View Full Version : Help! How do I put my squirrel on a diet? Why is he sleeping so much?
The Betel Nut
10-10-2013, 08:25 PM
My 8 month old squirrel that we rehabilitated from the time he was 4 weeks old has now been going outside on his own. It is an incredible thing. He sleeps inside every night and in the morning he goes outside to play and shows back up on my porch about 5-6 hours later and comes inside and naps. He usually wakes back up and plays. Most recently though he has been sleeping all day when he comes back in. I am concerned because he no longer eats his rodent blocks and is only eating acorns from outside. I noticed his urine has been dark (reddish color) which I believe to be caused by the acorns. However, he is a little plump. My concern is his diet. Getting him to eat rodent blocks again because I don't believe he is getting the proper nutrition outside yet, since he is just learning how to be some-what of a "out-door" squirrel. I also don't know if he is sleeping more because he is exhausted from playing outside or if he is sick. When he is up he acts perfectly fine but he just seems to sleep a lot more too. He recently just started going outside 10 days ago so his body may be adjusting. I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced anything else like this. Thank you.
10-10-2013, 10:51 PM
:wave123 Betel Nut in Tampa :highfive
:Welcome to TSB
Wow, How lucky are you to have an indoor/outdoor squirrel! If he has only been going out for 10 days I think he has a lot of adjusting to do. I wouldn't worry about him being plump at this point. I think it would be normal for him to lose weight as he gets more exercise in the trees and is eating more wild foods.
What type of block was he eating? If he was on one of the commercial blocks like Mazuri, etc, you could try Henry's Wild Bites or the Picky eater block. They have nuts in them to make them more palatable and they contain all the vitamins and minerals that he will need. I am sure that you are aware that as he begins to forage for more of his food from nature, balancing his diet by you will be less of an issue. It is with captive squirrels that a balanced diet is SO critical.
You are correct about the red colored urine. Eating acorns causes red urine. As far as the sleeping too much, it seems to me that the wild squirrels sleep a lot. They are active in the morning and then disappear :sleepand then reappear in the afternoon. I assume that they are sleeping during the day.
The great thing about him coming home every day during this transition period is that you can monitor his health closely and if he seems sick you can keep him in, if necessary. Welcome again. :) You are very lucky to have a friend like him!:thumbsup
The Betel Nut
10-11-2013, 08:36 AM
Wow! You are so wonderful! Thank you :thankyou thank you! That is exactly what I needed to hear. In fact, this morning he woke up extra early (5:30 am) which he usually sleeps until 8:30 am but since he slept most of the day after he played yesterday I guess he was ready to start his day earlier. Also, his urine was normal color today and he went to the "bathroom" and everything looked fine. You were so on point with everything you said. I really appreciate it.
This little guy has become my world. He has taught me so much. I have so many videos and pictures. I am so excited to be part of this forum.
I will definitely check out those other Rodent blocks. Can those be purchased at regular Pet Store or do they need to be purchased online. He was eating Forti-Diet but switched to another brand when the store didn't have that one and he didn't take to it to well so I will try one of the ones you suggested.
He is so happy:crazy playing outside. I can not explain how full my :Love_Icon heart feels. He is such a little ham. Poor thing, some other little squirrel chased him away a few times. He ran to me so quick. It's one particular squirrel that is very territorial of this area, he kind of bullies :poke my little Betel Nut :( . I feel so bad, he's learning though. My only fear is this neighbors dang :soapbox Cat and also the busy cars. I think my little guy is pretty smart though. He will show up back at home every day at the same time. He even comes when I call his name, "Betel Nut" (yes spelled B-E-T-E-L).
Anyway thank you again for you wonderful words of encouragement. One last question…if I ever needed to get him medicine would I be able to take him to a regular vet or would I take him to a wildlife rehabber?
Have a wonderful day!
The Betel Nut
10-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi there,
Where in Florida are you located? :alright.gif:alright. thank you for checking out my post as well!
10-11-2013, 09:22 AM
I would strongly recommend that you try and buy a bag of the Picky Bites. This food differs greatly from pet shop food in that just two to 3 of these provide all of the vtamins and minerals and trace nutrients they need a day, AND, they taste good! They are designed to be fed along with a variety of fresh veggies.
The Betel Nut
10-11-2013, 12:24 PM
Thank you so much. I will order some today!
10-11-2013, 01:29 PM
Do you have pictures???? :grin2:grin2
10-11-2013, 04:18 PM
This little guy has become my world. He has taught me so much. I have so many videos and pictures. I am so excited to be part of this forum.
I will definitely check out those other Rodent blocks. Can those be purchased at regular Pet Store or do they need to be purchased online. He was eating Forti-Diet but switched to another brand when the store didn't have that one and he didn't take to it to well so I will try one of the ones you suggested.
He is so happy:crazy playing outside. I can not explain how full my :Love_Icon heart feels. He is such a little ham. Poor thing, some other little squirrel chased him away a few times. He ran to me so quick. It's one particular squirrel that is very territorial of this area, he kind of bullies :poke my little Betel Nut :( . I feel so bad, he's learning though. My only fear is this neighbors dang :soapbox Cat and also the busy cars. I think my little guy is pretty smart though. He will show up back at home every day at the same time. He even comes when I call his name, "Betel Nut" (yes spelled B-E-T-E-L).
Anyway thank you again for you wonderful words of encouragement. One last question…if I ever needed to get him medicine would I be able to take him to a regular vet or would I take him to a wildlife rehabber?
Have a wonderful day!
Welcome again to TSB. Well if you got em, we'll be needin' to see em... pics and video that is. :poke:grin2
The link that CritterMom posted will get you to Henry's site for the Picky eater block. I think Betel Nut will like them if he eats the KayTee block. On the KayTee, we are talking the blue bag for rats, right? The green bag KayTee for hamsters and guinea pigs is not the correct one for squirrels. It is mostly a seed mix and it is bad for squirrels.
Yes, squirrels are very territorial and that will be one of Betel Nuts challenges to find a place where he can fit in. He is lucky that he has a Mom that he can run to for help. It is a very good possibility that he will get into a 'scrap' with the local boys as he finds his niche. I wouldn't feed the outside squirrels right now. You don't want to draw more competition for Betel Nut. It is great that he comes home to eat and can eat without the stress of 'food fights'.
