11-15-2024, 02:50 PM
Hi All! A baby came and found me in the breezeway of where I live at. Mom didn’t come back, so I’m taking care of her. I washed all the fleas off of her. She’s eating very well, a formula/heavy cream mix, about every 4 hours. I’m fairly certain she peed in the towel yesterday after her bath but I haven’t notice her peeing since. She appears to be 5-6 weeks old. She’s already making the grumpy noises when you uncover her. She’s up my sleeve now. Anything to watch out for? This is the least pee -ingist baby I’ve ever come across. I would send a picture but I don’t know where the button is.
Update: Found the pee!! Yay!
Update: Found the pee!! Yay!