View Full Version : It's time to release 3 babies

09-10-2023, 04:22 PM
I have three 7 month Olds. I know that is kind of old for them still being kept when planning on being released but the cage took forever to build anyways... here we are.

They are in the release cage (rc) now for about 26 hrs they slept in it last night like big squirrels. They did great! They took some leaves in their nest and snuggled up. They allowed me to come into the cage several times last night to check on them and feed them and one time they just crawled back into the nest for belly rubs. They are 7 months old 2 boys 1 girl and I don't want her to get pregant. I do not have anyway on separation so I am releasing next month I hope, well that's my plan. That means 1 month in the rc day and night and then the little door being opened for free roaming and if they all 3 come back at night I'll lock them up and do that routine for a bit if not I will leave door opened for them. I had been taking them outside in the rc cage while it was still being built for playtime so they are pretty used to outside and hearing sounds. They did some great alert calls for a hawk they heard and a deer they seen so their instincts are acting like they should. I hope my plan is alright and I'm not rushing things. It's September and October is usually the last warm month so I want them to go out on a warm month. They seem strong healthy and ready. Sound like a good plan? Any advice will be appreciated thank you.

09-10-2023, 08:59 PM
Let me paraphrase this with - I am not an expert in Squirrels.

However, I've read as much as I can find on raising and releasing them. One of the things that stood out to me was - a lot of experts, or at least highly experienced people in the field say after September 1, you should wait until the next spring to release. This has to do with them having much less food sources in the fall, and they need to prepare quickly for coming winter. Sometimes take time to acclimate to all of this, and don't really have enough time to build their nests and store the food.

If you release in the spring they have abundant food/water, and plenty of time to acclimate and find their way in the wild. I don't know where you are located, but for me in the Midwest, the spring is a very rich time for squirrels with the Maple Helicopters flying around, a variety of sprouts and food sources springing up, quite a bit of rains for fresh water, etc.

09-11-2023, 12:02 AM
I agree but I don't have a way to separate the female and she's already 7 months old. If I could wait to spring and her not get breed that could be a great option but here there is lots of fall foods to I've seen. Of course if they can't find enough they can always come back and get what i laid out and I will provide them with nest boxes and places to sleep and of course fresh water. I can buy some nuts and give to them to stash also. I just wish I could've released them sooner but lots of stuff was going on and I couldn't. I am really hopeful that they may return to their rc to sleep eat drink and relax this year. If yall think it'd be better to wait I can try to figure out a way to separate with a divider but I'm afraid them being sperated by wire only the two males would fight over the female that they can't not get to... it's a pain either way also the femalewould be alone so shed get cold. I think for me and them it would be best to release October and provide them with nuts food and all that. They have a nice warm fleece nest and learning how to take twigs and leaves on it. I want what is best for them you know.. so any advice is much appreciated.

Also I googled it and here in alabama here is a list of some Temps

Mon 11th 84/65 8% rain
Tues 12th 82/61 50% rain
Wed 13th 78/57 10% rain
Thurs 14th 77/55 4% rain
Fri 15th 78/58 9% rain
Sat 16th 77/58 18% rain
Sun 17th 76/57 35% rain
Mon 18th 77/56 23% rain
Tues 19th 77/55 31% rain
We'd 20th 78/58 10% rain
Thurs 21st 79/57 9% rain
Fri 22nd 89/58 10% rain
Sat 23rd 80/58 18% rain
Sun 24th 80/57 15 % rain

Coldest month is January and fall begins Sept 23 this year

Also i read a post someone wrote about the hawks may migrate in the winter and wouldn't have babies to feed so they wouldn't be hunting as much which would be a benefit for these baby squirrels... just thought I'd share that as well.
Thanks again yall

09-22-2023, 09:49 AM
Someone on here said they actually was in my area and said it was still ok to release this year.

10-03-2023, 07:16 PM
Here are some weights (in grams) and pictures of them to show you how they are looking. My plan is to release any day now as long as forecast looks alright. Sound alright? (Please also look at pics)

10-03-2023, 07:21 PM
594 7-18-23
591 7-21-23
594 8-11-23
547 9-21-23
525? (Scales were being a pain) 10-3-23

Picture is taken Sept 21 23

10-03-2023, 07:24 PM
472 7-18-23
453 7-21-23
516 8-11-23
626 9-21-23

Pictures taken Sept 21-23

10-03-2023, 07:29 PM
Mr Q

567 7-18-23
545 7-21-23
600 8-11-23
710 9-21-23

Pictures taken Sept 21 23

10-03-2023, 08:16 PM
I’m no expert either but Alabama probably has more time than the northern climates. For what it’s worth, 3 spring siblings (2boys 1 girl) moved into one of my houses last thanksgiving. They stayed together all winter until she came into heat and she gave them the boot. Unfortunately very shortly after she got kicked out by another. Cameras in nest boxes are awesome!