View Full Version : Starting little one on solid food

10-14-2023, 08:37 AM
Hi all, my Lucky is about 7 weeks old. We gave her a half of Henrys Healthy block this AM to see how she'd like it. She loves it. I understand I still need to keep her on in formula for a while but can I give her water after she's eaten her block for breakfast? Should she have access to water at all times now that we are introducing solid foods?

Appreciate any guidance!

10-15-2023, 09:23 AM
Hi all, my Lucky is about 7 weeks old. We gave her a half of Henrys Healthy block this AM to see how she'd like it. She loves it. I understand I still need to keep her on in formula for a while but can I give her water after she's eaten her block for breakfast? Should she have access to water at all times now that we are introducing solid foods?

Appreciate any guidance!

Hi Rice0319:
Thanks for finding The Squirrel Board! I'm sorry that you have not yet had a response! First of all, it is great that Lucky seems to like her "half-a-Henry's!"

It is certainly time to start her on Blocks but it is NOT time (as you obviously recognize) to stop formula! Weaning is a process that begins with the first bit of solid food (which should only be quality Blocks such as Henry's, Teklad 2018 (this food has gone from Harlan/Teklad 2018 to Envigo 2018 and now to Inotiv Teklad Global 2018), Mazuri Rat & Mouse Diet) and usually takes until the 15-17th week and sometimes longer! Weaning should be controlled by the Squirrel! Also, it is not unusual for a Squirrel to appear to be weaned and then later decide to have more formula. This can go on for a couple of weeks and my suggestion would be to continue to offer formula for a week or so after it appears that Lucky is fully weaned in case she might want some more!

With Lucky being only 7 weeks, you should continue to give formular according to schedule! What is the formula you are using and are you using a means to calculate an appropriate amount to feed and and appropriate frequency for feeding?

Please also verify that when you say the Lucky "loves" her Henry's Block, that she actually consumed it and didn't simply "throw" pieces of it around her cage and actually ate very little if any of the Block! This "destroying" the of the block is what happens more often than not during the first week or two that Blocks are offered. Your timing is fine as well as most offer their Squirrels Blocks around 6 weeks of age but definitely only after the Squirrel's eyes are open and their vision becomes stabilized and they become more active.

Especially since you have already invested in the Henry's Blocks and Lucky seems to like them, it would be a good choice for her regular nutritional support. It is essential that you do NOT give any other foods beside Blocks until you are certain that Lucky has enthusiastically embraced the Blocks as food and consumes them eagerly! Please keep in mind that Henry's Blocks are concentrated and for an "average" adult-size Squirrel, 2 blocks or at most, 3 Blocks are the limit for the day and these will supply virtually all the nutritional needs of the Squirrel. Two Henry's Blocks only weigh about 10 Grams, however, and that will not be adequate for satiation (feeling full) and again, only when it is certain that Lucky is eating the Blocks, you can add other food from the Henry's Healthy Diet Pyramid (here is a link: https://henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/ ). The healthier foods are toward the bottom of the pyramid with treats such as nut at the top. Nuts should not be given at all or given infrequently as treats during the weaning process.

The other quality Blocks I mentioned can be free-fed (the Squirrel can be given as much as she wants)!

You can also add a high quality Water Bottle. Ensure at least once daily that the bottle is functioning well! Put only clean, fresh water in the bottle (not medication, formula, Pedialyte, vitamins or anything else!) in the water bottle and change the water regularly and at least every other day.
