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  1. Weaning too soon?
  2. Peach trees?
  3. Corn husk?
  4. baby squirrel black spot on stomach - help!
  5. Advice on Release Location
  6. My Squirrel baby has a skin problem
  7. Parakeet bird
  8. Depression?
  9. So I have a sterlite box filled with groundhog
  10. Atrophy in Hind Leg?
  11. ADVICE PLEASE Young with back legs paralyzed
  12. Moving a squirrel nest
  13. question about using dirt
  14. Traumatic toe amputation
  15. Thoughts and help please
  16. Releasing babies
  17. [VIDEO] Fleas! Revolution didn’t help :(
  18. Squirrels Self-Weaning?
  19. Foot problems
  21. Soft Release: contact/no contact
  22. Too Many Wild Babies
  23. Black Tarry Stools
  24. laceration on neck
  25. Dosing Help
  26. Adult male genital sucking
  27. Helped needed with Mange/Cauliflower Patches on Wild Grey
  28. Squirrel with malocclusion
  29. Nocturnal Seizures?
  31. Respiratory issues - not responding to Baytril
  32. FOX VALLEY 32/40 ? ? ?
  33. [VIDEO] wild squirrel with a twitchy head
  34. Jade sore belly
  35. Clavamox dosing, please.
  36. possible constipation in an adult squirrel?
  37. My 10 month old male gray squirrel refuses to go in his cage after evening play time
  38. Need Advice ; prognosis for release /or not
  39. My Icarus has a UTI again I believe. How much medicine?
  40. Advice for next steps? 13-week-old eastern grays.
  41. Flyer Gave birth: How important is it to separate the male
  42. Help ! Flyer release info needed!
  43. Should I release one of my girls?
  44. What kind of clothing to avoid nails sticking?
  45. Advice needed for sick squirrel
  46. Help with azythromyin in dose
  47. Lump on inner corner of eyelid?
  48. How to clean grease/lard off a manhole cover squirrels drink from?
  49. Bugs on chipmunk
  50. Question regarding milk replacer
  51. Baytril dosage
  52. Ocala, FL exotic vets?
  53. Is Three a Crowd??
  54. Is it normal for squirrel to try to bite you after you bathe?
  55. Tick Removal
  56. Coloring of red squirrel
  57. Squirrel lost facial hair & limping
  58. Wild squirrel with possible abscess on cheek
  59. Is this just regular molting?
  60. Anybody in LA (CA) who specializes in slow release willing to take in my squirrel?
  61. Hairless Squirrel
  62. Is it normal for a hurt leg to look like this?
  63. I need advice about amputation
  64. Finding dead squirrels with no bodily injury around neighbourhood
  65. Squirrel biting leg....possible infection
  66. trying to help wild squirrell with injured foot. Help
  67. Bloat or not?
  68. Suffering yet another loss
  69. 5 baby chipmunks
  70. NR Male Fox squirrel 16 mon, with diarrhea
  71. Can squirrels eat Golden Berries?
  72. normal behavior for older squirrels
  73. Nails catching!!!
  74. Lost squirrel
  75. What temperature does an injured adult squirrel with fur need?
  76. Distemper advice please
  77. Wild Squirrel with Dime Sized Bump Behind R-Arm
  78. Prednisone dosing for 240 gram squirrel
  79. Help! Wild Adult w/ Malocclusion
  80. cant get any squirrel blocks online (india)
