View Full Version : How do you guys do it? Pre-release handholding requested

08-27-2023, 02:51 PM
First off, I am always so impressed by you all on here- so much knowledge and so helpful. Thanks to you all I have gotten this 5 week old to the point of pre-release, and has in fact been ready for a while but with the insane heat I've been waiting for it to be at least bearable.

But I have to admit, I am absolutely falling apart at the knowledge that cute little face won't be with me every day. I have been spending as much free time as I can with him every day just soaking every moment in. I love all my animals dearly, but I am attached to him like I haven't been in a very long time. Even writing this I am wanting to cry- currently his is wreaking havoc knocking things down and then looking at me with a mix of astonishment and glee.

How do you guys do it? How do you let them go in your heart? I am fervently hoping against hope that he will visit me, but I also know that may not happen. I just can't imagine how empty this studio will be without him.

The one thing that is forcing me to release him is the knowledge that being stuck in a cage and only getting 1-2 hours of interaction with me is no life for him, as well as if something happened to me his life would probably end in tragedy. I love him way to much for that. But my heart is breaking :(

08-27-2023, 03:20 PM

Forgive me for asking, but he is older than 5 weeks correct? Your post is worded to sound like he is only 5 weeks, but if I remember he was about that when found?

Re: releasing…

Its hard. You will feel an empty place, where he and only he ever has filled in your heart. But with time, and seeing the joy on his face and in his demeanor once in the trees, you will find your joy, and your pride knowing you are the REASON he is healthy enough to have gotten to this place! You will miss your “shoulder buddy” and the funny antics and way he could brighten even the gloomiest of days! But the hope is, you will be able to still see him and smile and still enjoy his wonderful and unique personality from a distance.

I sure hope he still comes around to visit with you! You have done an amazing job with him, AND with his RC! If not for you, he wouldn’t even have this opportunity! 🥰❤️

08-27-2023, 04:03 PM
Yes he is older than 5 weeks :) Rereading yes it does sound like hes 5 weeks old- he was found at 5 weeks old and now he is about 20 weeks and 500+ grams :) His release cage will be finished by this weekend and I'm hoping that the weather cools down enough for him- hes used to about 80 with the a/c. I am getting him solar powered fans and will be refrigerating marble tiles so he can lay on them to stay cool if he wants. Latest I want to get him out there is the following weekend. I may have to wait also because I am surrounded by firework loving fools :( Thank you so much for responding- it helps to know that others know exactly what you're feeling...that its somehow so much more intense with these little guys.

island rehabber
08-27-2023, 05:12 PM
Nikki, if you are fortunate on the day you actually release him, you might see him do the hopping bopping twirling and pranging dance that they do when they realize there are no walls around them and no ceiling above them except the sky. He might play with a piece of wood or a bunch of leaves... He might dig in the dirt and roll and scratch and leap into the air for no reason at all. It's priceless.

Even if you don't get to catch him doing this, imagine the joy in his little squirrely heart the moment you do this and know that you made this happen. You gave him back his life.

08-27-2023, 05:46 PM
Thank you so much for your kind reminder of why I did this in the first place- to see an animal live its life in joy :Love_Icon