:eek :eek :eek That's about all I can say about the cats and cars. Unfortunately, I doubt there is anything you can do about either of these threats. I hope Betel Nut didn't grow up around a cat. He needs to have a natural fear of cats to survive. If he relates to a cat as something sitting on Mom's lap, he might not have the proper instincts for survival in the wild.
If you ever need a vet for Betel Nut, members here can link you up with a squirrel friendly vet. Not all vets will see wildlife so I would ask here before I went to one. There is a very good one at Blue Pearl but of course they are pricey. I can PM you with other 'vet options'. :tilt
I want to warn you now that you WILL have some stressful days in the future with Betel Nut. He will get busy out there and forget to come home AND he won't even call. :PhoneYou will be pacing and worrying but don't despair. He might even be gone for days. Welcome to the world of being 'owned' by a squirrel. :sanp3
10-12-2013, 01:58 AM
Talk to Nancy in New York. She has an inside outside squirrel named Fluffer..
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 04:03 PM
:Squirrel Oh my gosh:eek, I just read your post and I am so grateful I did! I have been in utter turmoil:Cry the last day. Everything you mentioned has been so on point! My heart is so crushed right now. As I mentioned Betel Nut comes back every day at the same time and the last 8 months my life has basically revolved around him. So yesterday I had to go to the office for a few hours and I left some peanuts on the side patio and left the patio door open slightly. He usually comes back home between 1:15-1:30. As crazy as it sounds when I went to work I opened the side patio door and I put a trail of peanuts into the house. Well I didn't leave my office until 3 and when I got home all the peanuts were gone and so was he. So as you mentioned I have been pacing in a complete frantic. Calling his name, walking up and down the block, in and out of my house constantly, using binoculars. I mean I have been a total mess. I didn't sleep. Betel Nut has never stayed out over night or even stayed out that long. It is so bizarre how attached I became to this sweet little thing. He has been my buddy. I have not been away from him once in 8 months and when I am home he is always attached to me. When he would go outside and I called his name he would come back. However, like you said the other squirrels have become very territorial and I am afraid that they did scare him away. As silly as this sounds but can squirrels get lost? I find that idea to be hard to believe though because he is so smart. I can tell you countless stories of how smart he is. How he would watch me pick something up and a few seconds later when I wasn't looking he would go run over and grab it and hide it. I left a bunch of peanuts out but after reading your post I picked them all up. So it is better not to leave anything out because of the other squirrels. Ugh, I feel so guilty and mad :madd at myself :frustratedx for not being home when he came back. :hissyfit It breaks my heart.
:ohthedrama Sorry I went on a tangent about that. I do have lots of pics and videos I will share but right now my heart is just crushed. I can't even look at his little picture without crying. With regard to the cat situation now I don't have any cats nor did he grow up around any animals. I noticed today another squirrel chirping alerting the other squirrels of the neighborhood cat. It was pretty neat to watch.
I can't thank you enough for what you had shared. Having this forum I know will help me. I was laughing when you wrote the part about "...won't even call":Phone2 because I was saying today I wish he could call. LOL How nuts am I? (no pun intended) The last paragraph you wrote could not have been said at a better time.
:thankyou I really appreciate everyone's help. :grouphug I am open for any suggestions, advice, or experience. Kastillo mentioned Nancy from New York having an indoor outdoor squirrel and I am curious to speak with her and see what she has experienced. I am new to using forums so I am not quite sure how to go about doing that. I just don't know what to do right now. It's out of my hands I guess. :dono You're right I am :owned :squirrel1 I just hope is not scared some where :hidechair and the other Squirrels ran him off :poke
Anyway, I know I am being ridiculous I just have to think positive. I am grateful I have this forum. I just want my little Betel :Squirrel to come back home he doesn't have to stay I want him to be happy I just want to know he safe. I don't want to carry around this guilt feeling like I should have been home and I left him.
Thank you again!
Welcome again to TSB. Well if you got em, we'll be needin' to see em... pics and video that is. :poke:grin2
The link that CritterMom posted will get you to Henry's site for the Picky eater block. I think Betel Nut will like them if he eats the KayTee block. On the KayTee, we are talking the blue bag for rats, right? The green bag KayTee for hamsters and guinea pigs is not the correct one for squirrels. It is mostly a seed mix and it is bad for squirrels.
Yes, squirrels are very territorial and that will be one of Betel Nuts challenges to find a place where he can fit in. He is lucky that he has a Mom that he can run to for help. It is a very good possibility that he will get into a 'scrap' with the local boys as he finds his niche. I wouldn't feed the outside squirrels right now. You don't want to draw more competition for Betel Nut. It is great that he comes home to eat and can eat without the stress of 'food fights'.
:eek :eek :eek That's about all I can say about the cats and cars. Unfortunately, I doubt there is anything you can do about either of these threats. I hope Betel Nut didn't grow up around a cat. He needs to have a natural fear of cats to survive. If he relates to a cat as something sitting on Mom's lap, he might not have the proper instincts for survival in the wild.
If you ever need a vet for Betel Nut, members here can link you up with a squirrel friendly vet. Not all vets will see wildlife so I would ask here before I went to one. There is a very good one at Blue Pearl but of course they are pricey. I can PM you with other 'vet options'. :tilt
I want to warn you now that you WILL have some stressful days in the future with Betel Nut. He will get busy out there and forget to come home AND he won't even call. :PhoneYou will be pacing and worrying but don't despair. He might even be gone for days. Welcome to the world of being 'owned' by a squirrel. :sanp3
10-12-2013, 05:15 PM
Oh my! I was afraid of that. Don't give up Mom, Betel Nut is out there finding his place in nature. Unfortunately, Betel Nut might not be able to build his outdoor home in your yard. He might be a block away ... who knows. :shakehead Outside squirrels sometimes stay away for a week or more and then just show up, like .... What? Is there a problem? I have read the stories of anguished Moms, over and over again. He might even show up, beaten to a pulp and hungry ... but he will still remember his mom and those home cooked meals. I think it's like having a teenager.
