View Full Version : Weaning Questions

09-22-2024, 08:07 PM
Hi there!

Simon is around 9.5-10 weeks and around 350g (the last time he let me weigh him). Super active, loves to play and always makes happy grunts when running around.

He eats 2 HHBs throughout the day. If he finishes those early, I also offer Maxuri Rat blocks. He chews on the sticks in his cage and seems to eat some of the bark. He has been introduced to iceberg lettuce, broccoli, dandelion greens, and brussel sprouts.

For the past 1.5 weeks we have been doing 3 feedings where he was eating anywhere from 15-18cc. His morning want of FV formula has remained the same - around 18cc. But he has started to decrease the amount of FV formula during the mid-day feed - 9cc yesterday and 7cc today. This evening he only took 12cc.

First question, is this a common time for squirrels to slowly start weaning?

I know to keep offering the formula until he declines it, but how much of the other foods should he be getting? Just as much as he wants?

09-22-2024, 08:08 PM
Also, here is an updated picture!


09-23-2024, 06:15 AM
Hi there!

Simon is around 9.5-10 weeks and around 350g (the last time he let me weigh him). Super active, loves to play and always makes happy grunts when running around.

He eats 2 HHBs throughout the day. If he finishes those early, I also offer Maxuri Rat blocks. He chews on the sticks in his cage and seems to eat some of the bark. He has been introduced to iceberg lettuce, broccoli, dandelion greens, and brussel sprouts.

For the past 1.5 weeks we have been doing 3 feedings where he was eating anywhere from 15-18cc. His morning want of FV formula has remained the same - around 18cc. But he has started to decrease the amount of FV formula during the mid-day feed - 9cc yesterday and 7cc today. This evening he only took 12cc.

First question, is this a common time for squirrels to slowly start weaning?

I know to keep offering the formula until he declines it, but how much of the other foods should he be getting? Just as much as he wants?

Hi Ppodcor:
It sounds like Simon is doing very well thanks to you! There will be stops and restarts and slow-downs and increases of formula intake if you let Simon make the decisions and of course, that is the ideal way to do so! It is not at all unusual for weaning to begin now but this is a "process" and full weaning may not occur for another 4 or 5 more weeks (also, some Squirrels just like the formula and there may eventually need to be a weaning discussion with Simon). You and Simon are also doing a great job with the "non-formula" components of nutritional support as two HHBs will give Simon a full complement of ALL nutritional requirements but two HHBs weighs only about 10 grams which is not nearly enough for satiety (getting the Simon to feel full) and the other food sources you have introduced including the Mazuri Blocks are all from the lower levels of the Healthy Foods Pyramid and are great choices. The order of how you are offering the solid foods is also optimal as ideally; the HHBs should be consumed first and the other options presented through the day AFTER Simon has finished off the HHBs! As long as Simon continues to do what he is doing and consuming two HHBs offered first thing each day; followed by the Mazuri Blocks along with your other very good choices of healthy food options; you have a great plan that is already in place and I would let Simon have as much of those foods as he wants (especially the Mazuri Blocks)!
Thanks for your care of and love for little Simon Squirrel!
Please keep on with the updates!

09-23-2024, 01:26 PM
Hi Ppodcor:
It sounds like Simon is doing very well thanks to you! There will be stops and restarts and slow-downs and increases of formula intake if you let Simon make the decisions and of course, that is the ideal way to do so! It is not at all unusual for weaning to begin now but this is a "process" and full weaning may not occur for another 4 or 5 more weeks (also, some Squirrels just like the formula and there may eventually need to be a weaning discussion with Simon). You and Simon are also doing a great job with the "non-formula" components of nutritional support as two HHBs will give Simon a full complement of ALL nutritional requirements but two HHBs weighs only about 10 grams which is not nearly enough for satiety (getting the Simon to feel full) and the other food sources you have introduced including the Mazuri Blocks are all from the lower levels of the Healthy Foods Pyramid and are great choices. The order of how you are offering the solid foods is also optimal as ideally; the HHBs should be consumed first and the other options presented through the day AFTER Simon has finished off the HHBs! As long as Simon continues to do what he is doing and consuming two HHBs offered first thing each day; followed by the Mazuri Blocks along with your other very good choices of healthy food options; you have a great plan that is already in place and I would let Simon have as much of those foods as he wants (especially the Mazuri Blocks)!
Thanks for your care of and love for little Simon Squirrel!
Please keep on with the updates!

Sounds good. Thank you for the reply. He has outright refused his mid-day formula today. So, we are ebbing and flowing.

I have noticed that he will sometimes treat the nipple more like his water bottle, and he is doing it more and more. Just the tip in his mouth and I will slowly just push the plunger. Is this something you notice as they get older that means I need to deliver formula differently?

09-23-2024, 01:51 PM
Here is an example of what I mean


09-23-2024, 11:57 PM
Sounds good. Thank you for the reply. He has outright refused his mid-day formula today. So, we are ebbing and flowing.

I have noticed that he will sometimes treat the nipple more like his water bottle, and he is doing it more and more. Just the tip in his mouth and I will slowly just push the plunger. Is this something you notice as they get older that means I need to deliver formula differently?

Hi Ppodcor:
I have seen this "variation" of feeding quite often! What a relatively new baby Squirrel (before eyes open and some time afterward as well) does is only four things; he sleeps, poops, pees and drinks formula as if his life depends upon it as it most certainly does! Nursing by a baby Squirrel is a very complex behavior and is hardwired into them! They hold onto the nipple with all they have, seal it in their mouths, create suction to draw milk into their mouths and then swallow it! They don't need to learn a thing, only you do and you did and Simon nursed and you facilitated it very well and both he and you got him to this current point!

Now, Simon has other options for food but like most young Squirrels his age, he is not yet ready to give up the formula but he knows now that he doesn't need to go "all out" to get his formula; he only needs to have his mouth near the nipple as you will be dispensing the formula as you have always done and Simon is just catching the drops with minimal effort on his part and swallowing them and enjoying doing so! This is nothing to worry about as he knows somewhere in his complex Squirrel brain that his life no longer depends upon the formula and he can be a bit more laid back when he drinks! That's only my opinion but even in my low scale baby Squirrel raising; this video could have been of any number of Squirrels I have cared for in the past! You and Simon are doing well!