View Full Version : Found a baby squirrel on the side walk

08-03-2023, 11:35 AM
Yesterday I found a baby squirrel on the sidewalk. I gave it some water (with electrolytes) and then I saw the goat's milk recipe on here and that's what I've been feeding it. I also ordered Esbilac the one with Goats milk is this the wrong kind? Should I be feeding it the regular one? Also how long should I feed it the Esbilac?

Regular Esbilac - https://www.amazon.com/Esbilac%C2%AE-Powder-Milk-Replacer-Puppies/dp/B0002ASRZ8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HK56ZOPTJCSV&dd=by_StIZD9aIbGgZ5y4F7bw%2C%2C&keywords=esbilac+puppy+milk+replacer+powder&qid=1691080369&refinements=p_90%3A8308921011&rnid=8308919011&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Esbilac%2Cpets%2C234&sr=1-1

Esbilac with goats milk https://www.amazon.com/PetAg-Esbilac-Goats-Powder-Replacer/dp/B002PNKCDU/ref=sr_1_2?crid=HK56ZOPTJCSV&dd=by_StIZD9aIbGgZ5y4F7bw%2C%2C&keywords=esbilac+puppy+milk+replacer+powder&qid=1691079901&refinements=p_90%3A8308921011&rnid=8308919011&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Esbilac%2Cpets%2C234&sr=1-2

08-03-2023, 11:41 AM

Charley Chuckles
08-03-2023, 12:41 PM
I've tried to copy the baby care link and for some reason it's not working🤷
I hope this helps plus this will bump your thread.
Thank you for rescuing this little one :grouphug

08-03-2023, 02:48 PM
Yesterday I found a baby squirrel on the sidewalk. I gave it some water (with electrolytes) and then I saw the goat's milk recipe on here and that's what I've been feeding it. I also ordered Esbilac the one with Goats milk is this the wrong kind? Should I be feeding it the regular one? Also how long should I feed it the Esbilac?

Regular Esbilac - https://www.amazon.com/Esbilac%C2%AE-Powder-Milk-Replacer-Puppies/dp/B0002ASRZ8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HK56ZOPTJCSV&dd=by_StIZD9aIbGgZ5y4F7bw%2C%2C&keywords=esbilac+puppy+milk+replacer+powder&qid=1691080369&refinements=p_90%3A8308921011&rnid=8308919011&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Esbilac%2Cpets%2C234&sr=1-1

Esbilac with goats milk https://www.amazon.com/PetAg-Esbilac-Goats-Powder-Replacer/dp/B002PNKCDU/ref=sr_1_2?crid=HK56ZOPTJCSV&dd=by_StIZD9aIbGgZ5y4F7bw%2C%2C&keywords=esbilac+puppy+milk+replacer+powder&qid=1691079901&refinements=p_90%3A8308921011&rnid=8308919011&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Esbilac%2Cpets%2C234&sr=1-2

You want the regular Esbilac POWDER not the goats milk - try to change that. Baby will be on formula for a few months.

Read this: https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/
6 pages - advance to the next page at the top.

Charley Chuckles
08-03-2023, 03:09 PM
You want the regular Esbilac POWDER not the goats milk - try to change that. Baby will be on formula for a few months.

Read this: https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/
6 pages - advance to the next page at the top.

How'd you do that 😂
Thank you 👍

08-21-2023, 07:55 AM
I've been feeding him the goat's milk formula and now I'm going to order Fox Valley formula but most sites say it isn't going to arrive until the end of September and I know that's way too long. I found some on Ebay but I'm not sure if this is the correct one or not.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/185616292767?hash=item2b3797db9f:g:qk4AAOSwF~RjR2-m&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4DGWA5RV%2FdSWgIH0TgXCIcxFHcy Uq%2FpJvb9rx1ZXsQQWv3PV9Msc%2F%2FI0HKuH%2BwLXgjsYN l5G0nhdP04LfPR4zINc3JMinlbdZ5bz0K%2FhaVS3b%2BGi1PO Liz5reh6U3%2Fzclae6iR1F8kmciItfH%2FNsuGn0iefpBMmJj 67MQalfC2VeL%2B5PY6v6CbQ4a1%2Bof8dlbrvOavKpPsKM1uD EU%2F8r0QvcMaYgmv48tOzvHpjmQOjyyMDisl9hK63NJBv6s1y 2qqirKBskXLm2dmCbVbt3Dh0n4tE%2FbbHWnSz0lUIOc%2BNg% 7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4rWhYPDYg

08-21-2023, 09:00 AM
It is not the correct formula, that is Fox Valley Ultraboost. Preferably you want Fox Valley 20/50.

