View Full Version : Baby Flying Squirrel Help!
02-05-2024, 05:53 PM
My wife found a tiny baby flying squirrel the first week of September in the grass and we’ve been raising it ever since. He only weighs 23oz still and we’ve been feeding him the special squirrel formula, fruits, vegetables and added supplements. We’re not sure if he suffered an injury when we found him, if he’s developmentally stunted and was pushed out, or if we’re doing something wrong. We’ve had to trim his teeth several times because they were so long, but other than that he seems good and happy. He runs/hops around his cage, is very friendly and loves to be handled, but he doesn’t seem to be growing to an adult size. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
02-05-2024, 06:10 PM
He’s not 23oz, he’s 23 grams lol!!
02-05-2024, 06:22 PM
Just off the top of my head, this kid is a minimum of 120-150 days old. He needs to get on solid food. Vegetables are OK, fruit in small amounts. It is time to wean off of the formula. A couple of suggestions:
1. Solid squirrel-appropriate block. Henry's Health Pets carries them, and they carry the whey protein and vitamin packs that you need to make your own if you are so inclined. It is essential to get your kid on these blocks now - the formula provided the appropriate nutrition for an infant, but is insufficient for a teen/adult squirrel - flyer or otherwise.
2. Your squirrel needs things to chew on to keep his teeth at the right size. Apple branches are a big hit around here.
3. While shelled nuts are really only for treats (rare treats) tree nuts in the shell (Hazelnuts and Almonds are great for little guys) are excellent for chewing and keeping the teeth healthy and the right length.
Your little guy is very hungry, and he needs good solids to be really happy and healthy. Imagine dreaming of a giant cheeseburger with fried onions and only ever getting carrots and milk. He will undoubtedly gain considerable weight with a solids diet. Here is a recipe for making your own block. If you can find Teklad 2018 (or 2014 if 2018 is not available) rodent food at your pet store or agricultural supply store (think Tractor Supply or Farm and Fleet) while you're waiting for Henry's materials to arrive, your little guy will be a very, very happy camper.
Squirrel Block Recipe
Squirrel Refuge Version
Preheat oven to 205 degrees Fahrenheit
Prep time 25 Minutes, Bake time 90 Minutes
· 3 cups nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, filberts, or a mix of these. Mixing Pecans and Walnuts with one of the other nuts ensures balanced Vitamin E.)
· 150 grams or 1/3 bag Henry’s Healthy Protein powder
· 3 Large Eggs
· 2/3 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
· 2 tsp Vanilla
· 2 tsp Aluminum-Free Baking Powder
· 1 to 2 Tbs water
· 33 grams or 1/3 bag Henry’s Vita-mins
Required Recipe Tools
· Grinder or food processor to finely grind nuts
· Electric Mixer (standing mixer works great with the bread hook)
· Gram scale and or measuring cup
· Rolling Pin
· Plastic sheet or pastry cloth (preferred) or oiled surface
· Parchment paper (preferred) or lightly greased cooking sheet
· Pizza cutter (preferred) or sharp knife
1. In bowl number 1, measure out whey protein and set aside.
2. In bowl number 2, break open the three eggs and add vanilla.
3. In bowl number 3, add the baking powder and Vita-mins.
4. Grind the nuts as finely as possible (without turning into nut butter).
5. In bowl number 4, add whole wheat flour and ground nuts.
5. Place the contents of bowl number 2 into the mixer and mix on medium-high speed until eggs and vanilla are thoroughly combined.
6. Add the contents of bowl number 3 into the mixer.
7. Mix medium-high speed, scraping the sides as needed, until smooth.
Note: the baking powder will begin to bubble when added to the wet ingredients and tend to clot until fully combined.
8. Add the contents of bowl number 1 to the mixer and mix on medium speed until mixed well and fairly smooth. Mixture should be sticky.
9. Slowly add the contents of bowl number 4 to the mixer, mix on low speed, scraping the sides. The mixture will be dry. If too dry, add a small amount of water.
10. Roll out dough to 1/3” to 1/2” inch thick and shape into rectangle with your hands. The dough is very thick and somewhat stiff. You did it right if the dough is difficult to roll and shape!
11. Place the dough on parchment paper or lightly greased baking sheet. Tip: Roll it out on a plastic sheet so it easily transfers to the baking sheet.
