
1 whole egg
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract (optional)
1/2 cup water, or a little more, as needed (this is for growth formula only; do not add water to the adult formula unless the dough is too dry when mixed)
Place dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
Add all the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix with a fork until dough sticks together. It will be fairly dry, like pie crust dough. Wearing gloves or with your bare hands (oiled), press the dough down and then start to knead it. Once the dough forms a ball, place it onto a lightly greased surface and knead a few more times until smooth and uniform in color. Roll dough out into a roll or flatten into a square, and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. While still warm, cut into 60 pieces with a sharp knife
Allow the blocks to cool for at least 2 hours. Then place in zip-lock bags and store them in the fridge or freezer. They will keep in the fridge for several weeks. They will keep in the freezer for several months (unopened and with as much air as possible removed from the bag before sealing). Some squirrels enjoy eating them cold or frozen, but you can also put a cold block into the microwave for about 5-10 seconds to warm it up.
Feed 1-3 per day. Different squirrels will have different energy requirements.
09-05-2013, 08:12 PM
I think I am just gonna go ahead and buy the stuff. I am sure I can find the money easily. BUT now I know I can make up some stuff just in case, if I have to! Thank you so much for the recipe!
09-06-2013, 08:10 AM
Here is a recipe for blocks. You are likely not going to have all of what is needed though. You can also use Mazuri blocks from a local store, but having tried all of them, Henry's are worth the $ because the squirrels like them.
Homemade Squirrel Block Recipe
(Revised 11/01/11)
Makes approximately a 4-week supply for a 1-pound squirrel.
Preheat oven to 205 degrees Fahrenheit
Dry ingredients:
80 g Pure Whey Protein Isolate for adult formula (for growth formula, use 160 g).
130 g finely ground nuts (any kind; peanuts, pecans, or almonds work well)
1/3 cup wheat flour (optional)
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder
1 package (33 g) Henry's Healthy Vita-Mins*
Wet ingredients:
1 whole egg
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract (optional)
1/2 cup water, or a little more, as needed (this is for growth formula only; do not add water to the adult formula unless the dough is too dry when mixed)
Place dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
Add all the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix with a fork until dough sticks together. It will be fairly dry, like pie crust dough. Wearing gloves or with your bare hands (oiled), press the dough down and then start to knead it. Once the dough forms a ball, place it onto a lightly greased surface and knead a few more times until smooth and uniform in color. Roll dough out into a roll or flatten into a square, and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. While still warm, cut into 60 pieces with a sharp knife
Allow the blocks to cool for at least 2 hours. Then place in zip-lock bags and store them in the fridge or freezer. They will keep in the fridge for several weeks. They will keep in the freezer for several months (unopened and with as much air as possible removed from the bag before sealing). Some squirrels enjoy eating them cold or frozen, but you can also put a cold block into the microwave for about 5-10 seconds to warm it up.
Feed 1-3 per day. Different squirrels will have different energy requirements.
Thanks for the recipe! I love making things from scratch and baking so I am going to give this a whirl today! Henry's is great, but with 4 little ones and 3 not so little ones I go through these like hotcakes...Can we alter the recipe any? Add peanut butter, etc?
09-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Peanuts are a no-no as they are heavy in phosphorous and block calcium absorption. Same with corn ad several other things. Almond butter would be OK.
Did you order the Henry's vitamin pack for it?
09-06-2013, 01:31 PM
Is there a way to feed a squirrel healthy without ordering at least one ingredient at Henry's? Do we have a complete listing of a squirrel's daily needs in vitamins and minerals?
I say this for anyone outside US, which on TSB is a micro-minority I know ;) . For exemple, shipping in Canada (where I live) increases :wallet the cost (hello fellow Montrealers). I do pay the extra fee, thinking this will be a short term spending, for I plan to release Skip when time comes. But what about a squirrel that is not releasable? Or one that we're too attached too?
I imagine anyone outside of North America reading on this board would find it even more expensive. How do squirrel helpers do in UK, France.... I'm sure they're as fond at their :Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel as we are of ours. Maybe they have their websites (gotta check) but the TSB seems THE main reliable ressource.:thumbsup
:morning Just thinking outloud.
