View Full Version : Eating poop

08-22-2022, 03:04 PM
Jeri will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. Her eyes still aren't open and she is being fed esbilac formula every 3 hours. Today I noticed something in her mouth when I went to feed her. I got a q-tip and got it out. It was poop. That was at her feeding at noon. At her 3pm feeding she had done the same thing. To my knowledge this was the first time she's done this.

I ordered the Henry's picky blocks and received them today. I hadn't planned on giving her any until her eyes opened but should I go ahead and start them? Maybe cut them into quarters??

08-22-2022, 03:18 PM
How much does she weigh?

How much formula per feeding does she get fed?

Do you potty her each feeding?

"Eating" poop is not normal for a squirrel.

08-22-2022, 03:37 PM
She weighs 75 grams and is getting about 4mls of formula per feeding. Yes. I get her to potty before and after each feeding.

The first time I noticed it today she still had little in her mouth. The second time I get it quickly after it went in her mouth. Also, her bedding/blankets were changed this morning.

08-22-2022, 03:39 PM
Maybe she isn't actually "eating" it but that is definitely what was in her mouth 🤷*♀️

08-22-2022, 03:57 PM
Jeri will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. Her eyes still aren't open and she is being fed esbilac formula every 3 hours.

She weighs 75 grams and is getting about 4mls of formula per feeding. Yes. I get her to potty before and after each feeding.

At this age and weight I would recommend:

1) Go to every 4 hours on the feedings, but bump up the amount to 6-7% per feeding (so at 75grams, 4.5ml - 5.25ml)

2) Get some Fox Valley 20/50 and transition her formula to 50% FV and 50% Esbilac from now until wean.

3) I start placing the block in with them as soon as they open their eyes, yes a1/4 or 1/2 block is fine.

JMO :thumbsup

Charley Chuckles
08-22-2022, 05:43 PM
At this age and weight I would recommend:

1) Go to every 4 hours on the feedings, but bump up the amount to 6-7% per feeding (so at 75grams, 4.5ml - 5.25ml)

2) Get some Fox Valley 20/50 and transition her formula to 50% FV and 50% Esbilac from now until wean.

3) I start placing the block in with them as soon as they open their eyes, yes a1/4 or 1/2 block is fine.

JMO :thumbsup

Sorry to highjack but mine are 5+weeks old eyes just open, so it's ok if I put some HHB in with them🤷

08-22-2022, 06:20 PM
At this age and weight I would recommend:

1) Go to every 4 hours on the feedings, but bump up the amount to 6-7% per feeding (so at 75grams, 4.5ml - 5.25ml)

2) Get some Fox Valley 20/50 and transition her formula to 50% FV and 50% Esbilac from now until wean.

3) I start placing the block in with them as soon as they open their eyes, yes a1/4 or 1/2 block is fine.

JMO :thumbsup

If I go to feeding every 4 hours, how long can she go at night? I have been going a 6 hour span.

Charley Chuckles
08-22-2022, 06:52 PM
If I go to feeding every 4 hours, how long can she go at night? I have been going a 6 hour span.

I never go more than 3 to 4 hours during day, and no more than 4 at night.

08-22-2022, 07:43 PM
Sorry to highjack but mine are 5+weeks old eyes just open, so it's ok if I put some HHB in with them🤷

Yes, I would just put a couple quarters.. or one block quartered for now. It is just training them this is the first solid food.. :thumbsup

08-22-2022, 07:48 PM
If I go to feeding every 4 hours, how long can she go at night? I have been going a 6 hour span.

Personally.. and this is me.. and we are in the same general area... most of my babies are 100gm+ before they open their eyes. That may be small for Yankee states and huge for Florida... but generally 100 - 120grams is the average eyes open. I have had several with eyes open sooner, but never a baby I had from a few weeks old to eyes open. And I understand it may be easier for me to say this since I am caring for many babies and have to get up anyways... but I may tell myself I need only feed this group or that group.. but once I am up they all get fed.

So I guess I am trying to say is I would feed him overnight simple because, IMO, he is a little behind in my experience.

08-22-2022, 08:41 PM
Personally.. and this is me.. and we are in the same general area... most of my babies are 100gm+ before they open their eyes. That may be small for Yankee states and huge for Florida... but generally 100 - 120grams is the average eyes open. I have had several with eyes open sooner, but never a baby I had from a few weeks old to eyes open. And I understand it may be easier for me to say this since I am caring for many babies and have to get up anyways... but I may tell myself I need only feed this group or that group.. but once I am up they all get fed.

So I guess I am trying to say is I would feed him overnight simple because, IMO, he is a little behind in my experience.

Thank you!! This is my first baby. She's really gaining steadily and I don't want to do anything to disrupt it. I also want to be sure I'm feeding enough and often enough. I think I have a schedule worked out. I will continue to weigh her daily to make sure she is still gaining.