I would be worried if the weather was harsh and the food supply was limited by right now the conditions are perfect for BN. The weather is beautiful and the trees have acorns so he is more than likely beginning to feel his wild instincts kick in. Keep in mind that even when hand raised, most squirrels chose freedom in the trees over being pampered by humans. Fluffer is an exception. Yes, he goes out to the trees and then returns to sleep in his bed at night. Of course, why wouldn't he, his Mom brushes his hair with his own personalized toothbrush. :shakehead:peace
You can PM Nancy in New York if you want to discuss Fluffer. He is one-of-a-kind. Here is a link to Nancy's thread about her babies. It is very long but there are many references to Fluffer.
tinfoil Betel Nut phone home. Mom is worried!
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 06:37 PM
That makes me so sad to think he will not be able to build is nest in my yard. It was so funny the other day he was standing on my boyfriends shoulders making his cooing noise as if to warn the other squirrels like he was tough or something. As I mentioned before, do squirrels get lost? Will he be able to make his way back home? He actually is a pretty spoiled squirrel himself. He doesn't sleep in a cage. When he is inside he roams free and he built is own little nest above the cabinets with newspaper and a little carrying case. Every time he would come in from exploring he would nestle in my shirt or robe and fall asleep. He used to sleep in my bed until he built his own nest. The thought of the other squirrels beating him up upsets me so much. He is such a little spoiled chunk I am worried he's scared. He runs to me all the time. Now I am not there and I wasn't home when he came back. I feel so terrible. It's funny after he would play in the trees for a few hours when he showed back up he was always so exhausted and just ready to snuggle and than he would go into his little nest and rest. I am sorry I keep going repeating myself over and over again. Thank you so much for that info about Nancy. I sent her a PM. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I just hope he is ok.
Oh my! I was afraid of that. Don't give up Mom, Betel Nut is out there finding his place in nature. Unfortunately, Betel Nut might not be able to build his outdoor home in your yard. He might be a block away ... who knows. :shakehead Outside squirrels sometimes stay away for a week or more and then just show up, like .... What? Is there a problem? I have read the stories of anguished Moms, over and over again. He might even show up, beaten to a pulp and hungry ... but he will still remember his mom and those home cooked meals. I think it's like having a teenager.
I would be worried if the weather was harsh and the food supply was limited by right now the conditions are perfect for BN. The weather is beautiful and the trees have acorns so he is more than likely beginning to feel his wild instincts kick in. Keep in mind that even when hand raised, most squirrels chose freedom in the trees over being pampered by humans. Fluffer is an exception. Yes, he goes out to the trees and then returns to sleep in his bed at night. Of course, why wouldn't he, his Mom brushes his hair with his own personalized toothbrush. :shakehead:peace
You can PM Nancy in New York if you want to discuss Fluffer. He is one-of-a-kind. Here is a link to Nancy's thread about her babies. It is very long but there are many references to Fluffer.
tinfoil Betel Nut phone home. Mom is worried!
10-12-2013, 07:31 PM
I'm so sorry that you're so sad but I do understand. Actually, everyone here understands. Your friends and family will think you're nuts but here you are among friends ... squirrel friends. We get it! :peace
I doubt very seriously Betel is lost. He had been going out exploring for almost 2 weeks before he came up MIA. Even though he was raised by a human, he is hard wired in his DNA to be a squirrel. I'm sure as you were raising Betel that you observed behaviors that astounded you because YOU didn't teach him that. I bet you didn't teach him to build his nest but somehow he just KNEW that he was supposed to build a nest. When they bury a nut, have you ever observed the pat-pat-pat thing they do with their paws as they cover it with dirt. They just somehow KNOW what to do. I have 2 flyers and one of the most amazing things to me is how a baby flyer launches himself off of a platform and AUTOMATICALLY stretches out those arms and legs to extend their 'wings'. They didn't go to flight school to be able to do that. It is IN them ... they just know. OK, so why did I tell you this ... because Betel is an amazing little creature that is equipped with instincts that help him to survive in nature. This is why I don't believe he is lost. Yes, he might be fearful to come home because of the bully squirrels but I don't think he is lost.
Are there any sounds that Betel responded too? Do you have a treat jar that he recognized the sound of? I click in shell pecans together and my wild guys come running from the trees. Has he heard the sound of nuts rattling together? I would be in the yard early tomorrow calling for him. While it is quiet out and the squirrels are active, I would be out there.
Another member (jbillings) here in Vero Beach FL has a released squirrel (Charlie) that has stayed very friendly with her human family. She lives outside but still visits her family. I need to check out her thread but I believe she just had her first litter. She is down the road in a neighbors yard.
I know that nothing I say will lessen your anguish but just know that we understand and I hope that Betel returns soon.
Nancy in New York
10-12-2013, 08:01 PM
Please forgive me, I didn't read your whole thread, but do you have a nest box in a tree in your yard?
That would encourage him to stay close by, as long as another squirrel doesn't take it over.
Of course keeping the door opened would also encourage that too....I know. :)
I sent you a LONG pm. :grin2
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 09:07 PM
Thank you so much! I thought about doing that! Yes, I just read your PM. Thank you so much I will be returning your message shortly. I feel a ton better. :o So grateful!
Please forgive me, I didn't read your whole thread, but do you have a nest box in a tree in your yard?
That would encourage him to stay close by, as long as another squirrel doesn't take it over.
Of course keeping the door opened would also encourage that too....I know. :)
I sent you a LONG pm. :grin2
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 09:24 PM
TOO Amazing you are! Nancy was such an incredible help as well and you have shared such great insight too. It's amazing how well everyone understands. My heart is still hurting but it has definitely been a little more bearable being able to have such caring people who are willing to take the time to share their experience and hope. Yes my family and friends think I am "nuts" but that little guy has been with me every single day. He brings so much joy to my life. He is part of my family. He doesn't even sleep in a cage.
Yes, his behaviors each day fascinated me. I learned so much from BN over the the last 8 months. The sound he responds to usually is a bag opening up. LOL like a chip bag. So I will try doing that. I have 4 big oak trees in my yard and 6 around my house so I will go outside again in the morning and call him. I woke up every hour on the hour starting at 4 am this morning and I would go outside and call him. In fact, I have been walking around my block all day calling him. I need to turn it over to God though and have faith. Having everyone's words of encouragement has definitely put my mind at ease a bit.
