View Full Version : 8 baby red squirrels weaning and diet

08-25-2023, 09:57 AM
My babies are starting to wean themselves i am giving them pine nuts pecans colliflower and romain lettice. I recently put silver maple branches in with them. And their poop is a little soft. Not diarrhea still holds form until stepped on but definitely not as solid as it was. Should i be concerned? Oh and im also giving picky rodent block. Is their anything else i should be doing? Im also giving organic green apple

08-25-2023, 10:38 AM
My babies are starting to wean themselves i am giving them pine nuts pecans colliflower and romain lettice. I recently put silver maple branches in with them. And their poop is a little soft. Not diarrhea still holds form until stepped on but definitely not as solid as it was. Should i be concerned? Oh and im also giving picky rodent block. Is their anything else i should be doing? Im also giving organic green apple

You're going to regret starting them on nuts; Pine Nuts are absolutely the worse possible nut (hugest calcium depleting nut).

Resist giving them nuts until they are in the release cage.

Diarrhea... make sure the veggies are washed well before feeding. Monitor the poos and post if they get worse.

08-26-2023, 11:35 AM
I stopped the pine nuts. Im still giving some pecans but the poo is normal now. And they are eating more formula. They are around 120 grams and eat roughly 6 cc's. a couple will eat dam near 10 cc's. Im now feeding twice a day. If i feed more than that some wont eat at all. Is that normal and healthy? Is it ok to keep them all together or should i seperate them into smaller groups? It looks like they are playing with eachother but i dont know if they are fighting. The smallest one is 110 grams. When i feed them i let them run free and one jumped from my arm and hit his mouth on the tile floor. He cut his lip. He still eats and if i didnt see the cut i wouldn't now he was injured. Is there anything i need to do or will he heal on his own? Any thing else i should be doing?