12. Bake in oven at 205 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes. The low baking temperature helps keep the vitamin and mineral chemical structure intact making a healthier block.
13. When done, remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes.
14. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife cut lengthwise 1/2 to 3/4 in apart.
15. After making all lengthwise cuts, turn and cut crosswise until small cubes are formed.
16. After cutting, let cool for two hours.
17. Place on a paper towel to help absorb additional nut oils, if desired.
18. Once completely cool, place block in bag or closed container in the refrigerator (lasts for two to three weeks) or the freezer for longer storage.
It is good that you have asked. Thank you for caring about your little guy.
02-05-2024, 07:30 PM
He’s not 23oz, he’s 23 grams lol!!
HaHa! At 23oz he'd need an airplane to fly!
02-06-2024, 04:45 PM
The issue is, he doesn’t eat solids. We have fruits, veggies and have tried worms also, but he doesn’t seem to eat them or be able to eat them. He doesn’t make any sound either, other than little squeaks when we try to get sticky off him. He does drink water and the formula we leave in his cage for him, but I know he’s supposed to be bigger!
02-06-2024, 05:20 PM
Can you take more pics of him with his fur dry?
02-06-2024, 05:33 PM
Could this be a dwarf flyer?
How does he act in general? Is he able to run around the cage? Flyers are quite fast…is he fast?
What formula did you feed him when you got him? Will he take formula now?
02-06-2024, 07:46 PM
OK, lots of possibilities here. We need to share more specific information in order to narrow things down. Dwarfism is a certainly a possibility. It is a thyroid condition, and first zeroing in on nutrition may give us more "bang for our buck" on a diagnosis. It will also help confirm or rule out thyroid concerns if the nutrition route doesn't get your little guy where he needs to be.
So, please help us.
What is the exact name of the formula you have been using?
At this point in his life, and given his weight, if formula is all he will take now, please use Fox Valley 20/50. Supplement that with Fox Valley Ultra Boost, which is formulated for weight gain. If you don't have access to Ultra Boost, Add small amounts of full-fat yogurt and whipping cream to the 20/50, and gradually ramp up the yogurt and whipping cream in subsequent feedings. It is essential that your squirrel transitions to solid food. The Henry's Healthy Blocks (try "Picky Blocks") are your very best bet for getting your squirrel to make this transition. Just as with the yogurt and whipping cream, go slow with the block. A little to start, and ramp it up at each subsequent feeding. Once he gets going on those, he'll eat like a 17-year old child after football practice.
You mentioned trimming his teeth. How was this trimming carried out? Is there any sign of chipped teeth or exposed nerves?
If the trimming caused any issues, a little children's Ibuprofen will help a lot. Slip it into his formula. Get his weight to us and we will PM you the correct dosage. Generic is fine, but be careful to not use a different type of pain reliever. You shouldn't have to trim - solid foods and things to chew on (branches, a sparing amount of Hazelnuts and Almonds in the shell, a cuttle bone from the pet store, etc.) should be all he needs to keep his teeth in top shape.
It will be enormously helpful to have current pictures of your squirrel. He needs to be dry and look as he normally does. I'd like to see his eyes and the teeth that have been trimmed. Again, please be specific with all the information you share with us. We want your squirrel to be well, and for you to no longer be worried. We look forward to hearing from you. By the way, of all the dozens of flyers I've cared for, the only time I've heard much out of them is when they alert for nearby danger and when they're annoyed. It is not abnormal for your squirrel to be mostly silent.
02-07-2024, 06:59 AM
Can you take more pics of him with his fur dry?
Those are pics with dry fur lol! He had lost almost all of the hair on his head last month, but it has since grown back.
02-07-2024, 11:04 AM
Looking forward to your answers so we can help!
Can we start with a weight so we can give you information on Ibuprofen dosing?
02-07-2024, 01:03 PM
So let's start here. There is something wrong with your baby and we would like to help. He appears to either be suffering from some sort of metabolic issue, or he appears to be malnourished. We can't do much for metabolic so lets work on what CAN be fixed.
First, WHICH formula have you been feeding him? Brand name, pic of container, whatever. Not all baby animal formulas are the right ones, and baby flyers have their own needs.
I would forget his calendar age just right now. Get a 1cc syringe or 3 and some nipples for it, and begin hand feeding him with the correct formula like he is a bitty baby. We need to know what you are using in order to make changes if needed.
