View Full Version : HBV Adult Squirrel Diet

06-24-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi all,

I have a HBV adult eastern grey squirrel taken in last week. He is on Metacam for another day, and all I can do is wait and see from there. He is physically fine but for a few scrapes, but is neurological and may be deaf.

He is eating, but still too skinny for my tastes. He's taking advantage of the fresh foods I'm giving and not touching his dry mix too often (mix of seeds, cereals, rodent block, etc). He's in love with fresh avocado, corn, berries, and grapes, and isn't a fan of carrots, green beans, and peppers. (MY NR squirrel could care less - he will eat anything!) I can feel his bones when I handle him - he hasn't lost a lot of weight while with me, just came in a wild fairly skinny boy.

Does anyone have any suggestions on additional foods I can offer him that may bump up his weight? I don't want to increase the amount of avocado, corn, berries, and grapes he is getting, as too much of each can be bad.


06-28-2013, 10:53 PM
Omit the corn, seeds and cereals. You could try Fox Valley formula, add heavy whipping cream to it for the fat or offer pediasure, some say they love the pecan flavored one. My older non-release squirrel wouldn't touch it when she was older but loved it when she was still on formula.

06-29-2013, 06:24 AM
Pecan Ensure, wilds really like it. You can add FV, yogurt, extra protein, calcium,etc.