- Weaning too soon?
- Peach trees?
- Corn husk?
- baby squirrel black spot on stomach - help!
- Advice on Release Location
- My Squirrel baby has a skin problem
- Parakeet bird
- Depression?
- So I have a sterlite box filled with groundhog
- Atrophy in Hind Leg?
- ADVICE PLEASE Young with back legs paralyzed
- Moving a squirrel nest
- question about using dirt
- Traumatic toe amputation
- Thoughts and help please
- Releasing babies
- [VIDEO] Fleas! Revolution didn’t help :(
- Squirrels Self-Weaning?
- Foot problems
- Soft Release: contact/no contact
- Too Many Wild Babies
- Black Tarry Stools
- laceration on neck
- Dosing Help
- Adult male genital sucking
- Helped needed with Mange/Cauliflower Patches on Wild Grey
- Squirrel with malocclusion
- Nocturnal Seizures?
- Respiratory issues - not responding to Baytril
- FOX VALLEY 32/40 ? ? ?
- [VIDEO] wild squirrel with a twitchy head
- Jade sore belly
- Clavamox dosing, please.
- possible constipation in an adult squirrel?
- My 10 month old male gray squirrel refuses to go in his cage after evening play time
- Need Advice ; prognosis for release /or not
- My Icarus has a UTI again I believe. How much medicine?
- Advice for next steps? 13-week-old eastern grays.
- Flyer Gave birth: How important is it to separate the male
- Help ! Flyer release info needed!
- Should I release one of my girls?
- What kind of clothing to avoid nails sticking?
- Advice needed for sick squirrel
- Help with azythromyin in dose
- Lump on inner corner of eyelid?
- How to clean grease/lard off a manhole cover squirrels drink from?
- Bugs on chipmunk
- Question regarding milk replacer
- Baytril dosage
- Ocala, FL exotic vets?
- Is Three a Crowd??
- Is it normal for squirrel to try to bite you after you bathe?
- Tick Removal
- Coloring of red squirrel
- Squirrel lost facial hair & limping
- Wild squirrel with possible abscess on cheek
- Is this just regular molting?
- Anybody in LA (CA) who specializes in slow release willing to take in my squirrel?
- Hairless Squirrel
- Is it normal for a hurt leg to look like this?
- I need advice about amputation
- Finding dead squirrels with no bodily injury around neighbourhood
- Squirrel biting leg....possible infection
- trying to help wild squirrell with injured foot. Help
- Bloat or not?
- Suffering yet another loss
- 5 baby chipmunks
- NR Male Fox squirrel 16 mon, with diarrhea
- Can squirrels eat Golden Berries?
- normal behavior for older squirrels
- Nails catching!!!
- Lost squirrel
- What temperature does an injured adult squirrel with fur need?
- Distemper advice please
- Wild Squirrel with Dime Sized Bump Behind R-Arm
- Prednisone dosing for 240 gram squirrel
- Help! Wild Adult w/ Malocclusion
- cant get any squirrel blocks online (india)
- Rehoming needed for 2 NR grays
- Scaly Tail/ scab? on injured squirrel.
- My 6 month old squirrel has swollen vulva and cries while urinating
- Revolution dosing
- Sudden hyperactivity and pacing
- Getting some weight on a skinny squirrel
- Releasing Squirrel Post Recovery
- Weird fur pattern.
- Sudden Aggression
- Is this her first heat or is this aggression and fear of something.
- Help identifying/treating Southern Flyer's hurt wrist
- New Problems hiccup/spasm and not eating
- Week old newborn squirrel found, rehabilitator wanted
- Baby Deer Mice
- Squirrel with Motor and Balance problems
- Mother squirrel with a weird-looking nipple
- Possible placement
- Small raised scab on head?
- Chronic diarrhea 8 year old squirrel, nothing is helping.....:-(
- Clicking
- Baytril Enrofloxacin
- Injured squirrel found on road
- New interim squirrel mom
- 3.5 year old male suddenly gets hostile and attacks like I am a stranger
- Help with tail hair just falling off in chunks😳
- Help with tail hair just falling off in chunks😳
- Possible aspiration pneumonia
- Ashley Has Bladder Stones
- How to fatten up?
- Tips on fattening up
- Dressing for Amputee
- Cold squirrel
- Will I regain trust?
- Loosing weight. Skinny!
- Clindamycin for Cat Bite
- Pet Squirrel regurgitating
- What’s going on here
- Baby squirrel gasping for air during feeding
- Help with orphan baby squirrel
- Bone like lump
- Will someone please help!