A pic of him sitting on something rather than being held clutched in your hand would be great. Taking that pic with a ruler or tape measure next to him would be wonderful so we can gauge his actual size.
This is pretty much a "hair on fire" situation. You have a bunch of people here who REALLY want to help you figure this out. But since we can't see what he is doing and how he looks, we need your input to guide us so we can.
02-07-2024, 04:29 PM
I sent you a Private Message
02-07-2024, 06:23 PM
Looking forward to your answers so we can help!
Can we start with a weight so we can give you information on Ibuprofen dosing?
Ok, here it goes:
We’ve been feeding him Esbilac Goats milk formula that was recommended on another squirrel page since we found him, starting with a syringe and now we leave it in a small dish in his cage. He drinks the formula no problem and also some water. He will eat fruits and veggies if they are very soft, but he won’t eat anything hard at all. We put squirrels calcium on the food and in the formula. We’ve had sticks, nuts in the shell, a chewing block, seeds and he has no interest in them at all. Tonight he weighs 25g.
He is very playful and will run/hop around his cage, but spends most of the time sleeping under a little towel. We have a heating pad under him that stays on for warmth, which is covered with something so his nails don’t get caught. He will run right to the door in the cage to get picked up and loves running around on our couch. He won’t even pee in your hand if we’re holding him.
We trimmed his teeth with nail clippers as directed on an other forum, because the bottom teeth were cutting into the top of his mouth and the top teeth into the bottom. I’m sure they are cut shorter than people here would like, but we did what we thought was right before we found this forum. I tried to get a picture of his teeth tonight but he wasn’t cooperating lol.
02-07-2024, 07:04 PM
Thank you for posting some more pictures. The teeth issue and not gaining weight is very concerning. If his teeth are mallocluded they may always need trimmed as they may never line up to be worn down normally. The problem with this is that unless you know what you’re doing they can be cut too short where they still don’t line up correctly for him to be able to eat correctly. Also cutting incorrectly can result in the teeth splintering which can cause another issue altogether.
The lack of weight gain might be attributed to the formula you’re feeding as it’s not an ideal formula for this little guy. He could also be a dwarf squirrel. I’ve had a couple of dwarf gray squirrels and it’s a condition called achondroplasia. It entails a whole host of medical issues that these guys can have. It affects their fur, their gastrointestinal tract, their heart and their thyroid…..and sadly their lifespan.
My little guy required feeding by syringe his entire life because he never consumed enough food on his own. I had to mix up ground rodent block with baby food and formula so that he would get the proper nutrition. He suffered from megacolon and was on two prescription medicines to keep his upper and lower GI tract moving.
There is a trusted TSB member who is a rehabber and is very close to you. Her facility is called Acorn Acres. I think your little guys best chance is for you to reach out to her and have her take him. She has experience with dwarf squirrels and flying squirrels which is what this little guy needs.
Please give her a call.
02-07-2024, 07:35 PM
Hi Wcotyjr
Thanks for finding The Squirrel Board and thank you for your concern and care for this little Squirrel.
I am in complete agreement with Mel and that is that I believe this tiny Flyer should be thoroughly evaluated and treated as appropriate and needed at a facility that is Squirrel Friendly and Squirrel experienced! Acorn Acres is ideal! All of us on TSB know the individual who runs Acorn Acres and she is not just an extremely competent and experienced Squirrel Rehabber; she possesses all the equipment and supplies necessary to perform an assessment and then provide for nutrition, fluids, temperature regulation and comfort for your Squirrel and this can begin the second your Squirrel arrives there! I know that you love this Little One but I believe from what I have seen and read that your Flyer needs the expertise that only a specialized Squirrel Rehabber can offer. Not even a Vet can offer the care that will be provided at Acorn Acres! Please permit your little Flyer to benefit from all that Acorn Acres has available and arrange transfer immediately!
02-07-2024, 08:07 PM
First, we all believe that you have done what you have believed to be in the best interest of this flyer. We are grateful for your efforts!
Caring for flyers is different from caring for ground squirrels. When it comes to flying squirrels with special needs, care is even more specialized and difficult for all but the most experienced people. Having seen the latest pictures and taken in your latest information, (thank you for that, by the way,) I am in complete agreement with MEL and StS. Your squirrel needs the help of a highly experienced rehabber. There is none better that the woman who has been recommended to you.
