View Full Version : Gender ID my fox squirrel!!!

05-30-2024, 02:58 PM
Hi everyone!
So…I’m now thinking I may have identified Earl incorrectly!!! Being a new squirrel mom I figured the little bits between the legs were male parts but now that we’ve had Earl for 2 months I think I was mistaken!?! Maybe Earl is a girl??? Anyone here an expert of fox squirrel parts by chance and can help me ID our baby!?
Earl or maybe now Earlene’s mom! Ha!

05-30-2024, 03:07 PM
Earl is a girl! She's Earliegirl!

Penis would be about an inch above Earl's apparatus, and it is unmistakable. When I was first introduced to my now late Mister P, laying eyes closed in the dirt with ants all over him, I was asked "What is it?" My answer was "A boy."

05-30-2024, 03:14 PM
Earl is a girl! She's Earliegirl!

Penis would be about an inch above Earl's apparatus, and it is unmistakable. When I was first introduced to my now late Mister P, laying eyes closed in the dirt with ants all over him, I was asked "What is it?" My answer was "A boy."

Thank you!!!! I appreciate your response so much! And thanks to the late great Mister P!!!! Ha! I’m so excited actually at the thought that maybe she’ll have her babies in our tree one day!!!!

island rehabber
05-31-2024, 08:36 AM
I like the name Earline. :D

Diggie's Friend
05-31-2024, 10:20 AM
Welcome little Earline; love those cute chubby mitts you have!!

Foxer Luv!!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon