View Full Version : Pinkies getting bloated

10-05-2022, 12:53 PM
Hey guys. I have a couple of pinkies that are about a week and a half to two weeks old that I've had for 4 days. First time raising them from such a young age. I've had them on the homemade goatsmilk formula, but they keep getting dehydrated and bloated. I'm feeding every 2 hours using evaporated goatsmilk from Winn-Dixie that I'm diluting to a 1:2 ratio, heavy cream, and yogurt. Not using half an egg as I was told there a small risk for salmonella. I also have the Fox Valley 32/40, and bought some esiblac powdered puppy milk today. I've been reading conflicting posts about the safety between the Fox valley and the esiblac. Does anyone know for sure what I should have them on up until 4 weeks? I really don't want them to keep getting dehydrated. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks

10-05-2022, 01:30 PM
Also... If the Esiblac is safe, at what ratio should I mix it with water until they are hydrated well?

10-05-2022, 02:52 PM
Esbilac mixed 2 parts water to 1 part Powder. Mix up several hours in advance whenever possible. Store the opened powder in the freezer.

Do not use the 32/40.

Do not feed any formula until they are fully hydrated. Feeding a dehydrated baby is counter-productive and *could* be why they keep getting dehydrated (more).

Since they seem to be having issues with the the GMF, you can start with a 3 parts water, 1 part Esbilac powder and see how that goes. If they do not bloat and do well, I would move to full strength at 12 - 24 hours.

Make sure the milk line is down or gone before giving a subsequent feeding. Feeding new formula on top of formula form a prior feeding can result in bloat.

At 3.5 weeks I start using half Fox Valley 20/50 and half Esbilac and continue that mix through weaning... this is my preferred mix.

10-05-2022, 03:48 PM
Great. I appreciate the reply and all of the advice. Will keep ya updated. Thanks Spanky!

11-06-2022, 10:48 PM
Haven’t seen a post in a while…any update on the “pinkies” (who most definitely aren’t pink anymore) 🥰😊🥺