Now, as painful as it is to say so, your baby squirrel will likely soon die without proper care. He needs, in the worst way, care that you cannot give him. This is not your fault - it is purely the nature of the situation. The terribly difficult choice is before you: Keep him with you for the next few days/weeks until he passes (he is suffering now - the jumping around is built in to them to hide weakness from predators' eyes); or, get him to Acorn Acres where - if he has any chance at all - he will be brought to full health and live a long, happy, flyer life.
You took him in. You are clearly kind people. I pray that you choose to give this baby squirrel the amazingly selfless gift of a chance at life at Acorn Acres.
We're with you,
Milo's Mom
02-07-2024, 08:51 PM
I spoke to the wife of the OP. They are planning on bringing her to Acorn Acres Friday evening, which is the first time our schedules worked.
Thank you #teamTSB 😊
02-07-2024, 08:52 PM
This is Wcotyjr spouse and the one who found the baby flyer. I have spoken to Betsy at Acorn Acres and we will be taking her there Friday evening. I am very happy to find there is a rehabber closeby and how to get in touch. All my efforts to find someone early on were dead ends and no vet call backs when I left a messages. This flying squirrel wants to live obviously if she has made it this far on what we have been doing, but it is time for her to go where someone knows what is needed. After speaking with Betsy, I trust she will be in good hands.
island rehabber
02-07-2024, 10:56 PM
This is really an excellent outcome. I know Betsy and Acorn Acres well, and your baby could not be in a better place!
02-08-2024, 04:32 AM
Oh, I am so glad you made the decision. It is a hard one to make - baby fliers may be the cutest things in the world and once you look into their eyes the thought of giving that up seems impossible. You, however, are doing the right thing even though it is hard. They are not easy to raise to begin with and I believe the cosmos handed you one with some problems that are going to make it even harder. It is like going from preschool directly into medical school with no preparations in between.
Thank you for doing this right, no matter how hard it is.
02-08-2024, 06:04 AM
I am very happy to hear that your baby is going to Acorn Acres……and that it is close by so you can visit. :w00t You are making the right decision. These little ones are so frail and dealing with an abnormality (if there is one) just complicates things ten fold.
I was completely clueless when I found my first dwarf squirrel many years ago….. I didn’t even know there was such a thing! With the guidance of the folks on this board I learned that one of the top squirrel vets in the country was only an hour away from where I lived. I was fortunate….with tons of help from her I was able to keep him alive, but it was very challenging. :confused:
Charley Chuckles
02-08-2024, 06:54 AM
👏👏👏 your flyer will be well taken care of 👍
I wish we had a Betsy ACORN ACRES down here in Florida!
Just about all rehabbers in my area for one reason or another are no longer rehabbing 😒
Hey Betsy ever think of expanding to Florida 😁
02-08-2024, 09:22 AM
And here is a that you have been exposed to flying squirrels. Where did you find him? Was it on your property? Under some trees or a structure of some kind? If so, you have probably stumbled onto a flyer colony. It is easy to have them living around you with no idea it is happening... Tiny, quiet, awake when we are asleep and vice versa... If you found him on your property, put up feeder for them. Don't mount it on the tree or structure itself; rather put it nearby. Night vision camera setups are ridiculously cheap. Getting to watch them do what they do - dart around like lightening, flinging themselves off into the void and disappearing in the night is quite magical.
Milo's Mom
02-09-2024, 07:31 PM
Little Scarlett has arrived.
Still not sure what's going on with her special little self. She ate a good dinner and had a little wipedown/bath.
Shes currently curled up in a Cozy Pocket napping.
02-09-2024, 07:46 PM
To the OP:
Each of the people with whom you've communicated has had to say good-bye to at least one beloved creature. We know how difficult this has been for you. You are brave, selfless people. Your little special-needs flyer, in the hands of a true expert, has a chance to survive and thrive. Thank you for your selflessness and the love you have for your squirrel.
