View Full Version : Fox Valley is here!

11-19-2012, 07:04 PM
My FV just got here :) A day early too, YES! I have feedign the goat milk, HWC, and Yogurt. I was wondering if I should just go straight FV or what? What, do y'all recommend? Thanks

11-19-2012, 07:15 PM
transition gradually:
mix each - GM and FV - according to instructions.
Then, mix them as follows:
1. 25% FV + 75% GM
2. 50%FV + 50% GM
3. 75%FV + 25% GN
4. 100% FV

How long to stay on each ratio will depend on how well the baby digests.
Try each ratio for 2-3 feedings. if the poop is ok, move on the next ratio. And so on until it's 100% FV.
Sometimes, it's worth spending a day or two on each ratio with especially sensitive babies.

11-19-2012, 07:41 PM
Thanks. I didn't see this before I fed her. I mixed it 50/50.Think she will be ok?