View Full Version : Bella's litter - Can 2 litters of orphan infants be put together ?

04-19-2024, 07:38 AM
You might remember our Bella and sibling Barry (black squirrels) were soft released from our backyard RC last June 2023. They have both come to see us every day, each would come in the kitchen if the door was open. Then we hadn't seen Barry since January and fear something happened to him. Bella still came every day, and as of end March we could tell something was different, she would only come to see us early morning before sunrise and in the evening after sunset, for her meals, not usually in the daytime. Then we checked her tummy and all 8 teets showing :). 2 weeks ago we saw her going in and out of the RC that she was released from last year, knew that was her chosen nest box. We had no idea how many or what age, just keeping our distance. We haven't seen her though for 2 days now and were getting worried. Last night i was woken up by a squealing about 2am. Go out to find one baby at bottom of the RC squealing and another in the corner not moving (She was cold and stiff but looked perfect, must have passed away to the RB the day before). I bring him in to Lisa, go back out to find 4 more huddled and warm in the nest box blanket. No sign of mama Bella. We can't see how Bella could still be alive and leave them like that. All 5 are in perfect health, we guess about 3-4 weeks old (eyes should open soon), 4 boys 1 girl. Bella had 6 babies, 4 boys 2 girls. Isn't that a lot for a first litter ? We brought them inside, Lisa fed them right way, they're in a bin with fleece blanket.

We're so sad for Bella and her little girl that didn't make it, and Barry we haven't seen since January. Barry was the only one around with tinge of gray/brown fur, and all 5 of Bella's babies have his same fur color. Does it happen sometime that siblings mate ?

There's more.... 2 weeks ago a tree cutter brought 2 newborns to Lisa, a boy and girl black squirrel, from a felled tree, mama did not make it. She's been raising them, they are doing fine.

So now we're caring for a litter of 2(2.5 week old) and of 5(3-4 week olds).
Does anyone have an opinion if we should put all 7 of the 2 litters together, or we should keep them apart ? We're thinking it would more fun for them to grow up and release together.

04-19-2024, 07:47 AM
Someone who does this more than I do will chime in I am sure but I would try, and watch carefully to make sure that the older babies don't get too rough with the smaller ones.

We have a member who posts as Javarat who you should PM. Javarat has an amazing thing going and has for some years. It seems that a fair number of neurologically damaged female squirrels who would normally be either NR or euthanized, make absolutely fantastic foster moms. So instead of euthanasia, they get to be mommies to many, many babies! It is such a win/win it is amazing.


They don't nurse, of course but they snuggle with the babies, protect them, groom them, everything but nurse. It enables Javarat to put many, many babies of varying ages in with a single mom.

I am quite sure they are crazy busy now - it is one of those rehab places that do hundreds of squirrels a year and this is baby season, but you may bet some good tims for blending families.

04-19-2024, 08:55 AM
Thank you CM.

Now we just saw a cage trap in my neighbors driveway behind us, the kind that closes the door when the animal enters it to get a peanut. I highly suspect the lady caught mama Bella a few days ago and also Barry a few months ago, probably took them miles away to let them out in the woods somewhere. Most non squirrel ppl are afraid to handle an adult squirrel, and this lady i am sure is afraid. The lady told me last summer she was trapping 'chipmunk pests'. They have no concern or appreciation of the grief it causes to squirrels, more concerned about not wanting to see nature's wildlife around their yards, total IDIOTS. We're asking our friend in the bylaw dept, but might not be any laws or anything we can do about it.

04-19-2024, 10:49 AM
So now we're caring for a litter of 2(2.5 week old) and of 5(3-4 week olds).
Does anyone have an opinion if we should put all 7 of the 2 litters together, or we should keep them apart ? We're thinking it would more fun for them to grow up and release together.

These are young enough and close enough in age to combine. I have never combined more than 6, but that is simply the max I wanted in the same cage (Critter Nation) until 14+ weeks and ready for the release cage.

04-19-2024, 11:31 AM
Thank you CM.

Now we just saw a cage trap in my neighbors driveway behind us, the kind that closes the door when the animal enters it to get a peanut. I highly suspect the lady caught mama Bella a few days ago and also Barry a few months ago, probably took them miles away to let them out in the woods somewhere. Most non squirrel ppl are afraid to handle an adult squirrel, and this lady i am sure is afraid. The lady told me last summer she was trapping 'chipmunk pests'. They have no concern or appreciation of the grief it causes to squirrels, more concerned about not wanting to see nature's wildlife around their yards, total IDIOTS. We're asking our friend in the bylaw dept, but might not be any laws or anything we can do about it.