02-09-2024, 08:13 PM
Welcome Scarlett. :Love_Icon I hope with MilosMom’s help we can unfold your mystery as to why you are the way you are. :hug
02-09-2024, 08:19 PM
And here is a that you have been exposed to flying squirrels. Where did you find him? Was it on your property? Under some trees or a structure of some kind? If so, you have probably stumbled onto a flyer colony. It is easy to have them living around you with no idea it is happening... Tiny, quiet, awake when we are asleep and vice versa... If you found him on your property, put up feeder for them. Don't mount it on the tree or structure itself; rather put it nearby. Night vision camera setups are ridiculously cheap. Getting to watch them do what they do - dart around like lightening, flinging themselves off into the void and disappearing in the night is quite magical.
My brother-in-law has a feeder set up near a window by his chimney that is at the back of his house. It’s at the 2nd story height. He lives in Massachusetts. Although his house is near the trees it’s not in the trees. While I was visiting last May the flyers soared from the nearby trees and landed on the feeder for a snack. It was amazing to witness through the window. Surprisingly they didn’t seem to mind us watching them.
Milo's Mom
02-10-2024, 08:28 PM
Little Miss decided to crawl off her heated cozy nest overnight and was found frozen stiff this morning. After some emergent warming and fluids and sugar we started our day again at 1 once she was thoroughly warmed. She ate very well...but now 8 hours later her tummy is still full.
Tummy rubs, sq fluids, water orally and antibiotics (I don't like her breathing) and she's in the Incubator for the night.
She's active once you wake her up, she chirps when sq'd and wiggles until she finds her comfy spot.
There's definitely something going on but I'm not sure what yet.
If things don't turn within the next day or so we'll be making a run to see the good doc.
02-10-2024, 09:32 PM
Thanks for keeping us up to date on this little one. She has had such a terribly hard life and has a remarkably challenging journey ahead. Yet, here she is - trooping forward with every last bit of her tiny little self. She already looks a wee bit better. We are soooo rooting for her. Could she be so malnourished that it is taking awhile to fill up her plumbing and getting things moving? Thank you again for taking her in.
02-11-2024, 06:10 AM
What are her poops like? Could she be suffering from megacolon? If she is a dwarf, this is a possibility. Joey had loose stool, but Dr. E still diagnosed him with megacolon. I gave him Cisapride and Metoclopramide for years.
Milo's Mom
02-29-2024, 08:22 PM
Miss Scarlett is filling out. Every so often we have a little blip and she loses a couple grams, but overall I feel that she's doing well.
Absolutely no interest in solids. NONE
02-29-2024, 08:57 PM
She looks a great deal better. Her eyes aren't so dull and sunken in as they were. Solids. Perhaps her growth is so retarded that her system is simply not yet ready to signal for solids? How are her teeth? I remember mention having been made of a home-grown trim or two - is it possible that either it hurts to chew or that she remembers pain from trying to chew just after the trimming?
Thanks for the update.
island rehabber
03-01-2024, 07:02 AM
:Love_Icon i just wuv her....:Love_Icon
Charley Chuckles
03-01-2024, 07:31 AM
Miss Scarlett looks like a little teddy bear ❤️❤️❤️
Milo's Mom
03-23-2024, 10:14 PM
It's been a hot minute...
Scarlett continues to improve and is now growing new furs on her tummy and tail.
We've gone to tube feedings as it is far easier on both of us.
Charley Chuckles
03-23-2024, 10:35 PM
Oh my goodness 😍
Great job Betsy 😘
03-24-2024, 07:53 AM
What a difference. Doubtless she'd have not lived without your intervention. It is actually miraculous to see what the combination of skill, compassion, and the will to live and thrive can produce.
Milo's Mom
03-28-2024, 09:57 PM
She plays
03-29-2024, 07:05 AM
She plays
Great job MM! You are spectacular and so is little Scarlett Squirrel!
Charley Chuckles
03-29-2024, 08:16 AM
Scarlett :clap
She's so cute watching her bouncing around 🥰
I just love her ❤️
Awesome job Betsy 😁
03-29-2024, 08:29 AM
03-30-2024, 10:35 AM
There once was a rabbit named "Abbott"
Who had a need to cohabit
No bunnies around; a flyer he found
And then ol' Abbott did grabbit
The End
03-31-2024, 05:05 AM
Very cute! :Love_Icon. Do they make a little ball that’s stuffed like a stuffed toy? She might like jumping on that and rolling with it.
