View Full Version : Wisdom needed

04-05-2024, 02:37 PM
So I have a few questions now that my babies are growing (2 of the 3 babies eyes opened this week and my squirrel mama heart is so happy, they are SO stinking adorable 🥰) so first question is I'm currently transitioning off esbilac to FV 20/50 I'm at 75 percent FV and 25 percent esbilac now, but I ordered some ultraboost for one of my babies, she is the runt of the group and she is still gaining weight but not as quickly as her siblings are. She is hydrated and completely healthy looking but I just want to help her chunk up like her sisters 🥰 so can someone give me the ins and outs on the ultraboost (how long do I feed, do I mix with formula according to package, how long does it store for, should I feed it to .05%-.07% of bodyweight just like the formula?) Second question would be now that their eyes are opening how long do I wait to transition them to their cage and nesting box and when do I wean them off the heating pad and how do I go about doing that? And my third and final question would be how do you know when they are ready to use the bathroom on their own? I'm finding some poop and smelling pee on their bedding which I'm washing and changing daily but when I stimulate them after feeding they are still going for me as well. It's getting harder and harder to stimulate them as they are growing because they fight me now and their little nails are getting sharp and for them being so little they are surprisingly strong little toots! If you made it this far you're awesome and sorry for the long winded post but being a first timer I just want to make sure I'm doing all of this right!!

04-05-2024, 05:27 PM
Just when I think I asked all my questions I think of more lol just want to make sure my information is correct, but do I start them on the mineral blocks at 5/6 weeks as long as their teeth are in? And I also read something off another site to give them mineral stones at the point as well, are the mineral stones necessary?

04-06-2024, 08:35 AM
...can someone give me the ins and outs on the ultraboost (how long do I feed, do I mix with formula according to package, how long does it store for, should I feed it to .05%-.07% of body weight just like the formula?)

Mix the Ultraboost directly in with formula following the directions on the bag (3 parts formula to 1 part Ultraboost). Store opened powdered Ultraboost in the freezer just like the formula. After mixing up the formula with water, it should be used ideally within 36 hours (store liquid in the fridge). The new formula incorporating Ultraboost will be fed just like regular formula, so yes 5%-7% (and even more as they get older) of body weight.

Second question would be now that their eyes are opening how long do I wait to transition them to their cage and nesting box and when do I wean them off the heating pad and how do I go about doing that?

The heating pad, set on low, should be under only 1/2 of their cage. This allows them to move to more cooler areas if they get too warm... it also allows them to move off the heating pad to sleep all the time when they are ready. So when they stop sleeping on the heated side, the heating pad can be removed. This is usually 6 or 7 weeks (singletons I find stay on the heat a bit longer than groups that share warmth).

If this is a large cage when they can fall more than 12 - 18 inches, I'd wait until they are very sure footed to place in a larger cage. If using a double Critter Nation cage (or similar), closing off the bottom half of the cage works well for putting 8 week or older in the top portion only until they are 10 weeks or so when access to the bottom can be given. I don't move them into a large cage until they are off the heat for a week or 2...

And my third and final question would be how do you know when they are ready to use the bathroom on their own? I'm finding some poop and smelling pee on their bedding which I'm washing and changing daily but when I stimulate them after feeding they are still going for me as well.

*Typically* they are going on their own at 5 - 6 weeks. I continue to potty them until it becomes too much a challenge... not because they cannot go, but simply as a way of keeping things a but cleaner in the cage. I am usually done with that by 8 weeks.

Just when I think I asked all my questions I think of more lol just want to make sure my information is correct, but do I start them on the mineral blocks at 5/6 weeks as long as their teeth are in? And I also read something off another site to give them mineral stones at the point as well, are the mineral stones necessary?

Typically I don't worry about placing things for them to chew on until they are 12 weeks or so.. up until that age their teeth are not really needing to be kept in check as they have not yet started to "over grow" requiring them to be worn down. Chews can be pesticide/herbicide free sticks, clean rocks, antlers and bones. Mineral blocks are also okay to use.

04-07-2024, 09:51 AM
Do you have rodent block already? When eyes open is the time to add a rodent block to their cage. Most of us use Henry’s blocks (Henryspets.com). The Hazelnut and Picky blocks are favorites. When you initially put block in with them you can cut the Henrys blocks in half so each one has a half. They will undoubtedly shred it and not consume much so cutting them in half helps prevent waste. Eventually they will learn that food comes in a solid form and will consume more. They should ultimately have 2-3 blocks each per day.

Some type of rodent block is imperative for their health until release. They will decide when to wean from formula.

Here’s the healthy diet for squirrels. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels Vegetables are introduced after they are consuming the block well.

04-07-2024, 12:00 PM
So should wait until 6/7 weeks to move them into their cage? I assumed it would be sooner now that their eyes are open and they are becoming more active! I will post a pic of my setup, I have them half on and half off of the heating pad on low but I have noticed often they will crawl over to the non heated side or crawl to the top of the blankets and find a place to burrow. Is there an amount of time I should be feeding the ultraboost for or is it just until I feel satisfied that baby has caught up with her siblings? I will continue to stimulate them to potty for a while longer then especially for the reason you stated as to keeping their bedding clean seeing how I'm washing and changing their blankets daily already because of them urinating on them between feedings. I do have Henry's healthy blocks in the freezer but haven't started them on them yet but I will begin to add them for them to explore with, I didn't figure they would start them until they were in their cage and able to move around better. Also, I did order the critter nation double unit and it's arriving this week and I will block it off and allow them access only to the top portion of it until they are able to navigate well!

04-07-2024, 12:04 PM
I don't know why the picture uploaded upside down :dono but I assure you they are right side up lol!

04-08-2024, 11:06 AM
Yes, I would wait until at least 6-7 weeks before putting them in the critter nation cage. Even then I’d put some layers of fleece on the bottom shelf and the other shelves in case one falls. Provide them a water bottle when you provide the block.

I use Ultraboost from the beginning till they’re weaned. I like my babies to be very plump when they go to the release cage because they don’t eat as well and lose weight when they get in there. The extra calories won’t hurt any of them.