View Full Version : HELP!! Baby Squirrel Questions?!!!

04-10-2023, 09:12 AM
𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀!!

I知 new to the forum but I could really use some help please! I have had a rescued baby gray squirrel for 4 weeks maybe and he still has his eyes closed so I知 guessing he痴 probably 4-5 weeks maybe? Anyways we are having a big issue!! His butt is very sore and red due to diarrhea, I was told to give him pumpkin to help with the diarrhea?!! Also can I apply anything topically on his butt too help with the discomfort?!! I知 a vet tech but sadly I知 lost when it comes to this little guy. My three flying squirrels were a breeze compared to this dude but he has my heart so if any advice please send my way!!! He also looks a little bloated too me and I also saw where that could be caused from being dehydrated still?


04-10-2023, 09:28 AM
First, what are you feeding him - brand, variety, etc. Are you adhering to the 5-7% of body weight rule for the amount of formula per feeding? The entire time they are having diarrhea, you need to give additional hydration to counteract what they are pooping out.

Will your employer allow you to run some fecals? Look for coccidia, roundworms, etc., as any of those will cause diarrhea and require treatment to get rid of. For coccidia, Toltrazuril is your best bet as it knocks it out normally within 24 hours. Panacur for roundworm. If this baby has a parasite load, he will go downhill fast.

I honestly don't like pumpkin for this, particularly since I also see it recommended for constipation! If you can give us his weight, we can give you dosing for either pepto bismol or kaopectate. Both absorb water and thus will "tighten up" loose stools simply by drying it up, but it doesn't TREAT anything. If you can get fecals done, get a good fecal sample before you begin giving the pepto so as not to confuse matters.

04-10-2023, 09:35 AM
Esbilac 2nd step formula is what I am feeding him and yes I知 doing the 5-7% percentage to his body weight every four hours. He is 60 grams and he eats 3 & 1/4 ml most of the time at feeding. Can you give me the sugar&salt water recipe please I forgot the amount of each to put in it because I figured he would need double hydration due to his diarrhea. I maybe able to get a fecal ran but if not I know I can always just take a sample and get it checked out. I was wondering about worms because in other animals if they have fleas they can have worms and they are wild and most babies have worms!! But can I still have the amount for pepto and the other recommended medication? Which one do you prefer and how often do I need to give it? Also can I apply anything topically too his raw butt?

Thank you so much

04-10-2023, 10:23 AM
Esbilac 2nd step formula is what I am feeding him and yes I知 doing the 5-7% percentage to his body weight every four hours. He is 60 grams and he eats 3 & 1/4 ml most of the time at feeding. Can you give me the sugar&salt water recipe please I forgot the amount of each to put in it because I figured he would need double hydration due to his diarrhea. I maybe able to get a fecal ran but if not I know I can always just take a sample and get it checked out. I was wondering about worms because in other animals if they have fleas they can have worms and they are wild and most babies have worms!! But can I still have the amount for pepto and the other recommended medication? Which one do you prefer and how often do I need to give it? Also can I apply anything topically too his raw butt?

Thank you so much

It is probable the formula (Esbilac 2nd Step) is causing the diarrhea IMO.

Esbilac Powdered Milk Replacer (link below) is the puppy formula recommended for squirrels (Royal Canin is used in places where the Esbilac is not available). Fox Valley 20/50 is even better for squirrels 3.5 weeks and older (personally I use 50% Esbilac PMR and 50% FV 20/50 for babies 3.5 weeks through weaning).

https://www.chewy.com/petag-esbilac-powder-milk-supplement/dp/125376?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12791146288&utm_content=PetAg&utm_term=&show-search=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw586hBhBrEiwAQYEnHbTv37FiYq4CpNW8n5Lv 0SE6c-zjPiaiPtWRNtjMnsdoSHVNRZP-uhoCCfsQAvD_BwE

I'd suggest plain water between feedings for extra hydration... you can add a touch of honey or sugar is he'll not take plain water. Or dip the syringe / nipple tip into some honey to get him started is another way to go...

I'd use diluted betadine on his bottom or silvadene cream.