View Full Version : 2 questions re: fleas and weaning

07-02-2023, 09:17 PM
Hi everybody!!

Picasso has been doing well and is up to 430 grams at 11 weeks! Every day is a delight watching him play and try new things. Thank you to everyone who have helped us along so far- Picasso I am sure is the most grateful so I don't make too many mistakes!

1st question- weaning. Up to this week, he was taking 24 ccs of formula (worked up to this amount following the 7% guideline) twice a day with great gusto. Then this week he has started to lose interest in his milk at breakfast- the first day it was the last two cc's, and decreasing to where he just took 6 cc's before turning his nose at it. Dinner he still showed great interest until today, he finished 20 then turned his nose up at it. He still eats his Henry's blocks with great delight and gets 2 a day unless I am out of organic veggies and so I will give him three. He will often eat 1 half (I break them into 2 pieces) and stash the other in his hammock, but will catch him eating the other half later, and for his evening one he will eat it like a 'midnight' snack when I pet him goodnight and we get little face snuggles (stroke his cheeks and chin). He also gets two veggies and a small piece of fruit midday- a green like romaine, arugula and kale, and another veggie like carrot or radish. The fruit is either watermelon, cantaloupe or apple- a very small piece. I have been monitoring his urine to make sure he is still peeing a good amount, and he seems to have nice healthy frequent poops, especially when he is adventuring in my art studio. He also has gotten a couple of fresh off the tree green pinecones. Anyway, sorry for the novel, but I am wondering should I be worried he is taking less milk? I always prepare the full amount in case he wants it, but I know that the ideal would be they still take some up to 16 weeks and that is about about a month away. Any suggestions or should I just let nature take its course?

2nd question - fleas. I am sure I have brought a couple to him because I am in the middle of Alabama summer and fleas are a menace here. He isn't in the same building as my cats and dogs, but it is impossible to keep those flea free and the couple I saw on him were the jumping kind. I tried putting a little food grade diatomaceous earth on my finger tips and ruffling that into his fur, but hasn't eradicated them. I have seen people suggest kitten revolution, but do not know how to get that without a prescription. Does anyone have advice on where to get some or alternate options.

Thank you to anyone who has the patience to read all this and respond!!
Nikki & Picasso

07-03-2023, 08:35 AM
The more solid chow he eats, the less formula he will consume this is perfectly normal. Just keep offering it until he completely turn his nose up!

Fleas. Yes, Revolution is the best answer, for that and a host of other parasites they will pick up in the wild.

The best place we have found to order Revolution OTC is this place: https://www.canadavetexpress.com/flea-and-tick-control-treatment/revolution-for-cats/p56.aspx You want the "pink" box with the puppy/kitten designation. FYI, the small pack has 3 vials of the liquid Revolution which is considered 3 doses. For squirrels, it is WAY more doses! We don't use an entire vial - 2 drops for really small squirrels and 3 for larger ones - and there are 10-11 drops per vial, so that 3 dose pack will last for some time! The vials will leak once opened even if you reseal by pushing the cap down hard unless you can keep them upright. I TAPE mine to the inside of my refrigerator door - it is too pricey to waste.

You might want to call them directly before you order. I know people have been having issues getting Revolution. If they do not have it but offer you Stronghold, buy it! It is exactly the same med - in fact the box is identical except for the name, and it is made by the same company. For some reason, it has a different name everywhere but the US, but it is the same med.

Do NOT buy anything called Revolution Plus (actually written out as "Revolution+" - it has the original drug plus another drug and we have zero information regarding safety for this other version.

07-03-2023, 09:31 AM
Thank you so much CrittersMom for the help.

I ordered the 3 dose Revolution from the link you provided- thank you!! I will follow advice re: keeping the vial safe for continued use. At his wait of just under 450 grams, should I give him 2 drops do you think?

Also thank you for the reassurance re: the weaning. I guess a part of me is sad he is growing up and I just want it to last a bit longer.

Thank you!!

07-03-2023, 10:25 AM
Well, my first squirrel nursed until he was 17 weeks old! :hidechair He turned into a 2 pound behemoth, BTW!

It will take a bit - maybe 7-10 days - to get your revolution. Let's see how much he has put on - at 450 grams I would say 2 drops though.