- Odontoma questions
- Eye infection
- Help with 3 week old baby grey with newly developed diarrhea
- Need help with dosing
- Grey Squirrel Babies~3 weeks old
- Help-New Worrisome Behavior
- Fred's Oral Issues
- Constipation
- Possible UTI and white powdery urine
- The story of me, Dollar and poo question
- Pensacola rehabbers?
- Constipation
- Dollar Update/question
- Help! 4 week old squirrel back left leg and paw swollen.
- Baby wild squirrels fearful or in pain? And what to do? Please help.
- Any rehabbers near Tallahassee??
- Found baby at the school for the deaf
- Looking for Rehabber in Central Texas
- Antibiotics for persistent abscess.
- Help with new intake with dark brown spots on skin
- Where to buy nipples??
- Tekland behaviors
- Bloated, constipated baby
- Mom squirrel in heat while nursing?
- Baby bunny knowledge needed!
- Skin irritation spot on squirrel
- Pooping - 5 week squirrel
- Found baby flying squirrel
- Quick question - Diabetes in squirrels
- 5 week old with diarrhea please help!!
- Hawks owls predators
- Help on getting pre-release a little fatter??
- Not flies
- Need dosing for possible aspiration pneumonia
- Preparing for AP - just in case...
- My 5 Week Old Has No Fur
- 4-5 week old squirrel diarrhea
- Help with young squirrel
- Metronidazole Dosage Needed for Rock Squirrel with Diarrhea
- Just found a 6 weekish squirrel on the front lawn
- Need help getting Fox Valley for 2 to 3 week baby.
- 6 Week old - bumps appeared on her foot.
- Squirrel refuses blocks
- Incubator Settings
- Bloating help!
- Is this baby bloated? (Photo)
- It's time to release 3 babies
- Crooked teeth
- 2 week old acting different
- Squirrel Awareness Youtube Channel
- Is Bruce Felipe ready for release?
- Blind 8-week-old rock squirrel
- I think I have a special needs squirrel?
- Need advice
- Squirrel with skin condition
- Black substance around LittleGirl's mouth, nose and front paws
- HELP! Swollen Shoulder/Arm
- Releasing a single red squirrel with a resident bully around
- Baby squirrel with possible head trauma
- Moving to bigger cage
- When to move from plastic container to cage?
- Found baby squirrel, mother did not return
- Little questions.
- Amputee with infection
- Pet squirrel injured or sick?
- Advice Needed for NR
- Introducing two squirrels together
- Couple of questions about food and weight gain for babies...
- Advice needed...
- New squirrel mom… have many questions (non life threatening)
- Littermates won't accept a squirrel back after a 3 day absence
- 7 Year old squirrel-not acting normal
- Dealing with baby squirrel diarrhea
- Squirell Born Late in the Season Release
- New to this- squirrel with one bad eye.
- A lump or absence on one side of the neck
- Eye Issue May Affect Release
- 9 week - itchy ear.
- Baby squirrel is not bonding with me
- baby squirrel "vibrating"?
- Grooming
- Just received a call for a found baby — it’s a flyer
- Need advice on treatment for Nuero/Head Trauma
- Metacam dosing help, please
- Red dot on squirrel belly
- Squirrel attacked by cat injured nose
- Energy level questions
- Chewing questions, as well as wood.
- fur color changes nutrition advice please
- No front teeth on 9 week old
- Lonely orphan
- Furloss on cheek?
- Bumps on hands
- 6 week old foxer female with funky pee
- 10 week (or so), broken tooth.
- congenital malformation or?!
- Little Black Mites?
- Need dosage of Prednisone
- Found a baby flyer
- Conditions for young squirrel during winterizing period
- Flying squirrel with what appears to be necrotic toes
- Full spectrum lighting
- 8 yr old non-releasable died suddenly
- Still OK to release this weekend?
- One of six in release cage won’t use nesting box
- Vet needed near Alabama or surrounding states
- Rescue Squirrel Bottom Incisors Far Back
- Leaving squirrel home alone
- Sharing cage ?
- Frozen fruits
- Need opinions on X-Rays. Broken Leg?
- Looking for rehabber near me
- Nocturnal Squirrel
- Fungus on my juvenile eastern red squirrel.
- Back flips!
- Questions
- Possible hind legs paralyzed?
- 5 mo old paralyzed?
- Vommiting, diarrhea, shivering
- White eye
- Paralyzed young adult squirrel (Hit by car?) Prednisone and pain med dosing help?
- Bring Him Home
- Am I being too strict with diet?
- 15 week squirrel - feeding input
- Severe Biting
- Keeping Squirel over Winter for Spring Release