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  1. Question on feeding frequency
  2. My 3 month old sleeps in her potty spot?! Why??
  3. Any rehabber willing to take a baby? Minor injuries but not life threatening
  4. 9 week old squirrel
  5. Condition of new babies
  6. Transition to food
  7. Genital sucking
  8. Eating poop
  9. 5 week old Eastern grey, smelly pee
  10. Rodent block
  11. Feeding Schedule by weeks or weight?
  12. Putting baby back out for mama
  13. Water bottle or dish
  14. Wire cage
  15. squirrels leaving nest with mom still inside
  16. Snorting ?. respiratory concern
  17. Constipation? 6 Week Red Please Advise!
  18. How old is my baby squirrel
  19. Question About Red Squirrel Mothers
  20. Weaning/Release?
  21. Baby flying squirrel needs rehabber (Nashville)
  22. Baby(juvenile) growling at Mama? is little one estranged 🥺https://photos.app.goo.gl/
  23. Moving Outside
  24. Is she melanated?
  25. Wheat straw pellets or hemp for litter
  26. Newbie Questions: 5-6 Week Old Baby Squirrel (Benny)
  27. Weight gain questions
  28. Dwarf Squirrel??
  29. Pinkie grey squirrel in the UK – worried he is not thriving. Can you help?
  30. First time offering water
  31. Ok to use expired Fox Valley?
  32. Pinkies getting bloated
  33. Healthy 9 week old?
  34. Diet
  35. Need help with baby grey
  36. Small for her age
  37. So many questions
  38. Do baby squirrels like to be groomed?
  39. Partner called it a "squirrel hug" but what was it really?
  40. Drinking Urine?
  41. 2 month old baby unknown passing
  42. 5 week southern flying questions
  43. Feeding and enrichment question - Do you feed from bowls or hide their food?
  44. flying squirrel does not want to eat from miracle nipple
  45. 8 weeks old flying squirrel , can I remove the heat source?
  46. Flyer not eating as much
  47. We need advice please!
  48. General Feeding Questions
  49. Sexual maturity in squirrel
  50. Fox squirrel feeding schedule
  51. 1 week without esbilac?
  52. New Esbilac Formula???
  53. No back feet??
  54. Feeding baby squirrel
  55. Bathing
  56. HELP!! Baby Squirrel Questions?!!!
  57. Pepto dosage PLEASE!!
  58. 12 week old squirrel developed diarrhea. Not diet related. Advice please!
  59. Baby squirrel
  60. Baby squirrel
  61. Baby Squirrel or Mouse? Help please!
  62. American Red - Not sitting up yet
  63. Please advise - 8ish week old eastern grey, no tail or back leg move - feed? rehab?
  64. Hoard of seven- next steps
  65. Rectal prolapse
  66. Probably worried over nothing, but still worried - Peeing less?
  67. 2 questions re: fleas and weaning
  68. Dosing prednisone
  69. Holistic Flea Repellant
  70. Hungry Squirrel
  71. Dilemma
  72. Found a baby squirrel on the side walk
  73. please help! peeling skin ( pictures)
  74. 2 week old grey squirrel with bumps all over
  75. Body temperature
  76. How to cause weight gain!
  77. Rehab exam in Ga
  78. Really need some help with almost 4 week baby
  79. 8 baby red squirrels weaning and diet
  81. Lost all four baby flyers
  82. TSB saved my squirrel 3 times in 5 days. Trying to get ahead of the game...
  83. How do you guys do it? Pre-release handholding requested
  84. A bad story
  85. Spazzy Pee
  86. 3wk old with some issues
  87. Baby squirrel not urinating?
  88. Heavy breathing
  89. Baby not urinating
  90. aspiration pneumonia
  91. Baby squirrel feeding schedule
  92. Back legs dragging- please help
  93. Open mouth squirrel
  94. Found a lethargic 5 week baby squirrel - HELP!!!
  95. questions about rodent blocks, feeding, and pooping.
  96. Possible Aspiration
  97. Litter questions.
  98. Squeaking alot/weight gain problem/Dark stools
  99. Rescued a young squirrel during tree removal - What now?
  100. Possible foxer dwarf?
  101. slowly but surely gaining weight
  102. Pacing help?
  103. Chipmunk prerelease
  104. 9 Week fox squirrel, already sort of weening?
  105. Baby flying squirrel found
  106. Baby flying squirrel found
  107. Male squirrel starting week 11 - solid food tricks?
  108. Starting little one on solid food
  109. Single Baby Concerns
  110. 20 weeks old and still wanting formula
  111. Baby chipmunk biting
  112. Flyer not pooping
  113. SEX
  114. When to release juvenile squirrels after rehab
  115. Baby Flying Squirrel Help!
  116. How to make sure no babies in the wall after removal of nest
  117. Sad news, but questions for next time...
  118. BRAT Diet - General Questions
  119. Age question
  120. Bedding question
  121. How do I keep this baby wild?
  122. Guidance on building play cage
  123. First Time Squirrel Mom - 5 Week Old Squirrel
  124. #2 Question
  125. Night feedings
  126. Wisdom needed
  127. New Esbilac Spring 2024
  128. The girl with never ending questions lol
  129. Bella's litter - Can 2 litters of orphan infants be put together ?
  130. Diarrhea
  131. Flowers
  132. Farley's rusks
  133. socializing?
  134. What temp for 3 and a half week old flyer
  135. Squirrel age from pics?
  136. Baby squirrel teeth
  137. Proper technique for feeding baby squirrels
  138. Gender ID my fox squirrel!!!
  139. Skin peeling on baby squirrel
  140. Normal Eating?
  141. Skin Problems
  142. Hydrate between feedings?
  143. First time squirrel parents -- a few questions!
  144. Sleeping while eating
  145. Please help! Three week old, feeding and formula questions!
  146. Aashu's Baby Palm Squirrel Questions
  147. When to introduce healthy blocks?
  148. Correct weight and formula ratio?
  149. Updating Cage
  150. Shaking/Tensing Up Squirrel During Feeding
  151. Things to chew on?
  152. Choking while feeding! Help!
  153. Toy options, what do you use
  154. Possible Chipmunk Aspiration Pneumonia? Help with Baytril dosage
  155. Need assistance with Foraging / Teething
  156. Advice needed 6-7 week old Grey Squirrel
  157. Eating Blocks
  158. Interacting with toys
  159. Squirrels and da bathroom
  160. Morning Meal
  161. Cube vs. Nesting Box
  162. Biting
  163. Weaning Questions
  164. Baby squirrel not growing
  165. Hurricane orphan wild and woolly now!
  166. Hurricane pinkie. Supplies low/limited. Don't know what to do.
  167. What not to feed?
  168. Single squirrel
  169. 7 week old and 10? week old questions
  170. Anyone need help with 1-4 hurricane babies?
  171. Thriving, what’s next?
  172. 3 week old baby grey squirrel not eating good
  173. Baby flying squirrel newby
  174. 11 Week Biting Silicone Nipple
  175. Baby Fox Squirrel
  176. Baby Squirrel Release
  177. Baby pee
  178. Clicking baby flying squirrels
  179. Rocky isn't weaning. >.>
  180. Should jaggery be given to squirrels?
  181. How to strengthen squirrel limbs for it to climb heights.
  182. Indian palm squirrel high pitch squeaking
  183. Has anyone had squirrels dislike the miracle nipple?