View Full Version : Updating Cage

08-30-2024, 12:28 PM
Hi there. Update on Simon - he is doing great feeding wise. We have come to a great place where we are both comfortable with the feeding and he has gotten more excited about eating now that he's not getting frustrated with my slowness. He just started munching on his HBBs and is getting better and better. Some recommended the Picky ones from Henry's but I accidently bought the standard ones - doesn't seem to be an issue for him.


He is just over 6 weeks, and we have a a large cage that we found for cheap. Obviously, this will be the next step indoor cage as he is currently in a small pet carrier. But I am trying to understand when the transition should happen.

Do most people wait until around 8 weeks to fully transition to the next size cage?

Any advice on what should be added early on?

Charley Chuckles
08-30-2024, 01:55 PM
How adorable 😍
He's a wee little one yet no need to rush him. Smaller at this size so they don't fall and hurt themselves 👍

08-30-2024, 02:37 PM
Is new cage a single big cage or 2-level where top or bottom section can be blocked off ??

As CC mentioned, you don't need any injuries from big cage falls. If your pet carrier is small, something a little bigger is good so Simon can stretch out.

08-30-2024, 05:41 PM
Is new cage a single big cage or 2-level where top or bottom section can be blocked off ??

As CC mentioned, you don't need any injuries from big cage falls. If your pet carrier is small, something a little bigger is good so Simon can stretch out.

Hi there.

It's a large 2 story that can be blocked off. I was reading somewhere that if possible we could leave out the divider and just have a full open cage to allow for a lot of climbing. We haven't put it together yet, so not sure if it's possible.

Right now he's in a cat pet carrier. He seems to be exploring it a bit more. As of right now, it stills seems like a good size. Just want to be prepared.

What are the signs to look out for to know when he's ready for the next step? Just his size?

09-07-2024, 12:29 PM
Is new cage a single big cage or 2-level where top or bottom section can be blocked off ??

As CC mentioned, you don't need any injuries from big cage falls. If your pet carrier is small, something a little bigger is good so Simon can stretch out.

Hi there,

Update on the cage. The one we were going to go with was sold. So sad because it was within out budget, but we ended up being gifted a different cage. However, while much more affordable, it looks like it was designed for birds. Not the end of the world. I still think with modifications we can make it work.

Any thoughts?


09-21-2024, 11:34 PM
I'm excited that I found a recent thread.. so far almost every baby squirrel question I've googled has led me back to the site so I created an account a few weeks ago..
I have two orphans right now pepper and Eastern gray is 11 weeks, and chief a western gray is just about 7 weeks..
I also am in cage transition.. for mine too the two I have now makes a total of three that I've raised I raised my first one a few years ago..
Anyway your little guy looks adorable!
From what I've read and I'm a no means an expert I just have the experience of three little ones so far.
I moved my 11-week-old to a bit bigger cage.. when he was about 7 and 1/2 weeks or so.. I got from exotic nutrition it was about $95 so it was bigger than the pet carrier I had him in which is about cat size but not so big that I felt like he could hurt himself and I didn't move him in there until I could see that he was steady and he was running down my couch and steady on his legs and wanting to explore quite a bit more after eating..
I hope that helps!
Sounds like your instincts are right your little one could probably be in a carrier for another week or two depending on how he's doing 😊
If I can figure out how to add a picture this is my first reply I'll throw one end of one of my two guys