View Full Version : New Vit D Research

02-25-2013, 09:20 PM
On humans, but what do you think?


Jackie in Tampa
02-26-2013, 05:21 AM
geez lawheeze... they can scare us and mis guide us and leave us questioning what we should do to stay healthy...
and that can cause high blood pressure...:D oye!

I say eat your veggies!!!!!!!!

Milo's Mom
02-26-2013, 06:22 AM
geez lawheeze... they can scare us and mis guide us and leave us questioning what we should do to stay healthy...
and that can cause high blood pressure...:D oye!

I say eat your veggies!!!!!!!!

My thoughts precisely!

A number of years ago, just a few days after my 30th birthday, I had a regular check-up appointment with my family doctor. Like normal he looked at my charts, asked me the standard questions...then, he glanced at my chart again and said, "Oh, I see that you are now 30. You do realize that it is all downhill from here, right?". I was shocked to say the least. He then told me that as of age 30 my body and bones would no longer be "self-supporting" and that every day for the rest of my life I needed to take a Calcium + Vit. D supplement, as well as, a high quality multi-vitamin.

It was not easy for me turning 30, but I was dealing with it...then he said this....gee, thanks Doc, I feel great!

So, knowing that my Mom has had some bone density issues (and she to the best of my knowledge never took any sort of vitamins in her adulthood) I promptly went out and bought and started taking everything per the Doc's orders, every day, without fail.

NOW, they are telling us that taking a Calcium + Vit. D supplement has been found to lead to hardening of the arteries and blockages. Granted this has been found primarily in women taking the supplements after menopause, but WTH? Now what? Are they going to tell us that taking a multi-vitamin daily could lead to radioactivity?

Who knows who or what to believe when these days.
I guess the best thing at this point is to eat a healthy diet & exercise moderately regularly....just like we all advise for our squirrels. Ya think Henry's might develop an HHB for us humans? :thinking:tilt

island rehabber
02-26-2013, 06:33 AM

Who knows who or what to believe when these days.
I guess the best thing at this point is to eat a healthy diet & exercise moderately regularly....just like we all advise for our squirrels. Ya think Henry's might develop an HHB for us humans? :thinking:tilt
Great idea! Hey, LEIGH!

Of course, you can imagine the backlash against THAT one.....:icon_devil

02-26-2013, 06:34 AM
Great idea! Hey, LEIGH!

Of course, you can imagine the backlash against THAT one.....:icon_devil

Charley Chuckles
02-26-2013, 06:58 AM
Well (and they say to never start a sentence with "WELL" who are "THEY" anyway :thinking ) what I do know is they give grants out to research these studies and they have to keep making stuff up or they won't get the grants and will be out of work :soapbox So one study will say coffee is bad for you next study it is good for you, more grants more money more mass confusion :shakehead
Now I will go take my 2 Citrical Max with my large cup of coffee :thumbsup

02-26-2013, 07:36 AM
There are so many things in play here, but one very large one that you always need to keep in the back of your head is the same thing homocide detectives should always ask first - "who benefits?"

The big pharmaceutical companies hold enormous influence about every piece of information that you see, particularly that in the basic mainstream because of the insane amounts of money they make. They REALLY do not like nice, cheap vitamin and mineral supplements that might eat into their profits. As an aside to THAT, the pharmaceutial company reps are where most doctors get their drug information. Vitamin supplement companies do not have massive lobbying arms and the ability to flood the doctor's offices with nubile young reps scattering samples and lunches and whatever. That means that the majority of doctors have almost NO education about vitamins and minerals save for the very most basic info - like Vitamin C prevents scurvy!

Like the fact that calcium should always be given in conjunction with magnesium, which prevents unused calcium from settling in areas is shouldn't and causing these issues. I also think that WE all have a very valuable piece of information with our specialized knowledge about the calcium to phosphorus link - you don't think that two to one thing is JUST for squirrels, do you. If women watched their diet to REDUCE their phosphorus intake dramatically, took a moderate dose of calcium/magnesium/D and did some weight bearing exercise I bet they could all but put the osteoporosis med pushers out of business...

Charley Chuckles
02-26-2013, 08:06 AM
:goodpost :thumbsup
There are so many things in play here, but one very large one that you always need to keep in the back of your head is the same thing homocide detectives should always ask first - "who benefits?"

