View Full Version : Probably worried over nothing, but still worried - Peeing less?

06-07-2023, 09:26 PM
Hi everyone!

I am trying really hard not to be a helicopter parent to Picasso, I'm really not...

In the past couple of days I have noticed he's peeing less. Same very clear, hint of yellow color, no odor. He's his normal active self, getting very rambunctious as a teenager (I am estimating him to be around 10 weeks old now- climbing upside down, running and jumping everywhere. Staring to actually eat the healthy blocks and trying a little bit of new veggies every day. He has gone from about 80 grams to 290. I still give him milk- he gets 15 ccs a meal, and I feed him three times a day. Pooping tons. I just noticed there are less puddles occurring. I checked his bedding for dampness, there isn't any. Genitalia looks fine. Is there anything I should be looking for? Do they just pee less as they get older? I do have a water bottle in his cage, tried to demonstrate it but his attention span is lacking. It does leak a bit onto the lowest level of the cage which is a plastic pan, so he also has that, and I have a very shallow amount in a little bowl.

Thanks in advance if anyone had any advice, tips, or assurance to share!

Edited to add, I try to check for dehydration with the skin pinch test, very hard to tell as he's constantly playing with my hands and he's gotten a little plump so not much skin to grab

06-08-2023, 06:05 AM
It doesn’t sound like there’s any indications of there being a medical problem. Of course that can always change so being aware of the color of his urine is always a good thing. It has been my experience when a squirrel has a UTI they stop eating and don’t act like themselves. Try offering some watermelon and change his water frequently.

06-08-2023, 07:24 AM
Will definitely try watermelon- even if he shreds it he will get the juicy goodness. Thank you so much for the suggestion!!

06-08-2023, 12:14 PM
Well we love watermelon! He gobbled it right down. Maybe just a small piece everyday until we are getting water as needed :) Thank you!