View Full Version : Antlers - best place to get them and what size to get?
02-24-2013, 01:36 PM
I was wondering where you guys get your antlers for your squirrels? Cherry needs some chew toys bad and I've heard good things about squirrels and antlers!
The only ones I could find really were antler "bits":
And a cage-attachable antler:
I'm wondering if this is the best place to buy them and which of the two types should I get? or maybe both? :thinking Also as a lover of all animals the nature of this "product" kind of worries me, are they getting these antler from deer that die naturally or...?
Thanks in advance for the info! :thumbsup
02-24-2013, 01:47 PM
The small pieces don't work for my squirrels as well as the larger sizes. When they have a really large size they can sit on it and chew.
You could attach a small piece of antler to a little piece of wood and attach it to the wall or cage so that it sticks out in the air. They have a better time chewing it like that, I think. :dono
Anyhoo, I've gotten my antlers (deer/moose/elk) from hunters around here who hunt for meat. Most antlers available in the stores come from farmed deer.
02-24-2013, 02:09 PM
Hm, I do live in a really rural area (literally surrounded by cows) I could ask around for (larger) antler pieces - there's definitely hunters around here....
I'm just worried that it'd be dirty or have parasites on them or something. Are these fears unfounded? Haven't had any trouble with the ones you've been getting? Either way I'd definitely like to shy away from "farmed deer" :(
02-24-2013, 02:34 PM
I don't think there is much of a problem with antlers, especially if they are taken off the deer and immediately given to you. The ones laying around on the ground after they are shed could be a different story.
Regardless, when I get them I hose them down, lay them in the sun for a day, then I sand them as much as possible. Then I hose them down again and dry and sand once more if I need to. It's probably over doing it, though... :D
02-24-2013, 02:38 PM
The barn dog presented me with an antler a couple months ago - the deer hit the paddocks at night to clean up what the horses leave - and oddly, a couple days later one of the other girls found the mate to the first antler. I snagged them both, I just tie wrapped one of them (after soaking and scrubbing with one of those magic eraser things) to his cage bars, pointy ends OUT. God, the SOUND he makes when he goes to town on that thing - but he chews it a lot.
02-24-2013, 02:50 PM
I have lots of antlers, but sorta hate to give them a matched rack. They are so hard to find shed in the field.
02-24-2013, 02:50 PM
Crittermom made me think of something: If you live in a rural area where there are deer, you could go for long walks in the woods they frequent (away from hunting areas!) sometime between January-April (ask around to see when deer in your area shed them). You might get lucky and find an antler. I've found two like that before. :D
02-24-2013, 04:02 PM
Crittermom made me think of something: If you live in a rural area where there are deer, you could go for long walks in the woods they frequent (away from hunting areas!) sometime between January-April (ask around to see when deer in your area shed them). You might get lucky and find an antler. I've found two like that before. :D
I was amazed - they are clearly a set, but found by two different species on two different days! Mozart, the golden retriever barn dog is my main squeeze - I bring her cookies and she "trades" for them with goodies - usually shoes and gloves, sometimes a piece of hoof after the farrier or an old pizza crust; a piece of horse poop and I have had her take brushes from MY tackbox to trade (which is really just phoning it in don't you think?) but this time she gave me something I really liked!!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-24-2013, 04:12 PM
Well Lucky me I live in the Concrete nation of Orlando , I have tried the Pet store antler, and they won't touch them, the woods here are not the kind you would want to walk in...snakes.....alligators......Big Biting Bugs.....oh yes there are deer , but I'm not going to go look for some. I would like a source also for a large one to hang.
02-24-2013, 04:34 PM
Just wanted to throw this out there. I read a post somewhere on the board about antlers. The poster stated that his squirrel wasn't too interested in fresh antlers but when he threw in a weathered antler, the squirrel really took to it and chewed it. That sounds reasonable to me.
