View Full Version : Wild nursing mama gnawing on a chicken bone

California Squirrel Lover
09-11-2013, 08:58 PM
Hi, my wild nursing mama has been wanting lots of avacado, and a couple days ago, she found a dried up chicken bone and was gnawing on it right in front of me. I'd seen the bone in the gutter, and next thing I knew, she must have found it, because she was sitting along our fence gnawing the heck out of it. She must have left it there when she was done, because I saw her with it again yesterday, gnawing and licking away. It's now gone, because I saw a crow find it and fly off with it, but I was wondering if it's safe for me to give her a new one? Is this something she must be craving, the calcium from the bone? We've got a roast chicken for dinner, could I clean off a bone and offer it to her? Would I just scrape it clean, or boil the bone to get everything off? She was really going to town on that bone!

09-11-2013, 09:14 PM
I give my flyer chicken bones all the time. She loves it! Wild squirrels eat birds too. I'm sure it's ok to give her a bone, even with some meat on it.

California Squirrel Lover
09-11-2013, 10:07 PM
I give my flyer chicken bones all the time. She loves it! Wild squirrels eat birds too. I'm sure it's ok to give her a bone, even with some meat on it.

:thankyou I just wasn't sure if I needed to do anything first, like clean the bone off, or boil any little bits off, or dry the bone out? But it sounds like maybe that isn't necessary. The bone she found looked dried out and had nothing left on it. She was just going crazy with it! She's my love, super sweet girl. :Love_Icon

09-11-2013, 10:32 PM
what about egg shells? or just eggs? can you get quail eggs that are fresh for her?

California Squirrel Lover
09-11-2013, 10:36 PM
what about egg shells? or just eggs? can you get quail eggs that are fresh for her?

Would I just hand her a quail egg, like just right out of the frig? The whole egg, right? LOL!

09-11-2013, 10:45 PM
yup they eat eggs, and there is tons of calcium in them. might do her good, although i would let them come up to room temp first. just an idea.

quail eggs are itty bitty, just right for a squee.

09-12-2013, 12:11 AM
For a more concentrated source, you could also put out some deer antler or cuttle bone that you get at pet stores. Or grind some calcium up and sprinkle it on some avocado or something. As I understand it, if they have a big litter, the calcium deletion can actually kill them.

09-12-2013, 11:12 AM
I released a female years ago that used to come back when nursing and would gnaw on the antler bones I left out for any critter that needed them. Here is the link to the site I bought the antlres from. http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=antler.

California Squirrel Lover
09-12-2013, 12:13 PM
:thankyou Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it! I'll let you know which thing I put out for her, and how it goes. :thumbsup

09-12-2013, 05:25 PM
She'll gnaw down and get the marrow out, lots of protein and minerals. a cuttle bone for Calcium would be a welcome treat too.

California Squirrel Lover
09-12-2013, 08:02 PM
She'll gnaw down and get the marrow out, lots of protein and minerals. a cuttle bone for Calcium would be a welcome treat too.

So, in the meantime before I get the cuttle bone or deer antler, it IS ok to give her a chicken bone? Just as is, or I have to wipe or wash it clean? :thankyou:thankyou

09-12-2013, 09:39 PM
well since they eat birds, she might like hers extra crispy??? :eek

i don't think it would really matter alot if it was cleaned or not, give that squirrel a bone. lol

09-13-2013, 09:46 AM
No need to clean if up, she'll like it just as it is :grin3

California Squirrel Lover
09-13-2013, 10:44 PM
LOL, after all my concern over the need to clean off the chicken bone or not, she wasn't even interested in it today! She was up to something today, more focused on hiding food than eating it. The first time I showed her the bone, she stepped over it and came in the back porch, looking for the good stuff, the whole, in shell walnuts (to hide)! When she came again in the afternoon, I showed it to her, but she ignored it. We'll see what she thinks of it tomorrow. She's so sweet. :Love_Icon :grin3 :Love_Icon

:thankyou Thanks you guys for your help and advice on calcium, I appreciate it! :thumbsup:grouphug

09-14-2013, 07:44 AM
no problems, we love u!

California Squirrel Lover
09-14-2013, 02:52 PM
no problems, we love u!

:thankyou Right back at you guys!! :grin3 :grouphug :Love_Icon:Love_Icon