09-06-2013, 02:21 PM
there are other blocks sold in Canada, Harlan maybe, that a lot of people use. They're not as tasty though. have you seen the thread about ordering stuff in Canada. There's one here somewhere.
09-08-2013, 09:05 PM
I used to make mine using the fox valley formula, but really don't know how nutritious for them it was. Then one of the rehabbers here in FL suggested Harland Tekland rodent blocks from
She ships to Canada too. My squirrels love them and my wilds can't get enough of them!
I would love to support Henry's, but I just can't afford it. It's enough to buy the stuff to rehab the babies. I do it, because there's NOBODY in this area willing or have the knowledge or time. And I can't stand to see an innocent animal suffer.
09-15-2013, 08:27 PM
This is actually perfect! I have all the ingredients except the vitamin pack. My girls will absolutely not chew on the rodent blocks.
09-16-2013, 11:43 PM
Hello all, I just made my first batch of these home made blocks, question for the expert cooks out there, what is the final texture of these blocks, after the 1.5hrs at 205F ? Are they hard and crispy or more chewable? :-) I can say that I showed a small pcs to our little friend, and she started nibbling instantly. so, for her first solids, this is perfect! :-)
09-18-2013, 12:21 AM
bump :poke
09-18-2013, 12:28 AM
I think they're more chewable, but you should bump this thread tomorrow during the day if it gets no real attention. Bumping at night doesn't work as well given the few of us that are on. In fact, I'm off to bed right now. :sleep
09-18-2013, 12:35 AM
I let you know when I try to bake em the first time. Should be getting my shipment soon, and I've already got the other ingredients from the store. I just wanted to experiment. It does get expensive when your outside squirrels go through one bag of wild bites in 3-4 days, and the inside babies go through a growth block bag in a week. I'm ordering 5 bags of wild bites and 3 grower every 2-3 weeks, sheesh, that's over 200 dollars a month. Yikes! But I've supplemented with regular mazuri block too, and they like those, but just not as much as the Henry's.
09-18-2013, 08:41 PM
@farrelli, thanks for the input, mine are or came out kinda chewy, I guess the growth version needs to be.... , @kastillo, ok, let me know how yours turn out, but i can tell you one thing, it's seriously sticky stuff!!! wait t'll u start mixing,,,, did I ever laugh! Oh, and she just love them, well, not sure she eats them more than just shreds them up....its a start! :-)
09-18-2013, 08:53 PM
Hello all, I just made my first batch of these home made blocks, question for the expert cooks out there, what is the final texture of these blocks, after the 1.5hrs at 205F ? Are they hard and crispy or more chewable? :-) I can say that I showed a small pcs to our little friend, and she started nibbling instantly. so, for her first solids, this is perfect! :-)
they should be firm, solid, looking kind of on a hard side, but in fact, they will be chewy to eat, but not too chewy. Sorry, hard to explain. But
they are not rock hard, if that's what you are wondering.
If your dough is too sticky, then, you put too much water.
It's best to add water gradually, mixing all the time and watching for the dough not to be too sticky.
If you use ground nuts, they will release their oils as you knead the dough, so that will add moisture sort of, too.
09-20-2013, 01:16 AM
Thanks Astra, :-) they are hard but soft...and yeah, think that i might have mixed in too much water...since it is growth blocks, it's batch will be somewhat less again for the feedback... ;-)
09-20-2013, 11:15 AM
Sounds like you'll need one of those pizza dough machines that spins and kneads for ya! Sound likes it a lot of kneading
09-20-2013, 11:33 AM
Mine were a little on the wet side too but no complaints from the fuzzbutts.
09-20-2013, 11:59 AM
Piti's not really into the blocks,but he loves avocado. going to try to mix the blocks with a little avocado in a mush mixture. tried just the mush without the avo yesterday,he kinda liked it.thinking of putting calcium in his water. i noticed today he ate some romaine lettuce and cucumber. he's still slurpin fox valley down so i'm not to worried as of yet.
09-21-2013, 05:33 PM
how is this formula adjusted for flyers?
09-22-2013, 01:52 AM
I made mine today and they turned out fabulous!! Looked almost like the actual henry's blocks. I used walnuts, but ground them down in a magic bullet till they were mostly a fine powder, the babies actually ate the whole thing without dropping a crumb.
It worked great.
