View Full Version : Putting baby back out for mama

09-01-2022, 01:33 PM
Good Morning all,

Received a call last night about a baby, eyes still closed, who had gottoen out of it's nest and been picked up and rolled around by a golden retriever. The dog did not leave any punctures or injuries on the baby that I could find, it was just caked in mud and saliva and cold. I got him all cleaned off and warmed up overnight but I was able to spot what I beleive is the nest near where I retrieved him. I was hoping to take him back over there today and put him out for mama to get him back. What are the best ways to go about this? I am fearful of leaving him on the ground in danger, but is it safe to secure a basket to a lower tree limb? Will the mother take him back? And if she does not take him back by the time the chillier evening weather comes is it best to bring him back inside? I want to make sure I do it right. I am already caring for 2 who do not have mothers so if possible I would really like this one to get back where he belongs!

Thank you for any advice.

09-01-2022, 03:40 PM
Can you sit someplace sort of out of sight and watch to make sure no predators show up?

Laying your phone down by the baby while it is playing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGtA8w-hlTw or any of the other baby squirrel cries available on youtube. It will attract CATS as well as mama squirrel, so you have to watch, but if she is close by, whe will investigate.

Baby needs to be kept warm - you can do that with a warm water bottle. Squirrels are in bed at dusk - he needs to be inside and being hydrated and fed by then. It is unlikely mama will return after a couple days.

09-01-2022, 05:27 PM
Can you sit someplace sort of out of sight and watch to make sure no predators show up?

Laying your phone down by the baby while it is playing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGtA8w-hlTw or any of the other baby squirrel cries available on youtube. It will attract CATS as well as mama squirrel, so you have to watch, but if she is close by, whe will investigate.

Baby needs to be kept warm - you can do that with a warm water bottle. Squirrels are in bed at dusk - he needs to be inside and being hydrated and fed by then. It is unlikely mama will return after a couple days.

Thank you very much Critter Mom! I am heading there now to set him out and praying she comes. I will hide out to make sure predators do ot intervene and if I don't see her by dusk I will try again 1st thing in the morning. I am off tomorrow so I can dedicate the day to reunification efforts! This little guy is the plumpest baby I have ever seen. She must be a very good mama so I feel good about the chances.

Thanks again.

09-01-2022, 10:43 PM
Well, I hid out there for a couple hours replaying the you tube sounds. I could spot the mama, and she was definitley watching, but she would not come down from her nest. I have brought him back in for the evening for warmth and feedings. He is eating better and still plump. I will get out there earlier tomorrow on my day off and try again. I still think it's going to happen!