- Question on feeding frequency
- My 3 month old sleeps in her potty spot?! Why??
- Any rehabber willing to take a baby? Minor injuries but not life threatening
- 9 week old squirrel
- Condition of new babies
- Transition to food
- Genital sucking
- Eating poop
- 5 week old Eastern grey, smelly pee
- Rodent block
- Feeding Schedule by weeks or weight?
- Putting baby back out for mama
- Water bottle or dish
- Wire cage
- squirrels leaving nest with mom still inside
- Snorting ?. respiratory concern
- Constipation? 6 Week Red Please Advise!
- How old is my baby squirrel
- Question About Red Squirrel Mothers
- Weaning/Release?
- Baby flying squirrel needs rehabber (Nashville)
- Baby(juvenile) growling at Mama? is little one estranged 🥺https://photos.app.goo.gl/
- Moving Outside
- Is she melanated?
- Wheat straw pellets or hemp for litter
- Newbie Questions: 5-6 Week Old Baby Squirrel (Benny)
- Weight gain questions
- Dwarf Squirrel??
- Pinkie grey squirrel in the UK – worried he is not thriving. Can you help?
- First time offering water
- Ok to use expired Fox Valley?
- Pinkies getting bloated
- Healthy 9 week old?
- Diet
- Need help with baby grey
- Small for her age
- So many questions
- Do baby squirrels like to be groomed?
- Partner called it a "squirrel hug" but what was it really?
- Drinking Urine?
- 2 month old baby unknown passing
- 5 week southern flying questions
- Feeding and enrichment question - Do you feed from bowls or hide their food?
- flying squirrel does not want to eat from miracle nipple
- 8 weeks old flying squirrel , can I remove the heat source?
- Flyer not eating as much
- We need advice please!
- General Feeding Questions
- Sexual maturity in squirrel
- Fox squirrel feeding schedule
- 1 week without esbilac?
- New Esbilac Formula???
- No back feet??
- Feeding baby squirrel
- Bathing
- HELP!! Baby Squirrel Questions?!!!
- Pepto dosage PLEASE!!
- 12 week old squirrel developed diarrhea. Not diet related. Advice please!
- Baby squirrel
- Baby squirrel
- Baby Squirrel or Mouse? Help please!
- American Red - Not sitting up yet
- Please advise - 8ish week old eastern grey, no tail or back leg move - feed? rehab?
- Hoard of seven- next steps
- Rectal prolapse
- Probably worried over nothing, but still worried - Peeing less?
- 2 questions re: fleas and weaning
- Dosing prednisone
- Holistic Flea Repellant
- Hungry Squirrel
- Dilemma
- Found a baby squirrel on the side walk
- please help! peeling skin ( pictures)
- 2 week old grey squirrel with bumps all over
- Body temperature
- How to cause weight gain!
- Rehab exam in Ga
- Really need some help with almost 4 week baby
- 8 baby red squirrels weaning and diet
- Lost all four baby flyers
- TSB saved my squirrel 3 times in 5 days. Trying to get ahead of the game...
- How do you guys do it? Pre-release handholding requested
- A bad story
- Spazzy Pee
- 3wk old with some issues
- Baby squirrel not urinating?
- Heavy breathing
- Baby not urinating
- aspiration pneumonia
- Baby squirrel feeding schedule
- Back legs dragging- please help
- Open mouth squirrel
- Found a lethargic 5 week baby squirrel - HELP!!!
- questions about rodent blocks, feeding, and pooping.
- Possible Aspiration
- Litter questions.
- Squeaking alot/weight gain problem/Dark stools
- Rescued a young squirrel during tree removal - What now?
- Possible foxer dwarf?
- slowly but surely gaining weight
- Pacing help?
- Chipmunk prerelease
- 9 Week fox squirrel, already sort of weening?
- Baby flying squirrel found
- Baby flying squirrel found
- Male squirrel starting week 11 - solid food tricks?
- Starting little one on solid food
- Single Baby Concerns
- 20 weeks old and still wanting formula
- Baby chipmunk biting
- Flyer not pooping
- When to release juvenile squirrels after rehab
- Baby Flying Squirrel Help!
- How to make sure no babies in the wall after removal of nest
- Sad news, but questions for next time...
- BRAT Diet - General Questions
- Age question
- Bedding question
- How do I keep this baby wild?
- Guidance on building play cage
- First Time Squirrel Mom - 5 Week Old Squirrel
- #2 Question
- Night feedings
- Wisdom needed
- New Esbilac Spring 2024
- The girl with never ending questions lol
- Bella's litter - Can 2 litters of orphan infants be put together ?
- Diarrhea
- Flowers
- Farley's rusks
- socializing?
- What temp for 3 and a half week old flyer
- Squirrel age from pics?
- Baby squirrel teeth
- Proper technique for feeding baby squirrels
- Gender ID my fox squirrel!!!
- Skin peeling on baby squirrel
- Normal Eating?
- Skin Problems
- Hydrate between feedings?
- First time squirrel parents -- a few questions!
- Sleeping while eating
- Please help! Three week old, feeding and formula questions!
- Aashu's Baby Palm Squirrel Questions
- When to introduce healthy blocks?
- Correct weight and formula ratio?
- Updating Cage
- Shaking/Tensing Up Squirrel During Feeding
- Things to chew on?
- Choking while feeding! Help!
- Toy options, what do you use
- Possible Chipmunk Aspiration Pneumonia? Help with Baytril dosage
- Need assistance with Foraging / Teething
- Advice needed 6-7 week old Grey Squirrel
- Eating Blocks
- Interacting with toys
- Squirrels and da bathroom
- Morning Meal
- Cube vs. Nesting Box
- Biting
- Weaning Questions
- Baby squirrel not growing
- Hurricane orphan wild and woolly now!
- Hurricane pinkie. Supplies low/limited. Don't know what to do.
- What not to feed?
- Single squirrel
- 7 week old and 10? week old questions
- Anyone need help with 1-4 hurricane babies?
- Thriving, what’s next?
- 3 week old baby grey squirrel not eating good
- Baby flying squirrel newby
- 11 Week Biting Silicone Nipple
- Baby Fox Squirrel
- Baby Squirrel Release
- Baby pee
- Clicking baby flying squirrels
- Rocky isn't weaning. >.>
- Should jaggery be given to squirrels?
- How to strengthen squirrel limbs for it to climb heights.
- Indian palm squirrel high pitch squeaking
- Has anyone had squirrels dislike the miracle nipple?