08-27-2024, 07:12 PM
I am caring for an orphaned squirrel I am assuming he is around 2 weeks old. He currently weighs 42 grams I literally just weighed him. When I weighed him the day before he was 36 so I was feeding him 2-2.5ccs every 2-3 hours. Except overnights. My question is 1, is the calculation weight in grams multipled by 0.07 the correct formula amount to feed? 2. Is 42 grams underweight for a squirrel his age? And 3. I know it says to feed overnights I am a mother, wife and I work and I just cannot wake up every 2 hours. I feed him as soon as i wake up and I even take him to work with me and feed him on schedule up until I go to bed at night around 9-10pm. My husband does tree work and found baby Humphrey on the ground and momma never came back so he brought baby squirrel home. Any advice is welcome I love this little guy and just want him to be healthy and live a great squirrel life. I have so many other questions but this will do for now. Sorry for the long post.