Wow, that's great please let me know what has happened with (jbillings) I'd love to hear about it.
Here's a question, how do people find their squirrels in other yards? There are so many trees it's almost overwhelming? Just walk around calling him? I am so bummed I didn't know about not leaving out peanuts and I did leave out some prior to all this so I think that made it worse for him to come back because of the bully squirrels. :poke:squirrel1
Thank you again and again. Attached are some pics of my guy when he was little. Than there are some of him how he would sleep in my robe and ride around with me like that for hours at a time. These pictures make me so happy and sad at the same time. I am so grateful I got to have him in my life though.
21674121674221674321674421674521674621674721674821 6749
I'm so sorry that you're so sad but I do understand. Actually, everyone here understands. Your friends and family will think you're nuts but here you are among friends ... squirrel friends. We get it! :peace
I doubt very seriously Betel is lost. He had been going out exploring for almost 2 weeks before he came up MIA. Even though he was raised by a human, he is hard wired in his DNA to be a squirrel. I'm sure as you were raising Betel that you observed behaviors that astounded you because YOU didn't teach him that. I bet you didn't teach him to build his nest but somehow he just KNEW that he was supposed to build a nest. When they bury a nut, have you ever observed the pat-pat-pat thing they do with their paws as they cover it with dirt. They just somehow KNOW what to do. I have 2 flyers and one of the most amazing things to me is how a baby flyer launches himself off of a platform and AUTOMATICALLY stretches out those arms and legs to extend their 'wings'. They didn't go to flight school to be able to do that. It is IN them ... they just know. OK, so why did I tell you this ... because Betel is an amazing little creature that is equipped with instincts that help him to survive in nature. This is why I don't believe he is lost. Yes, he might be fearful to come home because of the bully squirrels but I don't think he is lost.
Are there any sounds that Betel responded too? Do you have a treat jar that he recognized the sound of? I click in shell pecans together and my wild guys come running from the trees. Has he heard the sound of nuts rattling together? I would be in the yard early tomorrow calling for him. While it is quiet out and the squirrels are active, I would be out there.
Another member (jbillings) here in Vero Beach FL has a released squirrel (Charlie) that has stayed very friendly with her human family. She lives outside but still visits her family. I need to check out her thread but I believe she just had her first litter. She is down the road in a neighbors yard.
I know that nothing I say will lessen your anguish but just know that we understand and I hope that Betel returns soon.
10-12-2013, 10:02 PM
Here is a link to Charlie's thread. It is a very similar story to yours. Charlie worries her Mom and Dad all the time. Being owned by a squirrel isn't for the faint of heart.:)
The pics of Betel are adorable. By the way, are you sure Betel is a boy? The picture of him on the candy jars didn't show any obvious 'hardware' that would make me think Betel is a boy. It is a VERY common issue here. How do you think Charlie the new mom got her name? Oh and there is Moose ... yes another girl. :poke:rotfl
I'll be thinkin' about you tomorrow. I don't think you need to be out there at 4AM though. That's too early for even the squirrels. I'd be out there by at least 7 AM shaking that chip bag. Good luck to you! :thumbsup Good night.
10-12-2013, 10:10 PM
The wilds here are up at first light, just before sunset (the early birds are anyway, lol). I have been following along and am sad to hear Betel Nut is M.I.A.. My babies were released in another town and I get regular updates and we both get anxious when one or another doesn't show up, then there they are, expecting their nut like nothing is wrong :sanp3. I will pray for Betel Nut to return tomorrow :Love_Icon:Love_Icon. Two weeks of running and playing there is a good chance part of that was exploring and checking out nesting possibilities (they tend to have more then one nest). Being in the climate you are in is another plus; here it is so cold at night. Plus lots of nut trees; lol come to think of it, did you really think you could compete with nut trees :rotfl?? I can picture you shaking a can of nuts and Betel Nut in one of those oaks, nibbling on an acorn, thinking "yeah, right!" But the time will come when he wants his Mommy and because of your bond he won't forget you :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
10-12-2013, 10:11 PM
:wave123 I released a squirrel alittle over 2 years ago and she did not like the outdoors....I waited all summer 2 1/2 mos. and when she did not seem to be adapting I brought her in and she is very happy:grin3 she sleeps in our bed:grouphug
Sometimes she would be in the trees freaked out...they blend in so well you'll never see them unless they move...anyway I'd call her and bring out some food...she responded to the nuts tapping together like SR&BT suggested....then I just sit quietly reading or just looking around enjoying nature and then she'd finally calm down enough and come down :dono you could try that...:thinking sometimes when we're walking around calling they never calm down enough to come to us....they're very cautious in the wild....:grouphug
I just released 3 at the end of Aug. and one Sweet P has stayed and comes to the porch to eat every morning and every evening....sometimes when I call her she takes a while and I just sit on the porch and all the sudden she's there:thumbsup
Try not to worry :grouphug I know easier said than done (I'm a worry wart from way back) but take heart one member released her squirrel Meemor and he disappeared for three mos. in the wilds of the Great North and he still found his way back home:Love_Icon
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 10:59 PM
Aw thank you! I believe he is a boy…well that's what I was told anyway. I'll check out her story! Thank you!
I'll post any positive updates! Thanks again :thankyou
Here is a link to Charlie's thread. It is a very similar story to yours. Charlie worries her Mom and Dad all the time. Being owned by a squirrel isn't for the faint of heart.:)
The pics of Betel are adorable. By the way, are you sure Betel is a boy? The picture of him on the candy jars didn't show any obvious 'hardware' that would make me think Betel is a boy. It is a VERY common issue here. How do you think Charlie the new mom got her name? Oh and there is Moose ... yes another girl. :poke:rotfl
I'll be thinkin' about you tomorrow. I don't think you need to be out there at 4AM though. That's too early for even the squirrels. I'd be out there by at least 7 AM shaking that chip bag. Good luck to you! :thumbsup Good night.