04-01-2024, 04:04 PM
Haven't been around much, missed a lot of threads including this one. OMG, Scarlett is so precious! Thanks to all who gave advice and got her to Acorn Acres! Thank you, Milo's Mom, for doing what you do!
And thank you wcotyjr for caring for this special baby and for seeking help for her at TSB! Greetings and best wishes, Neighbor, from SE PA! :wave123
04-04-2024, 07:59 AM
Looks like a little kangaroo! :grin2
Milo's Mom
04-17-2024, 09:25 PM
Scarlett aka Fly Face
Just took these tonight.
04-18-2024, 04:25 PM
Fly Face? Nooooo ... Scarlett! Not sure what you think about as you doze into sleep each night. If it doesn't include an accounting of all the good you've done that day, you're selling yourself short. Scarlett is miraculous.
04-18-2024, 06:18 PM
This post thread is a beautiful story of saving a beautiful little flyer girl. I can't thank the original posting Husband/Wife for the initial rescue followed by a heartbreaking decision to let go and place her in expert rehab care. Once again, the teamwork of TSB members pulled together with all their wisdom to save this little squirrel's life. Regardless of emotions in the posts, the goal never swayed from saving Ms. Scarlett. This is what TSB is all about and I'm honored to be a part of it. Thank you.
Special thanks to Acorn Acres for providing all the needed care and love for Ms. Scarlett.
I hope the OP husband/wife member does login to see these beautiful pictures. They are a part of Ms Scarlett rescue story.
Milo's Mom
04-21-2024, 08:00 AM
Fly Face? Nooooo ... Scarlett! Not sure what you think about as you doze into sleep each night. If it doesn't include an accounting of all the good you've done that day, you're selling yourself short. Scarlett is miraculous.
Aww, fly face is said with the most love. One day I stumbled on my words and meant to say I'm gonna kiss that cute little flyer face of yours...instead I said fly stuck.
Thank you Jamie. I try hard to show gratitude of the successes each day. In complete transparency some days it's very hard. Exhaustion of the season has set in...
Scarlett has quickly become an absolute fan favorite at our events. There are literal squeals of delight when they see her.
04-21-2024, 06:28 PM
You are, I think, old enough to remember M.A.S.H.? They used to call Frank Burns "Ferret Face." Different kind of "love," I suppose.
Aww, fly face is said with the most love. One day I stumbled on my words and meant to say I'm gonna kiss that cute little flyer face of yours...instead I said fly stuck.
Thank you Jamie. I try hard to show gratitude of the successes each day. In complete transparency some days it's very hard. Exhaustion of the season has set in...
Scarlett has quickly become an absolute fan favorite at our events. There are literal squeals of delight when they see her.
Milo's Mom
04-21-2024, 09:22 PM
You are, I think, old enough to remember M.A.S.H.? They used to call Frank Burns "Ferret Face." Different kind of "love," I suppose.
MASH is one of my favorites and David and I watch reruns regularly!! Lol, yes Frank is Ferret Face.
Milo's Mom
05-10-2024, 08:15 PM
Super short video
I made her a little mash ball to see if we could entice her to eat something on her own...she was sniffing it, then ran away.
05-11-2024, 09:48 PM
YouTube video is Private and not able to watch ??
Milo's Mom
05-12-2024, 03:15 PM
YouTube video is Private and not able to watch ??
Whoops! Fixed it, thank you.
Charley Chuckles
05-12-2024, 09:58 PM
05-12-2024, 11:03 PM
Hi MM,
Ms. Scarlett has sure filled out! I don't know much about Flyers so I ask, she can *really* fly ?? I'd be nervous watching her jump off.
You sure have a magic touch. Thank you for all your effort for Ms Scarlett.
island rehabber
05-13-2024, 05:13 PM
Ms Scarlett is downright floofy!
I cannot believe she is so floofy!
Floof on, pretty girl! ❣️
05-13-2024, 05:56 PM
What is floofy ??
Flying Squirrel talk ??
island rehabber
05-13-2024, 10:05 PM
What is floofy ??
Flying Squirrel talk ??
:rofl4. I think when you're even cuter than fluffy, you're floofy!
Milo's Mom
05-26-2024, 10:10 PM
Did a side by side of then and now.
Charley Chuckles
05-27-2024, 07:43 AM
island rehabber
05-27-2024, 04:26 PM
Oh that fabulous face!!! 😍
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