View Full Version : aspiration pneumonia
09-08-2023, 09:39 PM
baby squirrel 4-5 weeks old opend eyes three days ago he weights 71g.. he just started actually sucking and i didn't realize until feeding was over and then he started sneezing and i saw milk in his nose. now there is the clicking sound and he is sneezing. there are no vets in my area to help him not even three hours away no where here sees squirrels. i need to know what to do please help . i have had him for a week now and every feeding has been great i got him he was at 58g and in the week he has been hydrated warmed and all the correct steps i just need to know what meds to give and dosage since no where will see him.
09-09-2023, 12:59 AM
While aspirating is the cause of Aspiration Pneumonia (AP), aspirating does not always result in AP. In addition to the clicking, additional symptoms include lethargy (hard to know with these tiny ones that sleep all the time already) and loss of appetite. I also recommend listening for the click while they are sleeping. All squirrels will click at times, especially after eating when their mouths are moist. This is a mouth click while AP originates from teh ungs... but it is hard to know the difference without experience.
If this is AP, he will need to be treated with antibiotics... Cipro (animal version is Baytril), Augmentin (animal version is Clavamox), Bactrim (AKA SMZ/TMP), doxycycline are a few of the meds known to be effective against AP. Check your medicine cabinet, ask family friends and neighbors. A single pill is enough for a full course of therapy for a baby squirrel.
If you find anything, post the name and strength of the medication and someone will advise if it is effective against AP.
The only way we can provide the correct dosing information is by you telling us the medication names and strengths as well as the squirrels weight... only then can the proper dose can be determined.
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