View Full Version : Healthy 9 week old?
10-08-2022, 11:00 AM
I’ve had Jade since she was a few days old she still had her imbecile cord scab. Compared to the weights everyone else post of their squirrels weights she’s always been been under weight shes been on fox valley since she was 3 and a half weeks old and now on henerys healthy blocks she’ll get 2-3 a day along with 10-15ml of formula if she wants it 3 times a day she’s now almost 9 weeks old and weights 181 grams does she look/seem healthy to y’all she’s very active and out of her cage often. 323309323310
10-08-2022, 04:44 PM
She looks healthy, and very cute, but on the lighter side. The tail tells the tale. Maybe some Florida folks will chime in since they have small greys and maybe she is not so small by those standards?
What other foods aside from Henry's and FV does she get?
Charley Chuckles
10-08-2022, 05:51 PM
Is she getting solid healthy squirrel food from chart?
She looks great to me and I have some that even out in the trees are smaller than others.
I believe if she's active still taking formula ( let her wean herself) she'll be fine 👍
She's ADORABLE by the way🥰
10-08-2022, 09:50 PM
She looks healthy, and very cute, but on the lighter side. The tail tells the tale. Maybe some Florida folks will chime in since they have small greys and maybe she is not so small by those standards?
What other foods aside from Henry's and FV does she get?
I haven’t really started other solid food yet she has just the last week started eating the blocks good and I read not to give any other solid food until she’s eating the blocks good and I just haven’t been to the grocery store since she’s been eating really good I did give her a small piece of grape yesterday but that’s it.
10-08-2022, 10:03 PM
She wants any and everything I have food drinks phone tv remote all of it she needs it or I just don’t need it and need to pay attention to her.😂 note: I don’t let her drink or eat my food she just try’s really hard to get it lol
The Nut Lady
10-08-2022, 11:56 PM
So funny! And cute!
10-09-2022, 08:21 PM
Soo Adorable! I can relate! My girl is the SAME WAY. Whatever I have interest in, OTHER than her…she wants to explore, chew, or poop on. “Point taken little one!” You have my full and undivided attention 😂
10-09-2022, 08:42 PM
We definitely have pretty small grays down here. I’ve got a chubby little girl who came to me 3 weeks ago underfed and malnourished. At this point she’s got weight on her arms, beautiful fur, and a round little belly at all times, so we’ve definitely rebounded, but she’s still only 106g at 8 weeks old and there are a couple of wild babies outside that are only slightly larger than her despite showing signs that they’re at least a week or two older. Generally by the time they’re eating solid food well, you can stop worrying about the weight as much and start gaging their health by other factors: fur condition, appetite, energy levels, muscular/fat distribution (is there a healthy layer of fat over the ribcage, are the upper arms full and not bony, etc). And as long as you’re following the charts and providing the right amounts of nutritious food, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Especially if you also still offer formula. I offer it to mine for as long as they’ll take it and I find that most of them will wean themselves when they’re ready- though I did have one little boy who still wanted formula right up till he was moved to the outside release cage (and he probably still wanted it then but I officially cut him off :grin2).
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