Just a thought.....

Any chance talking with the lady and explain Momma Bella had babies and find where Bella was dropped off ?? Its only been 2 days so maybe you have good chance on finding her to bring back ??

04-19-2024, 11:49 AM
:grouphug we have a much larger RC outside than the critter-nation inside. Its about 8ft x 4ft x 7ft-high, hardware cloth all around so very safe for them with the pipe hole plugged up. What age could we move them into the RC (not opened), so they could be in the larger cage and outside in it up to 14 weeks ?

04-19-2024, 11:51 AM
Just a thought.....

Any chance talking with the lady and explain Momma Bella had babies and find where Bella was dropped off ?? Its only been 2 days so maybe you have good chance on finding her to bring back ??

thats what we want ideally and been pondering that one. This lady is not reasonable on anything, is known for calling the town bylaws on any little thing, on us and other neighbors. She would no doubt call them in on us if she hears we are watching the babies.

04-19-2024, 01:11 PM
Just a thought.....

Any chance talking with the lady and explain Momma Bella had babies and find where Bella was dropped off ?? Its only been 2 days so maybe you have good chance on finding her to bring back ??

Of course you’d have to explain that “you’re taking the youngsters to her location not bringing Momma back”.
But seriously 8x4x7 probably isn’t big enough to keep your neighbor in. Especially when I bring a couple over too! Kidding of course :burns

04-19-2024, 01:35 PM
thats what we want ideally and been pondering that one. This lady is not reasonable on anything, is known for calling the town bylaws on any little thing, on us and other neighbors. She would no doubt call them in on us if she hears we are watching the babies.

Ouch! who needs neighbors like that!! I wonder if she called a Rodent Removal Service for the actual trap & removal ?? I have found those services to be animal friendly and try to do good. Maybe call around to some might find where they relocated Bella to. Good luck as time is ticking. My finger crossed for you!


04-19-2024, 04:23 PM
Of course you’d have to explain that “you’re taking the youngsters to her location not bringing Momma back”.
But seriously 8x4x7 probably isn’t big enough to keep your neighbor in. Especially when I bring a couple over too! Kidding of course :burns

There’s room for a good half dozen :hello

04-19-2024, 06:22 PM
:grouphug we have a much larger RC outside than the critter-nation inside. Its about 8ft x 4ft x 7ft-high, hardware cloth all around so very safe for them with the pipe hole plugged up. What age could we move them into the RC (not opened), so they could be in the larger cage and outside in it up to 14 weeks ?

The earliest you should move them out to the outside release cage is 14 weeks.

04-21-2024, 10:25 PM

I had a chat with neighbor, there was mostly denial but reading in between the lines a chance that momma was relocated to a nearby forest.
We visited the forest area 5 times since yesterday, playing baby squirrel sounds and calling Bella. There are other black squirrels there, but no signs of Bella yet. Not sure if she's there or maybe ran over to yards of nearby houses trying to find her way back. We are praying she at least found some nice ppl to help feed her. Its just very worrisome what she's going through, can't say we've ever worried about our kids this much.

Bella's 5 babies are fine and healthy, eyes should be opening within a week. Correction... its 2 girls and 3 boys. They all have a grayish-brown tinge like Bella's sibling Barry (who we also lost in March). They're beautiful.

A kind friend of ours has taken the other 2 younger orphans we were raising (she's done it before at her place in the country).

04-22-2024, 06:19 AM
Update CORRECTION !!!! CM916 CM2279:Love_Icon :grouphug

Our BELLA came back this morning, right up to Lisas hand. Its definitely her, nobody else comes up to us and looks just like her.
We're just so relieved she could make it back home from that forest, and now know she was taken there. Its exactly 3/4 mile from our house, she had to somehow make it through various streets and yards, have no idea how they can do that :squirrel3

So the babies.... as long as we could keep Bella's attention on the porch, we got one of the babies out brought it down to about 2 feet from her. She didn't make a fuss or try to go near it. And Lisa had the smell of the babies all over her hands just having fed them. Bella glanced then turned and ran off to the tree in front. Next time she comes we'll try to get a baby to cry.
Wonder if she'll change her mind when she hears one cry ? But they smell so different now that we're raising them on Esbilac. The night we brought them in they didnt have any odor at all, just perfectly clean little monsters, now they're little stinkers :) Their blanket gets changed every day, with a new one from laundry. For sure they don't smell the same to her.

