View Full Version : Flyer not pooping

12-13-2023, 10:56 PM
I have a roughly 4 week old flyer that hasn’t pooped in almost 2 days now. Peeping with stimulation just fine, but not pooping. His appetite hasn’t slowed down though. Should I be worried? How can I fix this?

12-14-2023, 05:18 AM
Are you sure he’s not pooping in his cage? At that age he could be going on his own and the poop would be very tiny. Also, is this a flyer you have just taken in or have you had him awhile? If he’s a recent intake sometimes it takes awhile for there to be enough food consumed to produce poop. If that’s not the case you can offer some diluted apple juice to see if that gets things moving. Be careful, you don’t want him to go the other direction and end up with diarrhea.