View Full Version : American Red - Not sitting up yet

05-19-2023, 09:29 PM
Hello Squirrel peeps.

So a friend put someone in contact with me a few days ago because they found a baby squirrel and had unfortunately witnessed momma die. Apparently took some kind of fall I’m not sure. I rehabbed my NR lady Icarus about 3 years ago she’s doing great despite not having full control of her back legs.

The baby - Flip - I believe is about 5-6 weeks old, eyes were open when he got to me. He’s about 57grams maybe 60 now. Need to weigh him again, but up from the like 43 he was at.

Overall I think he’s doing well eats like a champ can pee and ooo on his own, still taking lots of naps. My main potential concern is that I feel like Icarus was sitting up with her tail curled over her back by this age. He’s still doing the baby spread legs in the back. Not sure if he’s still just too young but figured I’d see what y’all though.

I live in Utah where technically I think American reds are legal to posses but the law is vague and ever vet has turned me down to see my Icarus (granted she’s technically illegal as a Fox squirrel)

He’s on Fox Valley 32/40 I believe 2.5 to 3cc every 4 hours. Not ready for solid food yet but his top teeth are starting to come in.

Should I worry about the back legs at this point or give him another week or two?

05-20-2023, 01:02 PM
If this little one is on Fox Valley 32/40 you should switch him to Fox Valley 20/50. The 32/40 is designed for babies younger than 4-5 weeks. He could probably benefit from the extra nutrition in the 20/50. Red squirrels eyes open between 3-4 weeks old, so your little guy might be younger than 5 weeks. I’d give this little one more time before you begin to worry about his abilities.