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 11:02 PM
Prayers are so awesome! That means a lot. You're right the weather here lately has been beautiful. It's so true when I would first let him out he would be in the trees eating his acorns and couldnt be bothered but when he was ready he would come down and I just have to trust this time will be no different. Thank you for your kind words. I love knowing he won't forget his mommy. That warms my heart. :Love_Icon
The wilds here are up at first light, just before sunset (the early birds are anyway, lol). I have been following along and am sad to hear Betel Nut is M.I.A.. My babies were released in another town and I get regular updates and we both get anxious when one or another doesn't show up, then there they are, expecting their nut like nothing is wrong :sanp3. I will pray for Betel Nut to return tomorrow :Love_Icon:Love_Icon. Two weeks of running and playing there is a good chance part of that was exploring and checking out nesting possibilities (they tend to have more then one nest). Being in the climate you are in is another plus; here it is so cold at night. Plus lots of nut trees; lol come to think of it, did you really think you could compete with nut trees :rotfl?? I can picture you shaking a can of nuts and Betel Nut in one of those oaks, nibbling on an acorn, thinking "yeah, right!" But the time will come when he wants his Mommy and because of your bond he won't forget you :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
The Betel Nut
10-12-2013, 11:10 PM
That's really interesting because the first week or so I released Betel he just stayed close and he didn't hang in the trees too much. He seemed to sit on the fence or climb in the bushes. On my side porch he was always happy just being in the plants. I did what you suggested too. Id sit outside and read, and after a few hours he would just come down from where every he was and jump on me and we would go back inside.
Aw, I love that your little one sleeps in your bed too! Betel used to do that.
It's so true I always would have trouble seeing him in the trees. I would just look for the acorn shells dropping and I knew right where he was. Hearing all these stories makes me feel so good. You have to be a very patient and special person to for squirrels and everyone here has shown just that. Ah, I am going to go to bed with much better thoughts. I look forward to hearing more about everyone's little ones and to share an update on Betel. Sweet dreams.
:wave123 I released a squirrel alittle over 2 years ago and she did not like the outdoors....I waited all summer 2 1/2 mos. and when she did not seem to be adapting I brought her in and she is very happy:grin3 she sleeps in our bed:grouphug
Sometimes she would be in the trees freaked out...they blend in so well you'll never see them unless they move...anyway I'd call her and bring out some food...she responded to the nuts tapping together like SR&BT suggested....then I just sit quietly reading or just looking around enjoying nature and then she'd finally calm down enough and come down :dono you could try that...:thinking sometimes when we're walking around calling they never calm down enough to come to us....they're very cautious in the wild....:grouphug
I just released 3 at the end of Aug. and one Sweet P has stayed and comes to the porch to eat every morning and every evening....sometimes when I call her she takes a while and I just sit on the porch and all the sudden she's there:thumbsup
Try not to worry :grouphug I know easier said than done (I'm a worry wart from way back) but take heart one member released her squirrel Meemor and he disappeared for three mos. in the wilds of the Great North and he still found his way back home:Love_Icon
10-12-2013, 11:16 PM
:grin3 Glad you're finding comfort and support here TSB is the best:Love_Icon Get your rest and we'll all be hoping for Betel Nut to show up tomorrow or soon:thumbsup
10-13-2013, 12:50 PM
Don't despair Betel Mom! :grouphug It hasn't been that long. Really.:peace
The Betel Nut
10-13-2013, 01:18 PM
YOU ARE TOO AWESOME!!! :bowdown How ironic, I just walked inside my house from walking around the block calling him again. My neighbor came over and asked if I had found him yet. LOL He said he heard AND saw me walking around the neighborhood at 5 am with a flash light calling him. SO EMBARRASSING. :o Now they know I am the crazy squirrel lady for sure. :crazy I knew it was too early but I couldn't sleep :sleep1 I live on the corner of a busy road so even at 7 am the noise of the cars makes it a little difficult. Obviously it didn't work out too well- no Betel . I ended up having 3 cats follow me and I heard something in the trees and as I used my flash light to look up there was a HUGE owl. I was like W.T.H. I can't get a break. An owl and 3 cats is not the company I need when I am trying to find my Betel. :( Having all of you has made this process a little less painful and you always seem to send me a message right when I need it. I am so grateful. :wott
Tonight will make the 3rd night if he doesn't come home. I am just trying to be positive. I guess I am just wondering how long I should keep walking around calling his name . I keep worrying :chillpill about my little guy but knowing I am not the only person who has experienced this makes me feel a ton better.
10-13-2013, 01:30 PM
You for sure are not alone :shakehead and think positive...tonight might be the night he peeks in:thumbsup heck this morning he may have been watching from the trees "quiet as a squirrel" who sees an owl:eek :Love_Icon
10-13-2013, 01:34 PM
Oh my! :eek 3 cats and an owl That's down right ridiculous.:poke
I'm not telling you this to discourage you but quite the contrary, I want to encourage to NOT give up hope. Sassysquirrel's Sassy went missing and returned home a year later. Other's have returned in days, weeks and months later. There have been some happy days of rejoicing when a lost little prodigal returns home after a few days or even months away. We will keep the faith! :thumbsup
Just curious, what part of Tampa are you in. By the way, yes, the neighbors are beginning to talk. :)
10-13-2013, 01:47 PM
Betel Mom, you might need to buy one of these to show the police when they get the complaint about a person in a black hoodie stalking the darkness with a flashlight. It will explain a lot. :grin3,589261302
10-13-2013, 02:53 PM
Betel Mom, you might need to buy one of these to show the police when they get the complaint about a person in a black hoodie stalking the darkness with a flashlight. It will explain a lot. :grin3,589261302
:rotfl :rolf
The Betel Nut
10-13-2013, 04:56 PM
OH MY GOSH THAT IS HILARIOUS! I have legitimately become cRaZy Squirrel Lady. Thank you so much for sharing, I needed that! :crazy:crazy
Betel Mom, you might need to buy one of these to show the police when they get the complaint about a person in a black hoodie stalking the darkness with a flashlight. It will explain a lot. :grin3,589261302
The Betel Nut
10-13-2013, 05:08 PM
You are so right on. I start feeling really good and than Ill come across something he nibbled on or find a peanut that he hid in the house and :goodbad my heart will just ache. It's all for selfish reasons of course. He is where he needs to be. I do worry of course though. That he's ok, that he's not scared, that he's finding food (which there is plenty of acorns around) but water. I worry he's getting bullied and he's roaming around alone. It's just ridiculous. I am in purgatory. :devil I have this constant battle :duel in my head. I have to continue on with my life and keep busy so I try to be productive with my day and than I want to hurry home to see if he's there or to make sure I don't miss him if he shows up and then I come home and feel sad. Ugh, lol my life is going down the ****ter. :flush Truthfully, inside I have this feeling he will be back, but than doubt creeps in and worries me. I get so sad because my phone is filled with pictures and videos of him and I can't even look at them. When people ask about him I get so broken up. I have had plenty of animals in my life and I never have become so attached the way I have to this little guy :Squirrel He just came in my life at a time I really needed him. So I am grateful for that. I need to relax and stop being so selfish.
