View Full Version : Flyer not eating as much

01-07-2023, 09:27 PM
My little flyer is about 3 months old now but he only takes about 1 ML of formula a day. I figured he was just weaning himself but I've weighed him a couple of times over the past few days because I haven't seen him eating as much. He has lost all interest in blocks and the only things I seem to be able to get him to eat are nuts and waxworms. He throws his veggies around the cage but I don't think he's eating much of them. He will eat part of a blueberry. He has some mazzuri blocks he used to eat but it's hard to tell if he's still eating them. I know at one point he was around 58gs but he at 53.5 right now. He has two hide boxes with fleece in them, a big cage, his activity is normal, but I fear he's slowly losing weight from not eating enough. I tried smearing coconut oil on his henry's but still no luck.

01-08-2023, 08:03 AM
Nuts and wax worms is a formula (diet?) that will eventually lead to the disaster (and potentially fatal) MBD. I'd suggest providing the Henry's block and only the block and once he eats that, offer the veggies. He is not going to starve himself with the block available for him to eat, he is simply holding out for junk food much like a toddler that throws a tantrum because they want fats food and not a healthy home cooked meal.

02-14-2023, 05:45 AM
I've got him eating both his henrys and mazuri again but unfortunately despite seeming to eat much better he is still losing weight. Right now he's at 50.6grams. He is very active on his wheel and running around in the tent for about an hour a night. Could this just be a normal weight for an active southern flyer male? I give him about 2ML of fox valley 4+ week milk replacer every morning, then he eats one henrys block and I give him mazuri and some vegetables. He eats one small piece of nut as a treat in the evening and one small mealworm or waxworm. I see there is something fox valley makes called ultra boost, should I give him that? If the weight is too low for his age, should I take him to a vet? I think he's just over 4 months old.

02-15-2023, 07:06 AM
If he will still take formula I’d definitely add some Ultraboost to it. You can substitute up to 50% of the FV powder with the Ultraboost powder.

I have noticed that my flyer goes through weight fluctuations every year. Right now he is especially lean. This is mating season. There are other times of the year where he looks like he has “man boobs”.:rotfl It’s good that you’re observant to his weight. Continue to monitor it after you begin adding Ultraboost to his diet and see it that helps.

As for his diet. Have you seen the list of foods for flyers? Here it is. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?37700-HEALTHY-DIET-for-PET-Flying-Squirrels

As you can see there are a wide variety of foods they can eat. A varied diet is important. You can try adding some avocado (no skin or pit) as well as fresh coconut chunks to his diet. They will provide some additional fat. Mushrooms are also a very healthy item for flyers as they provide vitamin D which helps with the assimilation of calcium in their diet. Mine prefers shiitake mushrooms.

I only give my guy a half of an unshelled almond very occasionally. And even less often I give him a nut in a shell as a very special treat, primarily as a way to file his teeth.

02-15-2023, 11:14 PM
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I dont know how to work this site I'm new here. My husband and I are taking care of a one week old female squirrel named lucy and there's so much we're learning. Today Lucy woke up with a big of redness on her butt and genital area. Her poop is a little watery right now but I think that's from the formula. Should I be concerned? Please help!

02-16-2023, 06:05 AM
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I dont know how to work this site I'm new here. My husband and I are taking care of a one week old female squirrel named lucy and there's so much we're learning. Today Lucy woke up with a big of redness on her butt and genital area. Her poop is a little watery right now but I think that's from the formula. Should I be concerned? Please help!

Hi Cassie2531, it would be best for you to start a new thread for your squirrel. If it’s not a life threatening emergency post it in this help needed section. You can do that by going to the home page and click on the heading for the section you want to post in. Once you’ve done that you will see an icon button that says “post a new thread”. If you click on that it will open up a new window where you can give your thread a title that describes the help you need and a section for you to write some background history and what is going on with your squirrel. This is the best way to get the most eyes on your issue.

When you make your new post tell us a bit about your squirrel like age, type of squirrel and what you’re feeding. Most times loose stool is the result of improper formula if the squirrel is taking formula.

02-24-2023, 07:02 AM
I've thought he was eating more for a while plus I started giving him lunch time milk again and he's went from a low 50g back up to 55g. I did order the ultra boost but seems we may not need it afterall. I am taking him to the vets at Tuffts in North Grafton MA next week just for an exam to make sure his health is generally well, teeth are not overgrown and all of that stuff since I don't have experience to judge for myself. His mazuri blocks Im not sure how much he really eats. he shreds several nightly but they are piles of crumbs and dust and it seems more is on the floor that got into his mouth. I have him chewing on a shelled hazelnut now to try to keep his teeth healthy as he ignores the deer antlers.

02-24-2023, 11:17 AM
Have you given him any Henry’s blocks? They must be ordered online from Henryspets.com. Most squirrels like them as they’re made from fresh ingredients and tastier than the hard extruded block like Mazuri. I’d try him on the Picky or Hazelnut ones as they seem to be well liked. They aren’t free feeding like Mazuri. One half to one block is all that a flyer needs per day along with foods from the healthy diet for flyers.

02-25-2023, 04:02 PM
Yes he eat's one henry's picky block per day, plus the mazuri (not sure if he's eating or just shredding them honestly), 2-3ML fox valley milk, and then i give him the veggies from henry's list although I think he doesn't eat a whole lot of vegetables. I gave him his first hard shell nut a hazelnut the a couple of days ago and I think he's almost worked his way through the shell now.