View Full Version : What not to feed?
10-01-2024, 06:55 PM
Currently weaning a flying squirrel. He takes milk 2 sometimes 3 times a day still and is quite happy with his blocks (Henry’s healthy). So far he’s been offered 1/4 of a blue berry and a very small piece of tomato. He’s been quite happy to lick both of them but didn't eat either. I know his diet should be primarily block but I’d also like to give him small pieces of what I’m eating or what’s in the house.
I’d like to know what’s toxic to them. I assume chocolate as it’s toxic to most animals. I don’t want to mean well sharing a piece of something with him just to be giving him something that could kill him.
10-01-2024, 07:54 PM
Hi Alex,
What a treat to have a flyer! Let me ask you a question first, and then I can point you to some short but informative reading about how to raise a baby flyer. When you say "milk," what's it that you are giving him? If cows milk, you should stop right away - it could kill him. Depending on his age he should be drinking Esbilac powdered puppy milk replacer or Fox Valley 20/50. Can you get us a weight (preferably in grams) so we can estimate his age? A picture would also be helpful.
Human food is not very often nutritious for squirrels. To make this kid be truly healthy, please follow the advice found here: (There are six pages - be sure to read them all.) ZXWOZ8tYlXySpWRHe5MN3hwbgEBo2jrr_SFVTejlPx (Add to the "do not feed" list acorns and Brazil nuts. Stick to the recommendations and you and your flyer will be in excellent shape.)
Get back to us with the requested info and any questions you have after reading up.
10-02-2024, 08:18 PM
He gets puppy milk and fox valley 2:1, we had poop issues for a while and this combo worked the best. He’s about 40grams. Started offering him blocks when he began showing interest in chewing, he shredded them at first while exploring how to use his teeth. Now he eats them and is offered one a day, which he usually finishes. Best guess I have for age is +/- 50 days. I got him eyes closed covered in fly eggs September 7th. Eyes opened on the 10th.
He’s active and starting so do small jumps.
We almost always have fresh fruit and veggies in the house, they’re my dogs favorite treats. I’d love to be able to share small pieces with him. Just want to make sure I don’t feed him something toxic while just meaning to share a yummy snack.
No idea if the pictures will work
10-02-2024, 11:29 PM
Picture works great! That's one handsome baby. With the formula you are feeding him, he should be fine. It won't be long before he tapers off on the formal and one day refuses it. He needs fresh water to replace the formula as he weans. Alex, as long as you stick to the foods on that list, you should be fine. If what you're thinking about for a treat isn't on that list, don't give it to him. A lot of experience and expertise went into that list and you are doing right by your flyer to be cautious about what he eats. A good healthy treat is an in-the-shell hazelnut once or twice a week. It is great for keeping his teeth in check, and the ratio of nut to effort is in your flyer's favor
Keep it up, Alex. You're doing fine.
10-03-2024, 05:43 AM
Here is a start:
10-03-2024, 07:20 AM
In regards to his teeth and his need to chew things. Do I offer him cuttle bones like a bird, pumice stone like rats, or antlers like my dogs? He’s starting to chew the wood house in his cage which is fine I don’t care but I need him to not chew the plastic cage bottom he’s in till he’s big enough to go in my birds old cage.
I already have a glass water bottle for him just haven’t put it in yet. I hate how much they leak
10-03-2024, 08:11 AM
Yes! Actually, I don't do the pumice stone - too abrasive, but I just hand my boy half cuttlebones and he holds them and chews on it when he wishes. Added calcium there, too, which is good. Antlers, providing they are sheds, are also okay but not as fun as the cuttlebone which they can really tear into. If you do antlers, attach them to the cage somehow so he can really get after them without them rolling all over. I usually zip tie them to the cage wire with the points out.
Regular old interior pine lumber like you can buy in multiple widths at HD or Lowes is popular, too. They love to chew the edges off and it is soft enough to really allow them to sink their teeth in. It makes a big mess but they really like it. ONLY interior pine - it is in 1x2 up to about 1x8 in lengths and isn't treated. Do not use pressure treated lumber.
10-04-2024, 06:23 PM
None of my southerns are big chewers. I give them shelled hazelnuts which they love to chew holes in to get the nuts, they all have antlers but I haven't seen them chew on them much. Better to have access and not use them than need them and not have them. The notherns chew more in my case, especially during the nesting season sometimes eating a hole in the wooden houses!
Diggie's Friend
10-04-2024, 11:31 PM
Never give pumice to a squirrel, it contains sharp glass crystals.
Naturally shed antlers of Mule deer particularly the smaller pieces cut crosswise with a clean saw blade into small (1 1/2) cross sections, not lengthwise.
Diggie's Friend
10-04-2024, 11:50 PM
This is potentially a good source for rodents; notes naturally shed, organic no chemicals used.
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