Anyway, I live in South Tampa. Are you located in Florida too? Do you have any squirrels right now yourself? How long have you been in the squirrel game? lol :squirrel1
Oh my! :eek 3 cats and an owl That's down right ridiculous.:poke
I'm not telling you this to discourage you but quite the contrary, I want to encourage to NOT give up hope. Sassysquirrel's Sassy went missing and returned home a year later. Other's have returned in days, weeks and months later. There have been some happy days of rejoicing when a lost little prodigal returns home after a few days or even months away. We will keep the faith! :thumbsup
Just curious, what part of Tampa are you in. By the way, yes, the neighbors are beginning to talk. :)
10-13-2013, 08:53 PM
I know your heart and mind is in total chaos at this point. Really, it's normal and to be expected. It's impossible to love a tiny soul like Betel and NOT be devastated by this development. Even now, in the fire, I want you to keep the faith and expect Betel to come home. I am absolutely serious that it happens ALL the time. Ask pappy1264. About once a month she is agonizing because her stinkers will disappear and then just show up, but not before she is in deepest despair.
When you said you live in South Tampa I almost fell over. The original, ultimate, supreme Crazy Squirrel Lady of this board lives in South Tampa near the AFB. She is Jackie in Tampa. If you live close to her, I would say the Betel is at Squirrel Central right now. :jump She is the ultimate squirrel whisperer. NO KIDDING!
She has raised more squirrels than you can even imagine. She can practically breath life into a dead squirrel. You know we all have our talents but Jackie's gift is clearly squirrels. Heck, I would guess that Betel is probably progeny of one she raised. :poke :rolf
I live in the same county as you. I live about 20 miles from you. If you look on the right side of my post opposite from my avatar you will see that I live in Lithia, FL. (SE Hillsborough County). In terms of this world-wide board we are practically neighbors.:crazy I have 2 flying squirrels. One, my first, I adopted from Jackie. They have threads in the flying squirrel section (Bonzai and Tucker). The crazy squirrel gig started for me about 2 years ago. My mom found 2 baby squirrels in her yard on the ground. Unfortunately, neither one of them survived my total lack of experience. I really never got over it. I grieved deeply for about 2 months and then I found TheSquirrelBoard. Over the past 2 years, I have learned enough to do it right. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I have been unable to take in babies. I have received babies on 3 occasions but Jackie has been kind enough to take them and help me out. Oh, I guess I better warn you now, when people you know are aware of your squirrel passion, YOU WILL GET SQUIRRELS IN THE FUTURE. :Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squi rrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:SquirrelTrust me, it WILL happen. We won't worry about that now. For now we will concentrate our energy on Betel's safe return. If you would like to put up a nest box in your yard, I can help you out with that. I actually just bought 2 more great nest boxes. I haven't even taken them out of the shipping box yet. If you want one, we can work it out and get a box up for you. In the mean time, KEEP THE FAITH! Patti
The Betel Nut
10-14-2013, 09:31 AM
I HAVE TO BE THEE MOST BLESSED PERSON ALIVE! Wow, I just read your post :goodpost and I couldn't read fast enough or even type fast enough I was so excited to respond back. I feel soooooo much better! You are right, he will be ok. It is incredible the out-pour of love, support, and prayers my little Betel has gotten. :grouphug My neighbors are so sweet they call me all the time when they think they saw him (lol). They feed all the neighborhood squirrels and have little squirrel statues :Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel in their yard.
Apparently, the other neighbors have rescued a baby squirrel before too, and from what I understand this is the squirrel mecca. I just moved to this neighborhood but it seems to be prime squirrel territory. I continue to walk up and down my block meeting my neighbors so it's actually turned out to be really fun. This SB has been my saving grace and all your wonderful sweet words of encouragement have kept me from breaking down. :thankyou
Ok….so SERIOUSLY….HOW INSANE is the irony of Jack in Tampa and you in Lithia?!?! I am elated! I have to reach out to her. I don't live far from the AFB either! I'm just so overwhelmed right now. My heart :Love_Icon feels so good! I can not believe how awesome this all is. I am so happy the Squirrel Whisperer only lives a few miles away, and you just the same. I already feel more at ease.
I am so sorry about the loss of your first two squirrels. I can only imagine the utter despair. Having baby squirrels is a lot of work. I know my life practically (rather it did) revolved around Betel Nut when he was little and actually did until he left. That's so cool Jackie was able to help you out with that too. As I was walking a few minutes ago a neighbor shared with me about a friend finding a baby squirrel and I immediately was offering unsolicited squirrel advice lol.
It would be uh-mazing to have a squirrel box and set it up in the yard. I would love to talk to you further about :wallet it and get your help. I will PM you with my phone :Phone2 number. AHHHH….hooray. :wott
On a completely unrelated note, here is a picture of my boyfriend's tattoo that he got months ago of our little Betel Nut. Around the tattoo of the squirrel isn't acorns either. They are Betel Nuts.
People probably wonder why I spell Betel B-E-T-E-L instead of B-E-A-T-L-E. Lol it's not because I am illiterate. He's actually named after a real nut. His original name was "Squirt" and he earned his name one day while we were watching the show, Survivor Man (reality show). The gentleman in the show was doing a series on indigenous tribes. Throughout each episode he was kind of forced to eat Betel Nuts (which is part of the culture and tradition of these tribes). However, Betel Nuts are also a hallucinogenic and make you kind of loopy when eaten. Sooooo….to make a long story even longer, Squirt (at the time) was acting like he had just eaten a few Betel Nuts himself and we started calling him Betel Nut and the name stuck. He would always get cRaZY over any kind of nuts, since at the time we limited his nut consummation to make sure he had a balanced diet. Anyway, we shortened it to Betel most of the time. He was Baby Betel then as he got older he became Mr. Betel. Now he is just THE BETEL. We are not condoning the use of Betel Nuts it was just fitting for the situation and how crazy this has all became.