I bought some of those short (3-4 inch) cutoff tips. They are not weathered. My flyers have NO interest in them at all. Kysska & SSM, I would be happy to give you some if you want to try them with your squirrels. I bought a box. I guess I should throw them on the roof this summer. I bet in our FL heat that would weather them ... fast. :rotfl :rotfl
02-24-2013, 04:50 PM
I was amazed - they are clearly a set, but found by two different species on two different days! Mozart, the golden retriever barn dog is my main squeeze - I bring her cookies and she "trades" for them with goodies - usually shoes and gloves, sometimes a piece of hoof after the farrier or an old pizza crust; a piece of horse poop and I have had her take brushes from MY tackbox to trade (which is really just phoning it in don't you think?) but this time she gave me something I really liked!!
HRT4SQRLS: I agree. The weathered ones I found on the ground have by far the most chews.
I sterilize a great many things, tree limbs, deer antlers,etc. Easy as pie to do, just heat the oven to 175 degrees and toss in whatever for a hour. Done, no germs, bugs or anything left!
02-24-2013, 06:21 PM
The reason it is so hard to find a shed antler is that squirrels and stuff drag them off so fast for calcium. I'm sure all rodents love them.
I saw an invention made of metal poles shaped like a W
Corn was placed in the bottom of the W to encourage feeding of deer in late Jan/Feb when shedding of bucks occurs.
The theory is that the deer come in to eat in the W and their antlers get caught and fall off at the feeder rather than out in the woods. When they are loose they will fall off easily without harm.
One would not want to do this when bucks are not shedding!!!!
anyways, it seems like a good way to collect antlers if anyone wants to try it.
I bake mine in the oven to sterilize them before giving to the squirrels.
02-26-2013, 02:11 AM
Just wanted to throw this out there. I read a post somewhere on the board about antlers. The poster stated that his squirrel wasn't too interested in fresh antlers but when he threw in a weathered antler, the squirrel really took to it and chewed it. That sounds reasonable to me.
I bought some of those short (3-4 inch) cutoff tips. They are not weathered. My flyers have NO interest in them at all. Kysska & SSM, I would be happy to give you some if you want to try them with your squirrels. I bought a box. I guess I should throw them on the roof this summer. I bet in our FL heat that would weather them ... fast. :rotfl :rotfl
That is so kind of you Patti I might have to take you up on that :bowdown
I asked my neighbor if they knew anywhere to get antlers and they mentioned a local meat shop :thinking I guess I can try that too.
Jackie in Tampa
02-26-2013, 04:49 AM
I throw rib bones out back... for years... and ham bones..
we see them up in the tree, then will see them on the ground, they disappear for a coupl months and resurface again with the wild population... I have a really funny 'bone up the tree' story too...
bam dropped right on the head of a realtor that I did not like,
:) my sqs, how did they know:D
I have bought the little marrow filled slices from Chris's and no one touched them.. I have also bought antler tips {from Chris's} that were well loved...
the favorites were given to me by a hunter and they had been laying around for a couple years...I cut them on my miter/chop saw...
sea shells are good too!
02-26-2013, 07:05 AM
That is so kind of you Patti I might have to take you up on that :bowdown
Zoey, D could stop after work and pick them up. I don't know his schedule but I'm usually home by 4PM unless I stop for errands. Wait a minute, I don't have to be home for him to pick them up. I'll leave them in bag on the porch.:thumbsup I'm going to try Annes's suggestion and put them in the oven in hopes that the baking (sorta like weathering) will make them more desirable to my boys. :dono
Charley Chuckles
02-26-2013, 07:08 AM
So that's your secret to your great baking :poke :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
I sterilize a great many things, tree limbs, deer antlers,etc. Easy as pie to do, just heat the oven to 175 degrees and toss in whatever for a hour. Done, no germs, bugs or anything left!
02-26-2013, 08:46 AM
So that's your secret to your great baking :poke :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
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