View Full Version : Releasing babies
05-01-2023, 06:45 PM
Hello we found three 4 week old babies around March 3 2023. I was wondering when they would be ready to be released thank you.
05-01-2023, 08:26 PM
The general concensus for most of us is at about 4 months old which is 16 weeks. If you can't keep them, it can be earlier, but many of us feel that it gives them a better chance at survival to release just a little older.
I've mostly released mine at 17 weeks old, because 16 weeks always seemed to fall on the week of 4th of July, and fireworks weren't my celebration of choice for new releases.:grin2
I welcome the thoughts of others on this.
05-02-2023, 11:23 AM
Thank you When should they be in a release cage outside?
Also... is there any age that is considered too old to release? Just wondering
05-02-2023, 03:06 PM
I typically put mine in the release cage around 14 weeks after looking ahead to see if weather is desirable in the upcoming weeks for release. If they’re super unruly they may go in sooner. I have a very large release cage so I don’t have any qualms about leaving them in there for 2-4 weeks if they act like they’re not ready or the weather turns bad. I’m in Florida so I can release year round. Obviously you should try to avoid major weather events or significantly cold weather.
Many folks that over-winter their squirrels aren’t releasing them till they’re 8-9 months old….which is not too old. Just don’t wait so long to release that the weather turns cold again.
05-03-2023, 10:04 AM
Thank you �� When should they be in a release cage outside?
Also... is there any age that is considered too old to release? Just wondering
Yesterday no one had yet replied and so I had typed up the following and tried to post it when TSB blocked me somehow. So I saved the content and now that I am back on, will post it. I agree with what Mel wrote.
The standard on this is usually to put them into a release cage outside 2-3 weeks before the actual release. 2-3 weeks gives them plenty of time to get to sense the weather patterns and animal sounds etc.
That said, I put mine in a very large release cage when they start to climb and explore, it just gives them more room and more freedom and more time to get to know their future habitat; I have to go out there to feed them though in all kinds of weather. Carrying formula to the backyard is a chore, but I'd have it no other way. So mine are out in an RC for 6-8 weeks before release. So far this has worked well with me.
Please do what makes the most sense with you and your squirrels and the situation. I do this because there is no place in my house that offers them a large place to play and run safely. So when they are ready for play and running, I have made them a gymnasium RC roughly 7x12 feet of large 9 inch tree trunks and branches both stiff and very flexible so they then can hone their climbing skills on all sorts of branches, live ones are continually added. They build their own nests in the RC with the branches and then have the space to live in once the portal is opened and then of course they find their own homes outside.
My first squirrels were one year old when released. That was because they were fall babies and had to be overwintered, then in spring, they were my first squirrel babies ever and I had no idea what I was doing, and I had to build a release cage having never done that before, that took time. Then feral cats set up residence outside the RC in the summer after the RC was built, and I had to take more time to figure out how to deal with them and get up my nerve to open the portal........and with the cats still around. So they were a year old when they were released. There were two of them. They did just fine. They were around for many years.
I'm not sure what you mean by your question about "too old". Are you referring to a squirrel that has been a pet for many years? Or just the scenario I mentioned above?
05-03-2023, 08:58 PM
My 2 girl reds are about 14 and 11 months, they’ve been inside in separate side by side cages since last fall, so used to each other’s presence. How can I put them together in a big outside RC?
05-12-2023, 01:44 PM
My 2 girl reds are about 14 and 11 months, they’ve been inside in separate side by side cages since last fall, so used to each other’s presence. How can I put them together in a big outside RC?
I don't have any experience with reds, or putting two squirrels that were not litter mates together. Maybe someone else can answer.....
However, did you ever have both out in the same room for playtime? How did they react to each other? That might give you an indication as to whether they can be roomates in an outside RC.
island rehabber
05-12-2023, 04:34 PM
If the release pen is new to both of them, you can try putting them in together. If the pen is not either girl's territory, they should not have issues. However, they ARE reds.......:fish
06-11-2023, 02:28 PM
Sorry for not being on here in so long been so busy.
We found 3 litter mates on March 3 2023. I would have to check their paper to see when they opened their eyes (if I wrote that down). I am thinking they are no less than 3 months and no more than 4 months. There is one girl and two boys. They get along fine playing and living together. I definitely do not want to overwinter then cause I don't the female to get pregant. They are very "tamed" so I hope they wilden back up. It would be nice if they would visit us in the woods but I prefer them to be ready for predators. How would I get them ready for finding their food and avoiding predators? Also I need to know how to make a release cage. What size wire how big should the cage be? And should I cover it partially so they can experience rain? What about fourth of July should I wait till after so no more fireworks? Man it's so scary releasing them 😨 if yall could send me a link for the wire that would be very helpful
06-11-2023, 07:44 PM
Here’s the link to building a release cage. You want to use nothing bigger than 1/2” hardware cloth. Tractor Supply usually has the best price.
Here’s the link for the soft release process.
You should not have to over winter them as there’s plenty of time to release before cold weather sets in. You want them to be between 14-16 weeks old when you release them. The older they are the better they tend to do when released.
06-12-2023, 04:33 PM
Ok thank you 😊
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