View Full Version : Question on feeding frequency

08-01-2022, 06:22 PM
Jeri (baby girl) is approximately 2 weeks old today. I've been feeding her every 2 1/2 hours with a 6 hour stretch at night (midnight to 6am). The past couple feedings she's increased her formula to between 1ml to 1.2/1.3mls. Should I start to space feedings out to 3 hours? How do you know when to space them out? She's gaining weight well. Today she weighed in at 21 grams 💕💕

This is her a couple days ago.


island rehabber
08-01-2022, 09:14 PM
So long as she does not stop gaining weight, or appear skinny when you next go to feed her, you can space her out to every 3 hrs. That should go well for the next two weeks or so, when you may be able to go to every four hours. Watch her milk line, make sure it fully or nearly disappears before you feed her again. Watch the poops: they should be well formed and either a golden or olive green color depending upon what formula you are feeding.

BTW, what formula are you feeding? Fox Valley takes a bit longer to go through their systems than Esbilac does, and you may be able to feed at half-hour longer intervals with FV than with Esbilac.

08-01-2022, 10:08 PM
So long as she does not stop gaining weight, or appear skinny when you next go to feed her, you can space her out to every 3 hrs. That should go well for the next two weeks or so, when you may be able to go to every four hours. Watch her milk line, make sure it fully or nearly disappears before you feed her again. Watch the poops: they should be well formed and either a golden or olive green color depending upon what formula you are feeding.

BTW, what formula are you feeding? Fox Valley takes a bit longer to go through their systems than Esbilac does, and you may be able to feed at half-hour longer intervals with FV than with Esbilac.

So far she's been pooping well. They are a golden color and there have been several times where she's had a good poop!! She definitely doesn't appear skinny and has been steadily gaining. I just don't want to lose ground.

I am feeding esbilac right now. She seems to be doing well on it.