I used a little wheat flour to get it unstuck from the bowl and into a workable ball. Then I used coconut oil on my hands and on the surface I was working on to form it on up.
I was wondering where you could get bulk whey protein. You can get a pound at henry's for $12. Is there a specific kind you need? And where else could you get it?
09-22-2013, 02:20 AM
I made mine today and they turned out fabulous!! Looked almost like the actual henry's blocks. I used walnuts, but ground them down in a magic bullet till they were mostly a fine powder, the babies actually ate the whole thing without dropping a crumb.
It worked great.
I used a little wheat flour to get it unstuck from the bowl and into a workable ball. Then I used coconut oil on my hands and on the surface I was working on to form it on up.
I was wondering where you could get bulk whey protein. You can get a pound at henry's for $12. Is there a specific kind you need? And where else could you get it?
they look yummy!!! :D and much like the 'authentic" :D
as for protein, I get mine from henry's.
I know some ppl get theirs from GNC and similar places.
I was considering buying protein from a GNC type of store, but then... hesitated.
Due to the nature of some of my past interests, there was one thing i found out - a lot of protein powders of the "sports" type (like what they sell at GNC, VitaminShoppe and such stores) often have various additives that do not always have to be listed.
Thus, there might be mixed certain substances that aid muscle growth - not good for sqs.
Of course, I am sure there are some who do not, but I mistrust them all, and prefer to get henrys, but at least be assured that it is just all protein and nothing else.
Also, a lot of sports-type of proteins add soy protein (it can show up in a form of lecithin), and soy is not a good thing for rodents, really.
Again, this is my choice - I get henrys.
Other people who get it from GNC type of stores say it is working for them, and that's great.
Maybe, I am just overly cautious and paranoid :).
You could try health food stores, but usually, health food stores sell stuff very similar to sport nutrition stores.
Perhaps, if I had more than one squirrel, I would have to reconsider getting henrys and look for something to fit my budget to feed many. Then, I'd look for a sport/health store protein powder, but first: 1) research various brands (their reputation, honesty (as much as this can be possible), quality of their product etc) 2) look at the ingredients and pick the one that has protein only.
09-22-2013, 08:33 AM
they look yummy!!! :D and much like the 'authentic" :D
as for protein, I get mine from henry's.
I know some ppl get theirs from GNC and similar places.
I was considering buying protein from a GNC type of store, but then... hesitated.
Due to the nature of some of my past interests, there was one thing i found out - a lot of protein powders of the "sports" type (like what they sell at GNC, VitaminShoppe and such stores) often have various additives that do not always have to be listed.
Thus, there might be mixed certain substances that aid muscle growth - not good for sqs.
Of course, I am sure there are some who do not, but I mistrust them all, and prefer to get henrys, but at least be assured that it is just all protein and nothing else.
Also, a lot of sports-type of proteins add soy protein (it can show up in a form of lecithin), and soy is not a good thing for rodents, really.
Again, this is my choice - I get henrys.
Other people who get it from GNC type of stores say it is working for them, and that's great.
Maybe, I am just overly cautious and paranoid :).
You could try health food stores, but usually, health food stores sell stuff very similar to sport nutrition stores.
Perhaps, if I had more than one squirrel, I would have to reconsider getting henrys and look for something to fit my budget to feed many. Then, I'd look for a sport/health store protein powder, but first: 1) research various brands (their reputation, honesty (as much as this can be possible), quality of their product etc) 2) look at the ingredients and pick the one that has protein only.
That's exactly my worry, but I've been researching powders, pure, unflavored, organic, etc.... Comparing the values on the henry's protein bag.
I love henry's, but I spend 100's of dollars a month on squirrel nutrition, and it's coming up on the slow season for me at work, and I was just trying to save a few bucks, going to try to build my rehab cottage next year, need all the money I can save!:grin3
09-22-2013, 04:48 PM
That's exactly my worry, but I've been researching powders, pure, unflavored, organic, etc.... Comparing the values on the henry's protein bag.
I love henry's, but I spend 100's of dollars a month on squirrel nutrition, and it's coming up on the slow season for me at work, and I was just trying to save a few bucks, going to try to build my rehab cottage next year, need all the money I can save!:grin3
yes, budget - always :). If i had a lot of babies, I'd be looking into other sources, too
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