It's all such a miracle to us she made it back. We know she's safe for now. Some of you gave us hope with that possibility only yesterday, today it came true.
Thank you so much to everyone for support, it means the world. :grouphug

04-22-2024, 07:38 AM
Bella's return is indeed very super-terrific news!

04-22-2024, 08:41 AM
new developement.... Bella just went in the RC nest box to look for them. while she was in we brought the 5 babies up to the hole then Bella got scare a bit and ran out the 2nd hole of the NB and out the RC hole. we've now put them in back in the blanket there and waiting for her. one baby is crying a bit now. Is it safe to do this ???

04-22-2024, 09:47 AM
I would put them in a box or something to contain them IN the RC, NEAR but not in the box. That way you can superivise her when she comes over to interact with them. If why picks one up and takes off with it, she knows they are hers...if she attacks, you need to intervene ASAP.

04-22-2024, 10:05 AM
Excellent news, I’m so happy for you guys!

04-22-2024, 11:08 AM
Squirrels have super powers; They have GPS in their heads and very resourceful when needed. Your prayers are answered to get Bella home. I hope she recognizes the babies are hers and accept them. Fingers crossed again!!

04-22-2024, 12:24 PM
Now just waiting game for miss Bella to come back out of the trees from her nap. I've moved my desk out to the shed waiting for her ! :tap

04-22-2024, 12:56 PM
Now just waiting game for miss Bella to come back out of the trees from her nap. I've moved my desk out to the shed waiting for her ! :tap

Do you have a webcam to setup ?? Maybe a little privacy for Bella.

Being captured and relocated by a human, she might need some time recover trust. Probably was a BIG SCARY experience!

04-22-2024, 01:10 PM
Bella's eye is injured in this morning's photo, maybe from trying to escape the cage trap, or a fight.


04-23-2024, 06:21 AM
Bella did not come around yet since yesterday. We left a couple of walnut pieces at the entrance to her nest box in the RC, They’re still there. Will put the babies out there again in an hour when it warms up.

She only went in the RC yesterday morning after she Came to us at the front door. I saw her go in, and then she sat with her head out the door of the nest box like she used to do when the babies were there. That was when we went to get the babies to bring to her in the cage, and she ran out the hole Because she felt cornered when I Went in the cage. But it sounds like she went in the cage in the first place to look for them. Does anyone else think so?

04-23-2024, 07:09 AM
Today is 6 days since Bella was separated from the 6 (5 now) babies. We are trying again today to reunite them. Is there a time limit when Bella's nursing supply shuts down ?

04-26-2024, 09:38 AM
Bella is back to her routine of visiting us a few times a day and her eye is looking much better. She’s not interested in the babies now, but all 5 doing fine and eyes opened now.

04-26-2024, 03:41 PM
Bella is back to her routine of visiting us a few times a day and her eye is looking much better. She’s not interested in the babies now, but all 5 doing fine and eyes opened now.

Good update with Bella and her eye. I don't know enough but wonder if too much time has passed where she is disconnected from babies ?? I was hoping she would accept them. More work for you. Just glad this was not a total loss. Sorry for the one lost. Your efforts made all the difference in the world for Bella. She knows her home!


04-26-2024, 04:08 PM
Yes too much time passed by. The first chance we had To reunite Bella was five days in, but we kind of messed that up not giving her enough quiet time with them. Then she wondered off for a couple days, By the time she came back, it was seven days in and she was not interested. But we are so thankful that she’s back in Good health after all she’s been through. :grouphug thank you again to everyone To give us guidance

11-02-2024, 07:26 AM
Update on Bella and her babies....

Today we still have mama Bella coming by every day to the feeding station, and 2 of her grown babies (a boy and girl) with their beautiful color scheme.

3 of the other babies passed under the rainbow bridge over the past 2 months, due to cars. They have a habit of crossing the street to hide nuts on the other side. It was very sad. We started a little cemetary on the back side of our garden, for them and others that it happens to.