View Full Version : Change from FV to solids = Change in Poop?

10-17-2013, 08:23 PM
We have three squirrels Chipette 295 grams, Dale - 325 grams and Cyde 210 grams all roughly 12 weeks.
They all still take FV in a bowl.

They take HHBs we do 5 blocks in the morning at 6:30 at 8 we give them a bowl of milk

at 11:30 we add in broccoli, cauliflower mushrooms, lettuce (depending what is here leaf ice romaine) maybe a sugar snap pea or tw0.

4:30 we do the veggie mixture again

9:30 they get milk and the veggie mixture again

Veggies are pretty much in the cage 24 hrs a day

today we notice a change in their poop its not like it was when just on the FV,pretty much the same color just softer.

Is this normal?


island rehabber
10-17-2013, 08:51 PM
Their poop should not be mushier with the solids -- if anything it should be dryer and harder.
Sometimes the color does change to an olive green or light brown when solids are added to the diet, but there should NOT be mush.
Keep an eye on those poops...it's been a banner year for coccidia and if you see the poop getting worse you'll want to get them all on SMZ-TMP or metronizadole ASAP....don't wait around until the situation is critical.

Also: their diet could stand a few more dark leafy greens like kale, chickory, or escarole. :thumbsup

10-17-2013, 09:03 PM
ok so now i am worried LOL. I will add some more leafy greens tomorrow

and keep a close eye on them..they are all insanely active, and completely normal other then this change in poop.

10-17-2013, 09:04 PM
PS What is SMZ-TMP or metronizadole and where would i get it?