So that's the story of how The Betel got his name.
I know your heart and mind is in total chaos at this point. Really, it's normal and to be expected. It's impossible to love a tiny soul like Betel and NOT be devastated by this development. Even now, in the fire, I want you to keep the faith and expect Betel to come home. I am absolutely serious that it happens ALL the time. Ask pappy1264. About once a month she is agonizing because her stinkers will disappear and then just show up, but not before she is in deepest despair.
When you said you live in South Tampa I almost fell over. The original, ultimate, supreme Crazy Squirrel Lady of this board lives in South Tampa near the AFB. She is Jackie in Tampa. If you live close to her, I would say the Betel is at Squirrel Central right now. :jump She is the ultimate squirrel whisperer. NO KIDDING!
She has raised more squirrels than you can even imagine. She can practically breath life into a dead squirrel. You know we all have our talents but Jackie's gift is clearly squirrels. Heck, I would guess that Betel is probably progeny of one she raised. :poke :rolf
I live in the same county as you. I live about 20 miles from you. If you look on the right side of my post opposite from my avatar you will see that I live in Lithia, FL. (SE Hillsborough County). In terms of this world-wide board we are practically neighbors.:crazy I have 2 flying squirrels. One, my first, I adopted from Jackie. They have threads in the flying squirrel section (Bonzai and Tucker). The crazy squirrel gig started for me about 2 years ago. My mom found 2 baby squirrels in her yard on the ground. Unfortunately, neither one of them survived my total lack of experience. I really never got over it. I grieved deeply for about 2 months and then I found TheSquirrelBoard. Over the past 2 years, I have learned enough to do it right. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I have been unable to take in babies. I have received babies on 3 occasions but Jackie has been kind enough to take them and help me out. Oh, I guess I better warn you now, when people you know are aware of your squirrel passion, YOU WILL GET SQUIRRELS IN THE FUTURE. :Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squi rrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel:SquirrelTrust me, it WILL happen. We won't worry about that now. For now we will concentrate our energy on Betel's safe return. If you would like to put up a nest box in your yard, I can help you out with that. I actually just bought 2 more great nest boxes. I haven't even taken them out of the shipping box yet. If you want one, we can work it out and get a box up for you. In the mean time, KEEP THE FAITH! Patti
10-14-2013, 04:17 PM
:wave123Betel Mom
Thanks for the story about how Betel got his name. I WAS curious as I have never heard of Betel nuts. The closest thing to an illicit (hallucinogenic) compound that I have encountered is probably NyQuil. :rolf
I have to ask! Are you sure Betel is a boy? The latest pic looks just like a girl. Little boy squirrels have a penis up higher on their belly, just like a boy puppy. :tilt I sure don't see an 'hardware' on that cute belly shot. :poke :rotfl:rotfl
Tell the BF that's a great tat. Yeah, I can tell, you guys are squirrelly!
I'll give you a call. :)
The Betel Nut
10-17-2013, 12:17 PM
The most incredible thing has happened! My Betel is home!!! Over the last 6 days I have been in complete agony as my best little buddy didn't come home one day. He has been venturing out for about 12 days and one afternoon he didn't return. I was in complete turmoil but everyone here kept giving me such wonderful words of encouragement. Although I was so worried I kept the faith. I prayed and prayed and with the help of everyone:grouphug here I told myself that if he wants to be back home he will return. So for 6 days I would leave my side patio door slightly open, I would call tinfoil his name and walk around the block. Than this morning I went in my back yard and sat outside under the trees and prayed and meditated and I thanked God for bringing the Betel :squirrel1 in my life and all the lessons he had taught me. I let go of wanting to try and control the outcome and instead just started thinking about all the good things in my life. I wrote a gratitude list went inside and continued on with my morning. I knew I had to keep going no matter what happened. So as my boyfriend left to go to work he walked outside to the garage and he heard a noise, :eek he turned around and there was the BETEL! :squirrel1 He was on a box of clothes I had out in the garage. I opened the garage door this morning to go for a run and instead of going for a run I got distracted and started doing things around the house. Had I left for my run the garage door wouldn't have been open and had my boyfriend not left at that time I probably wouldn't have gone in the garage anytime soon and even known he was there. My point is, as soon as I let go and let God and trusted what was suppose to happen he came come. I am so grateful and my heart is so full! :Love_Icon:crazy
He is very skinny, he could afford to have lost a little weight but he is definitely much skinner. He has been eating, but mostly just exploring around the house. He seems happy to be home, and he looks tired. I am not sure what the next step is. I know he probably needs to sleep :sleep1(when he is ready). His nest is still right where he left it. So for now I am going to just let him be. I am definitely going to be putting a squirrel box in my front lawn, so possibly the other squirrels :poke will allow him to stay close if he decides to leave again. I am so:grin3 happy:wiggle words can't describe but I had to post this to thank everyone for all the kind words and :grouphug prayers. I will be posting some pictures soon and if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know! Thank you again and again. :thankyou
10-17-2013, 12:58 PM
So glad to hear Betel made an appearance. I released 3 this year and one hangs around daily for treats and the other two hit the woods and weren't seen until yesterday when Maple showed up and bummed treats and skritches. So glad to see her and she "whispered" in my ear right before she headed back to the woods. I hope she keeps coming back for visits but I am happy she's adjusting to being an outside squirrel too.
10-17-2013, 02:50 PM
I am absolutely thrilled by your good news. The Betel is home and Betel Mom is happy again! :wahoo:wahoo:thumbsup
Yep, let's get that boy a nest box up so he has an outside home also. Oh happy day, what great news!!!!! :wave:wave:fireworks
Nancy in New York
10-17-2013, 03:17 PM
:fireworks:banana Betel is home :banana :fireworks
You seriously don't know HOW MUCH TSB needs this good news today.
island rehabber
10-17-2013, 04:09 PM
10-17-2013, 04:21 PM
10-17-2013, 05:05 PM
i am just now tuning in to this post and when he was gone i was crying i was so happy to see that he came home :grin2:thumbsup:jump
The Betel Nut
10-17-2013, 10:39 PM
Thank you! Aw! I love to hear that Maple came back home to say hello. They are such amazing little creatures. Warms my heart :Love_Icon. Thank you for sharing!