Poor baby, the homemade goat's milk formula is intended to be a temporary formula to get by only until the proper formula (Esbilac for under 4 weeks and Fox Valley 20/50 over 4 weeks; personally I use half Fox Valley 20/50 adn half Esbilac for babies over 3.5 weeks).

There is a shortage from the manufacturer of FV 20/50.

I would strongly suggest you get some Esbilac puppy milk re-placer, the powdered version and not the pre-liquid (they are not the same). The label now has a Burmese puppy on it. Store opened powdered formula in a freezer.

08-21-2023, 09:03 AM
Just checked eBay, and there are bags of Fox Valley 20/50 for sale, but they are charging 3X and 4X what the normal retail price is...

08-21-2023, 09:19 AM
Go to Fox Valley's site:


In stock and cheaper than other sites. I always buy at Henry's because I get a bunch of other stuff, but it looks like stocking is an issue - it sells out there as soon as it comes in.

08-23-2023, 09:56 PM
Was I supposed to start feeding him the Fox Valley 32/40 at two weeks old? And then switch to Fox Valley 20/50? I've been feeding him the goat's milk formula and I just purchased the Fox Valley 20/50 which will come tomorrow. Can I keep feeding him the goat's milk formula until he reaches 4 weeks and then start feeding him the Fox Valley 20/50?

08-24-2023, 06:50 AM
The goats milk is meant to be used for a few days while your regular formula comes in. It doesn't have the nutrients they need. Baby squirrels go from unformed jelly beans to out of the nest and mostly fending for themselves in 12 short weeks, and growing that fast requires they have the proper nutrition during that time.

We do not endorse the 32/40 here. They made a formula change some years ago and while extremely experienced people with very healthy, robust babies may get away with it, most people have big problems because they cannot digest it. Start with Esbilac Powdered Puppy formula and then transition slowly to Fox Valley 20/50 at 4-5 weeks old. .

08-29-2023, 06:11 AM
The goats milk is meant to be used for a few days while your regular formula comes in. It doesn't have the nutrients they need. Baby squirrels go from unformed jelly beans to out of the nest and mostly fending for themselves in 12 short weeks, and growing that fast requires they have the proper nutrition during that time.

We do not endorse the 32/40 here. They made a formula change some years ago and while extremely experienced people with very healthy, robust babies may get away with it, most people have big problems because they cannot digest it. Start with Esbilac Powdered Puppy formula and then transition slowly to Fox Valley 20/50 at 4-5 weeks old. .

I've had him since August 2nd I've had him on the Goats Milk Formula since then. I do have the Esbilac powered formula should I start feeding him this until September 2nd and then switch to the 20/50 Fox Valley formula?
You mentioned to transition slowly, how exactly would I go about doing this?

08-29-2023, 06:32 AM
I assume you have the FV20/50 ordered and it is supposed to be there on the 2nd?

I am a little concerned about going from the homemade goats milk formula, which even with the yogurt and cream is a much less robust formula that is deficient in protein, to the Fox Valley 20/50, which is the exact opposite. I am just afraid that it is asking for tummy troubles.

Since you actually HAVE the Esbilac, I would transition from the goats milk to the Esbilac, keep him on that for a couple weeks, then start a slow transition to the FV. We have a lot of rehabbers here who keep their babies on 50% Esbilac and 50% FV20/50 right through weaning and that may be your answer too.

To transition, you want to make up a little container each of both Formula 1 (goats milk formula) and Formula 2 (esbilac mixed at 1 part powder/2 parts water). In a 3rd container, (I am using a teaspoon as my unit of measure - it is just an example) put 4 teaspoons of the Formula 1 and 1 teaspoon of the Formula 2. Use that to feed on Day 1. Day 2, with fresh formulas, mix 3 teaspoons Formula 1 and 2 teaspoons Formula 2. Day 3 do 3 of Formula 1 and 3 of Formula 2. It will take you 5 full days to get to all Esbilac. It is a PIA but it is almost guaranteed to prevent stomach problems and/or allow you to see them happening when they are very minor and easier to deal with.

I would then let her hold on the Esbilac for the next 1-2 weeks, and then do the same thing with the FV20/50. In this case, the Esbilac is now Formula 1 and the FV20/50 is the Formula 2. And remember what I mentioned about possible keeping him at a 50/50 blend of these two. His body is the one that will make that decision.

09-09-2023, 11:41 AM
I've been feeding him the puppy formula and will continue to do so for the next couple of weeks. This is how he looks now I worry that he might be too small for his age. Also, this feeding schedule says he is supposed to get 10cc to 12cc at 5 weeks (I've had him since August 2nd) but I don't know how that could be It seems like that would be too much I feed him until his belly is round.