View Full Version : 20 weeks old and still wanting formula

11-21-2023, 01:37 PM
Hi everyone! I have 3 baby boys who are about 20 weeks old and still wanting formula twice a day. They each eat approximately 24ml sometimes more sometimes less in the morning and in the evening. I had to cut them down from 3 feedings a day to just the 2 about 3 weeks ago but they haven’t really slowed down on the amount they want. Is this normal? Should I try to wean them or will they eventually still wean themselves? They each get 3 hhb a day along with 2-3 snacks (nuts or fruits) and I free feed the veggies from groups 1 and 2 on the food chart from Henry’s. They have access to them 24/7. I also give smaller amounts of the veggies from group 3 on the chart but control how much they get. Wild foods are a little limited right now due to winter starting here. They also each use their water bottle or their water bowl so I know it’s not because they’re thirsty. I just want to make sure if that’s normal or not and if I should just wean them myself or let them continue eating the formula. I do plan to release them in the spring so I have some time, I just don’t want them to become too spoiled lol. Thanks in advance!

11-21-2023, 01:42 PM
Well, my late, great Mister P took formula until he was 20 weeks plus blocks until he FINALLY decided he was a big boy - and he was right there! Gray squirrels are much larger in the Northeast than down south because they need to withstand the cold winter, but Mister P was exceptionally big! Not fat - his length was big. I always figured that getting all of that nutrition just when he was developing the fastest that was responsible for that.

If you want, start slowly cutting back on the amount ou give them - if they are actually hungry they have plenty of other food.

11-21-2023, 01:50 PM
Maybe I will give them one more week to see if anything changes and if not I will start to slowly do it.

11-21-2023, 02:19 PM
Mama's boys.