So glad to hear Betel made an appearance. I released 3 this year and one hangs around daily for treats and the other two hit the woods and weren't seen until yesterday when Maple showed up and bummed treats and skritches. So glad to see her and she "whispered" in my ear right before she headed back to the woods. I hope she keeps coming back for visits but I am happy she's adjusting to being an outside squirrel too.
The Betel Nut
10-17-2013, 11:29 PM
The Betel :Squirrel wanted me to thank everyone for the wonderful prayers and the awesome welcome :Welcome home messages. Seeing all the posts brought a huge smile to my face :grin3 the :Love_Icon love we've felt from everyone :grouphug has been so wonderful. :crazy:crazy:crazy:crazy:crazy:crazy
It's very neat because since the Betel has come home he has been so lovey and following me every where. He's a very funny little thing he started to try and build another nest with the fake plant leaves above one of my cabinets. He has built a nest like that before in my old apartment (before I moved to my current house). Back than, I felt guilty because I couldn't release him properly since we weren't living in an area where he would be safe to be free. I figured when I moved I could bring him outside and he could build a nest with real trees and leaves. Interestingly enough the Betel spent 12 days outside for hours at a time playing and exploring before he finally decided to leave by himself for 6 days to explore alone only to end up back home and build a nest inside! The Betel will be free to be back outside again (if he chooses) and with the help of another awesome squirrel friend (I met here on TSB) we will be putting up a squirrel box. So hopefully the Betel can stay close. As of right now, I am just looking forward to waking up tomorrow and seeing my best little buddy sitting on top of the kitchen fridge (where he made his first little nest- btw he doesn't live in a cage) ready to greet me in the morning. Hopefully, I'll figure out how to upload some video soon so I can show everyone the Betel building his nest.
Well good night and sweet dreams to everyone and their little squirrel kids. Thank you all again! :thankyou P.S. I am learning that The Betel may not be a HE in fact The Betel may be a She. So stay tuned...:grin2:sanp3
The Betel Nut
10-26-2013, 08:45 AM
I haven't posted in a little bit but I have a lot to share so I will most likely be starting a new thread, "Adventures of Betel Nut." I did want to say thanks to the help of all the wonderful loving people on the SquirrelBoard, I have (slowly) grown to be a much more patient (relaxed) squirrel mommy.
Thanks to my dear friend Patti (HRT4SQRLS) I met on SB Betel I have learned that Betel Nut is in fact a GIRL! Yes, a GIRL. She has also been so kind to get the Betel a nest box for outside. Betel is still coming home every night; Which I will explain later the "adventures" AND challenges of learning to adjust to her habits (the constant worry when she will be home).
In the meantime, she has her nest box above the fridge where her other nest is. She hasn't quite mastered the idea of how it works yet. We want to get her acclimated to it first before putting it outside. So in the meantime she sits on top of it eating her NEW PICKY BLOCK FORMULA -HENRY'S HEALTHY PETS that she loves very much. Thanks to the suggestion (once again) from the lovely people on squirrel board who recommended it.
Well, I am keeping an eye on my little rascal right now has she climbs some trees. I will be posting a new thread later on to share with everyone the challenges of owning, rather being "owned" (as HRT4SQRLS once gently put it) an indoor/outdoor squirrel.
Here's the Betel eating her new little "Picky" blocks and sitting on top of her nest box.
10-26-2013, 02:18 PM
So cute. I'll be looking for the other thread.
10-26-2013, 07:47 PM
It was nice to meet you Betel's Mom.:grin
As you probably have already figured out squirrels love to sit up as high as possible and survey the world below them. I'm not surprised at all that Betel loves the view from the top of the nest box. :poke Silly girl. As long as she gets the idea that she can go inside it, when she is outside hopefully she will claim it as her 'outdoor chalet' or vacation cottage. That's our plan of course ... I hope it's hers as well. From the way this is shaping up she may never spend another night outdoors if she decides to follow the Fluffer route. :rotfl I'm sure that you would be completely agreeable to that.
You can start a new thread OR if you would prefer, this thread can be re-titled and moved to the GreySquirrel Forum. If you want to do that, PM one of the Admins and they can do that.
I look forward to reading about the adventures of Betel. This could get very exciting if she decides to return daily and eventually has babies ... maybe on top of the refrigerator. :grin3
Let me know when you want to hang the nest box in the tree and we'll get it up. :thumbsup
04-08-2014, 07:51 AM
My 8 month old squirrel that we rehabilitated from the time he was 4 weeks old has now been going outside on his own. It is an incredible thing. He sleeps inside every night and in the morning he goes outside to play and shows back up on my porch about 5-6 hours later and comes inside and naps. He usually wakes back up and plays. Most recently though he has been sleeping all day when he comes back in. I am concerned because he no longer eats his rodent blocks and is only eating acorns from outside. I noticed his urine has been dark (reddish color) which I believe to be caused by the acorns. However, he is a little plump. My concern is his diet. Getting him to eat rodent blocks again because I don't believe he is getting the proper nutrition outside yet, since he is just learning how to be some-what of a "out-door" squirrel. I also don't know if he is sleeping more because he is exhausted from playing outside or if he is sick. When he is up he acts perfectly fine but he just seems to sleep a lot more too. He recently just started going outside 10 days ago so his body may be adjusting. I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced anything else like this. Thank you.
My ChunkyMonkey comes back a year after I released him & his brother, Lucky. They were released 2springs ago. They were around a year and a half old. I first put their cage out for 2 weeks, w/them in it. Left it out for about 1month, after We let them go.Chunk came back during that time. He has a big ole oak tree, behind the barn. Then, I didn't see him for about a week. Then, there he was again. Have faith that he's being a squirrel, doing what squirrels do.
Now I have a new baby, Toby. I'm kinda new TSB. Good people, who have great advice.
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