The big pharmaceutical companies hold enormous influence about every piece of information that you see, particularly that in the basic mainstream because of the insane amounts of money they make. They REALLY do not like nice, cheap vitamin and mineral supplements that might eat into their profits. As an aside to THAT, the pharmaceutial company reps are where most doctors get their drug information. Vitamin supplement companies do not have massive lobbying arms and the ability to flood the doctor's offices with nubile young reps scattering samples and lunches and whatever. That means that the majority of doctors have almost NO education about vitamins and minerals save for the very most basic info - like Vitamin C prevents scurvy!

Like the fact that calcium should always be given in conjunction with magnesium, which prevents unused calcium from settling in areas is shouldn't and causing these issues. I also think that WE all have a very valuable piece of information with our specialized knowledge about the calcium to phosphorus link - you don't think that two to one thing is JUST for squirrels, do you. If women watched their diet to REDUCE their phosphorus intake dramatically, took a moderate dose of calcium/magnesium/D and did some weight bearing exercise I bet they could all but put the osteoporosis med pushers out of business...

02-26-2013, 08:18 AM
Yeah I was actually mostly posting this for squirrel information - I wonder if this affects what we think on the whole taking Vit D with calcium issue when treating for MBD, for example?

Charley Chuckles
02-26-2013, 10:10 AM
I just use the HHB and put my worries to rest/but I may start eating them , they smell so darn good :jump :D

02-26-2013, 10:19 AM
I sort of agree with CC! The HHBs HAVE calcium, D AND magnesium (and K and all sorts of other stuff that all works synergistically). It is why I try to push them on the MBD threads - calcium alone is not the answer. Nutrition is a very complex science that most people have just the tiniest grasp of...and lots of time that info is skewed by both honest mistakes and deliberate disinformation...

I mean the corn lobby is still trying to convince you that high fructose corn syrup is GOOD for you...:soapbox :shakehead

02-26-2013, 11:24 AM

I mean, if I could figure out exactly how to get the right amounts of calcium, d, phosphorous and magnesium etc. into my squirrel without supplements--woohoo. That would be ideal! Animals (including hoomin ones) really shouldn't be supplementing unless we absolutely have to--we should get all our vitamins/minerals from food because they work synergistically, of course, with everything else found in whole foods.
Sunshine and the perfect amount and correct wild foods for our squirrels would be ideal-- but which ones? How much? It's not that easy, regardless of what we think we know---it's not even easy for Hoomins. :shakehead No matter how much I concentrate on getting enough calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus etc. from whole food, it's quite difficult to get the balance right--and this is eating a ton of veggies and greens, something most people don't get enough of.

And when you live in the north where there is NO uv index more than 3 or 4 in the winter, well, vitamin d is tricky as well. And right now the current science, as published in peer-reviewed, scientific journals, suggests northerners should take vitamin d in the winter. Anyone south of northern Canada can probably get enough from the sun--if they are committed and/or able to do so, which isn't always the case. But can their indoor squirrels? :dono

Having said all that and confoozling people with my opinion :innocent , I agree, HHBs, are so very helpful for our squirrels diets. :thumbsup

02-26-2013, 12:09 PM
Yeah I was actually mostly posting this for squirrel information - I wonder if this affects what we think on the whole taking Vit D with calcium issue when treating for MBD, for example?

Personally, I think it has no bearing. Without actually reading the study, I would take it to mean only that the mechanisms of bone redevelopment simply do not make efficient use of the raw materials available to them as we age. Do squirrels age similarly? Should the MBD protocol be entirely different for aged squirrels? I don't know.

Little Red
02-26-2013, 09:32 PM
On humans, but what do you think?


I'm having a little difficulty with the credibility of an article that is discussing Vit D and calcium but keeps referring to "the vitamins".

Charley Chuckles
02-26-2013, 09:41 PM
Absolutly SUGAR in any form can't be good for you :nono I only use Stivia, has ZERO impact on your blood sugar, no calories, no carbs all natural :thumbsup
I sort of agree with CC! The HHBs HAVE calcium, D AND magnesium (and K and all sorts of other stuff that all works synergistically). It is why I try to push them on the MBD threads - calcium alone is not the answer. Nutrition is a very complex science that most people have just the tiniest grasp of...and lots of time that info is skewed by both honest mistakes and deliberate disinformation...

I mean the corn lobby is still trying to convince you that high fructose corn syrup is GOOD for you...:soapbox :shakehead