  81. Rehoming needed for 2 NR grays
  82. Scaly Tail/ scab? on injured squirrel.
  83. My 6 month old squirrel has swollen vulva and cries while urinating
  84. Revolution dosing
  85. Sudden hyperactivity and pacing
  86. Getting some weight on a skinny squirrel
  87. Releasing Squirrel Post Recovery
  88. Weird fur pattern.
  89. Sudden Aggression
  90. Is this her first heat or is this aggression and fear of something.
  91. Help identifying/treating Southern Flyer's hurt wrist
  92. New Problems hiccup/spasm and not eating
  93. Week old newborn squirrel found, rehabilitator wanted
  95. Baby Deer Mice
  96. Squirrel with Motor and Balance problems
  97. Mother squirrel with a weird-looking nipple
  98. Possible placement
  99. Small raised scab on head?
  100. Chronic diarrhea 8 year old squirrel, nothing is helping.....:-(
  101. Clicking
  102. Baytril Enrofloxacin
  103. Injured squirrel found on road
  104. New interim squirrel mom
  105. 3.5 year old male suddenly gets hostile and attacks like I am a stranger
  106. Help with tail hair just falling off in chunks😳
  107. Help with tail hair just falling off in chunks😳
  108. Possible aspiration pneumonia
  109. Ashley Has Bladder Stones
  110. How to fatten up?
  111. Tips on fattening up
  112. Dressing for Amputee
  113. Cold squirrel
  114. Will I regain trust?
  115. Loosing weight. Skinny!
  116. Clindamycin for Cat Bite
  117. Pet Squirrel regurgitating
  118. What’s going on here
  119. Baby squirrel gasping for air during feeding
  120. Help with orphan baby squirrel
  121. Bone like lump
  122. Will someone please help!
  124. Odontoma questions
  125. Eye infection
  126. Help with 3 week old baby grey with newly developed diarrhea
  127. Need help with dosing
  128. Grey Squirrel Babies~3 weeks old
  129. Help-New Worrisome Behavior
  130. Fred's Oral Issues
  131. Constipation
  132. Possible UTI and white powdery urine
  133. The story of me, Dollar and poo question
  134. Pensacola rehabbers?
  135. Constipation
  136. Dollar Update/question
  137. Help! 4 week old squirrel back left leg and paw swollen.
  138. Baby wild squirrels fearful or in pain? And what to do? Please help.
  139. Any rehabbers near Tallahassee??
  141. Found baby at the school for the deaf
  142. Looking for Rehabber in Central Texas
  143. Antibiotics for persistent abscess.
  144. Help with new intake with dark brown spots on skin
  145. Where to buy nipples??
  146. Tekland behaviors
  147. Bloated, constipated baby
  148. Mom squirrel in heat while nursing?
  149. Baby bunny knowledge needed!
  150. Skin irritation spot on squirrel
  151. Pooping - 5 week squirrel
  152. Found baby flying squirrel
  153. Quick question - Diabetes in squirrels
  154. 5 week old with diarrhea please help!!
  155. Hawks owls predators
  156. Help on getting pre-release a little fatter??
  157. Not flies
  158. Need dosing for possible aspiration pneumonia
  159. Preparing for AP - just in case...
  160. My 5 Week Old Has No Fur
  161. 4-5 week old squirrel diarrhea
  162. Help with young squirrel
  163. Metronidazole Dosage Needed for Rock Squirrel with Diarrhea
  164. Just found a 6 weekish squirrel on the front lawn
  165. Need help getting Fox Valley for 2 to 3 week baby.
  166. 6 Week old - bumps appeared on her foot.
  167. Squirrel refuses blocks
  168. Incubator Settings
  169. Bloating help!
  170. Is this baby bloated? (Photo)
  171. It's time to release 3 babies
  172. Crooked teeth
  173. 2 week old acting different
  174. Squirrel Awareness Youtube Channel
  175. Is Bruce Felipe ready for release?
  176. Blind 8-week-old rock squirrel
  177. I think I have a special needs squirrel?
  178. Need advice
  179. Squirrel with skin condition
  180. Black substance around LittleGirl's mouth, nose and front paws
  181. HELP! Swollen Shoulder/Arm
  182. Releasing a single red squirrel with a resident bully around
  183. Baby squirrel with possible head trauma
  184. Moving to bigger cage
  185. When to move from plastic container to cage?
  186. Found baby squirrel, mother did not return
  187. Little questions.
  188. Amputee with infection
  189. Pet squirrel injured or sick?
  190. Advice Needed for NR
  191. Introducing two squirrels together
  192. Couple of questions about food and weight gain for babies...
  193. Advice needed...
  194. New squirrel mom… have many questions (non life threatening)
  195. Littermates won't accept a squirrel back after a 3 day absence
  196. 7 Year old squirrel-not acting normal
  197. Dealing with baby squirrel diarrhea
  198. Squirell Born Late in the Season Release
  199. New to this- squirrel with one bad eye.
  200. A lump or absence on one side of the neck
  201. Eye Issue May Affect Release
  202. 9 week - itchy ear.
  203. Baby squirrel is not bonding with me
  204. baby squirrel "vibrating"?
  205. Grooming
  206. Just received a call for a found baby — it’s a flyer
  207. Need advice on treatment for Nuero/Head Trauma
  208. Metacam dosing help, please
  209. Red dot on squirrel belly
  210. Squirrel attacked by cat injured nose
  211. Energy level questions
  212. Chewing questions, as well as wood.
  213. fur color changes nutrition advice please
  214. No front teeth on 9 week old
  215. Lonely orphan
  216. Furloss on cheek?
  217. Bumps on hands
  218. 6 week old foxer female with funky pee
  219. 10 week (or so), broken tooth.
  220. congenital malformation or?!
  221. Little Black Mites?
  222. Need dosage of Prednisone
  223. Found a baby flyer
  224. Conditions for young squirrel during winterizing period
  225. Flying squirrel with what appears to be necrotic toes
  226. Full spectrum lighting
  227. 8 yr old non-releasable died suddenly
  228. Still OK to release this weekend?
  229. One of six in release cage won’t use nesting box
  230. Vet needed near Alabama or surrounding states
  231. Rescue Squirrel Bottom Incisors Far Back
  232. Leaving squirrel home alone
  233. Sharing cage ?
  234. Frozen fruits
  235. Need opinions on X-Rays. Broken Leg?
  236. Looking for rehabber near me
  237. Nocturnal Squirrel
  238. Fungus on my juvenile eastern red squirrel.
  239. Back flips!
  240. Questions
  241. Possible hind legs paralyzed?
  242. 5 mo old paralyzed?
  243. Vommiting, diarrhea, shivering
  244. White eye
  245. Paralyzed young adult squirrel (Hit by car?) Prednisone and pain med dosing help?
  246. Bring Him Home
  247. Am I being too strict with diet?
  248. 15 week squirrel - feeding input
  249. Severe Biting
  250. Keeping Squirel over Winter for Spring Release