View Full Version : Tick Removal

06-03-2023, 12:53 PM
Hi all, I have a wild mom squirrel that comes around semi daily that I can hand feed. She arrived yesterday with what looks like an engorged tick on her neck/chest area. She seems extra hungry. I assume there's nothing I can do about it but figured I'd ask just in case there is some magical food I an give that ticks don't like the taste of etc. I know there is Revolution that can be used for fleas, anyone know if it helps with ticks? I assume it will just fall off eventually and she'll be fine? I haven't researched yet but figured there wouldn't be much on ticks on squirrels anyway so if anyone knows, it would be on here. Thanks on behalf of mom squirrel.

06-03-2023, 03:12 PM
So here she is. Today and yesterday have been very rainy and cool for here in CO. She has been asking for food all day which is really unusual. Usually she gets a few items and is on her way, but today is just hanging out and acting like she hasn't gotten anything to eat. I'm running out of food to give her as I don't want to overdo nuts. May have to go shopping.

06-03-2023, 03:27 PM
I hate seeing them with ticks because I just want to get them off, but as long as it isn't transmitting some disease, yeah, it will just fall off in time. If it was going to transmit a disease it's too late by the time we see it on the squirrel anyway. If it's a male tick (I can't tell in that pic) it usually attaches near a female. The males can't swell up but they're not the ones engorging with blood to make eggs. I've already had one on one of my guys this spring. The temptation to try to remove it can be almost an obsession.

Maybe someone knows if Revolution would help. I'm thinking yes. Isn't it for fleas and ticks? Maybe she has some internal parasites as well? Would it help with those?

06-03-2023, 03:28 PM
Revolution doesn't do ticks, unfortunately. Ivermectin does SOME species but not all.

06-03-2023, 04:57 PM
Revolution doesn't do ticks, unfortunately. Ivermectin does SOME species but not all. Cool, I will research Ivermectin as I think I've only found 1 type of tick here over the years. Thanks!