View Full Version : 7 Year old squirrel-not acting normal

09-25-2023, 12:34 PM
Hello All, I haven't been on here in many years, I have a 7 year old female I rescued along with her siblings as infants as raised. I released the others and kept her as she was non releasable, she has neurological issues. I am not a licensed rehabber, but I have always done the best I could with her and I love her so much. She has always done amazing, and I have never had any issues with her.
A little background on the last couple of days, she has a huge ferret nation cage as her house, I have put several together, she has a level dedicated as her bed with blankets, levels, perches, things to lounge on, hammocks, ropes. She has things to chew on and climb on. Several days ago, as on of her favorite activities she was jumping around and when she landing on one of her perches, the screws came loose and her and the perch went to the bottom of the cage. She landed on her feet, seemed a little stunned, but mostly just seemed to sulk that she broke her perch, but otherwise, still normal and eating.
Saturday she seemed fine, I gave her some veggies, she ate everything I gave her. We went out that evening, I came home, gave her some avocado, she ate it.
On Sunday, we had some severe storms, some of the worst thunder and lighting we have had in a long time and hail, it was during Sunday that I had tried to offer her something that she declined it. Which it very unlike her, I offered her avocado and she declined it, she has never done this. I started noticing that she was breathing very heavy and laying in places she doesn't normally. This has gone on through the night and to today, she wont sleep in her bed, she has been laying in the bottom on the cage. She wont take anything I give her. I have been trying to keep it dark and quiet, offer her liquids, she will take some sips. I have blankets everywhere. I don't understand what happened to my girl. :sadness She was fine. Could she of had a stroke?

09-25-2023, 01:59 PM
Can you outline her diet? Be as complete and specific as you can.

09-25-2023, 06:50 PM
Can you outline her diet? Be as complete and specific as you can.

Since she could eat she has been on Henry's and when I have pet rats which I do currently, and have most of her life, she eats rodent block as well, I get oxbow adult rat food.
The vegetables varies, different lettuces, cherry tomatoes, radish, sugar snap peas, green beans, carrots, cucumber, apple, bananas, avocado. I cant even think of everything, I dont particularly keep her on a diet, never given her anything without checking if she can have it. I had cucumber and carrots this week.
I have my own mealworm colony for my leopard geckos so I always have vegetables to feed them, and she also gets some mealworms sometimes.

09-25-2023, 07:22 PM
OK - sometimes people get complacent as they get older and start slacking on the diet but that doesn't sound like what you are doing. Adding a little additional calcium might not be a bad idea, if only to see if it has some effect.

I wonder if she is hurting? Have you tried giving her infant ibuprophen? Without x-rays and ultrasounds it is all just guessing, but pain can cause them to act suddenly dumpy like this.

09-25-2023, 08:00 PM
OK - sometimes people get complacent as they get older and start slacking on the diet but that doesn't sound like what you are doing. Adding a little additional calcium might not be a bad idea, if only to see if it has some effect.

I wonder if she is hurting? Have you tried giving her infant ibuprophen? Without x-rays and ultrasounds it is all just guessing, but pain can cause them to act suddenly dumpy like this.

I do give her tums occasionally and have mashed some up and have tried giving some to her because i was lost as to what was going on. I have managed to get her to get her to take some, and have got her to eat some baby food and water by syringe but she wont eat or drink by herself. I've wondered if she's hurting because I've never seen her like this and I'm very worried.
How much ibuprofen would I give her?

09-26-2023, 03:48 AM
I do give her tums occasionally and have mashed some up and have tried giving some to her because i was lost as to what was going on. I have managed to get her to get her to take some, and have got her to eat some baby food and water by syringe but she wont eat or drink by herself. I've wondered if she's hurting because I've never seen her like this and I'm very worried.
How much ibuprofen would I give her?

Can you give us a weight on her? The infant ibuprophen is in a sweet syrup, usually cherry or grape, and most squirrels really like the taste so dosing isn't a rodeo.

09-26-2023, 06:53 PM
Can you give us a weight on her? The infant ibuprophen is in a sweet syrup, usually cherry or grape, and most squirrels really like the taste so dosing isn't a rodeo.

I dont think I can get a weight on her. She doesn't want to be messed with, I got her out Sunday to listen to her to see if I heard anything and I didn't.

But since my last post I have started hearing sounds when she eats. She does try to eat from my hand.

I have a heating pad under her cage, blankets all around her, her water bottle next to her, streamed some veggies and put some with her so they were soft and easy to eat and every couple of hours I offer her liquids and baby food and she does take it.

I also have a humidifier in the room with her.

09-26-2023, 07:30 PM
I dont think I can get a weight on her. She doesn't want to be messed with, I got her out Sunday to listen to her to see if I heard anything and I didn't.

But since my last post I have started hearing sounds when she eats. She does try to eat from my hand.

I have a heating pad under her cage, blankets all around her, her water bottle next to her, streamed some veggies and put some with her so they were soft and easy to eat and every couple of hours I offer her liquids and baby food and she does take it.

I also have a humidifier in the room with her.

What sort of sounds?

I sent you a really low dose of the infant ibuprophen to start out with by PM. If she is hurting, it really does help.

09-27-2023, 10:52 AM
What sort of sounds?

I sent you a really low dose of the infant ibuprophen to start out with by PM. If she is hurting, it really does help.

Maybe congested? It's hard to explain bc its not often I hear it. There's nothing in her eyes or nose, she hasn't been sneezing or anything.
She left her bed for the first time in 3 days and crawled toward me when I greeted her for first feeding today, her appetite seems to have improved slightly and she's been nibbling on things im leaving in her bed.
Her poop seems to be slightly improving as well.
Still feeding and fluids every couple of hours.