- Advice sought for overwintering foundling
- Left powdered esbilac out help
- 6 week old squirrel with enlarged stomach but not bloated!
- 4-5 week old Eastern Grey/ Placement needed
- Baby Squirrel Behavior
- Shaking squirrel
- Water
- Abscess??? or no?
- My squirrel just ate macadamia leaves. Will she be ok?
- Over wintering in New York?
- When to give formula
- Severe maloclussion
- How to know how old my baby squirrel is
- scab?
- New mom…
- acting different..eyes just opening
- where can I buy 4ft flourescent light fixtures that plug in???
- Latest Update 6-7 Week Red
- Thanks For Your Help
- How often to feed
- Teeth hurting?
- No Drinking Water & eating solid food
- Water?
- Neurological issues in baby- possible spinal cord injury
- Please advise ... thank you!
- Flashlight recommendation for deterring hawks
- Pinkish Stool and Other Issues
- Possible UTI
- clavamox question
- Baby squirrel 6 weeks old
- what is wrong with these squirrels?
- Newly injured squirrels - anyone know what this type of injury is?
- 4-5 week old baby squirrel questions
- Help with releasing squirrel
- Out of date Clavamox, and Clindamycin bitterness reduction technique?
- Please help, need dosage info for baytril asap
- Need help with dosing amount
- question about an adult squirrel
- Young baby squirrel question
- Squirrel passed away, is it contagious to my other squirrel?
- DIARRHEA!!!!!!!
- Baby with pointy, extended ribcage
- Possible yeast infection
- Is this a deformed tooth??
- Runny nose, sneezing, diarrhea.........
- Guppy mouth when eating solid foods?
- Smelly?
- Little Louie-not eating well
- Can I put two of my squirrels together to protect them from a hurricane
- Water Bottle
- Tail injury?
- Releasing
- Swollen Knuckle on 5 Month Old Red
- Diarrhea for 2 weeks but acts normal
- Bigger cage question
- 6-7 week old squirrel diarrhea
- White growth near eye (pics and video included)
- Newish squirrel not doing good
- Boredom
- Expired meds. Any good?
- Baby squirrel won't eat
- Sudden Partial Paralysis
- Little Lilie...<3
- Dragging butt
- Round tail ground squirrel questions
- Injured toe
- Diarrhea gone but what’s this mucous poo?
- Need Rehabilitator
- White boogers?
- squirrel not eating
- Abscess just popped on 7 week old. What should I do now?
- Please help! Possible UTI
- Need Motrin Dosing for Adult Squirrel
- Possible ear problem
- Squirrel nutrition questions
- Really aggressive 12 week old squirrel
- Gross Question
- Overwintering a chipmunk in Ontario
- Injured Squirrel can’t move back legs
- Need help finding a vet for Baytril
- Old male squirrel - prolapsed penis
- Cages!!
- Broken Tail
- Aggression
- Possible broken or injured jaw
- 5month old black pet squirrel attacks
- 2 questions have been on my mind!
- BUMP on the Head
- Has anyone seen this eye condition before??
- MBD?
- Advice for 3 month old grey squirrel girl
- Falling a lot from old injury
- Is there anyone near Nashville or down I75 who can take in a squirrel
- Need help. Not sure what to do.
- Hypoglycemia and hypothermia in Adult/Wild Squirrel
- New squirrel mom
- Teklad 2018 Inquiry
- Rubbing around in cage
- UTI dosing 8 Week old squirrel
- Squirrel/cat encounter
- What on earth is going on..
- Help needed for odontoma/infection!
- Furever Home Needed For LittleTeddy!
- Please help feeding solids
- Wild eastern grey male — possibly overweight?
- Missing White Squirrel
- Wild w swelling on head
- PNW HELP: 14wk Squirrel not ready to release!
- Strange bump
- Cat deterrent that won’t deter squirrels?
- Possible eye infection??????
- Need help finding place for young squirrel in Alabama
- Possible odontoma
- Heated Water Bottle for Overwintering?
- Help! Advice needed on release.
- Foot Issues?
- mold
- I saw a juvenıle squirrel on the ground with its hindleg scretched out
- I thought she was a fox squirrel, but now I'm not so sure
- Happy, sleepy, BOLT! Why does she run?
- Outdoor friend with injured front paw
- Something wrong with one of my backyard friends
- Extremely swollen testicles and calpers glands and painful
- Hello , it has been a long time.
- Recommended dosage of clindamycin
- Searching for a Vet in Miami, Fl or near by
- Little red coco front paw is cut
- Random Aggression
- Releasability of a squirrel with physical limitations
- Any help will be greatly appreciated. Need vet near Houston, Texas.
- strange cyst on a cheek's adults need advices
- Lump on baby squirrel
- 2-3week baby with broken keg and arm
- Post odontoma surgery
- Large lump above nose — possibly abscess?
- Help with a letter
- Tips to assess a young squirrel arm
- New worries
- Are squirrels sensitive to already dried Great Stuff (aka spray foam)?
- Abscess help
- Swollen genitals
- Fake tree bark, non-wood materials adhered to a tree: Please share your experience
- Getting them back into cage
- Broken arm, 4 month old female
- Release gone wrong
- Potential UTI in 8-Month Old Red
- Does squirrel look dehydrated
- Shiloh our Flying Squirrel Only Poops on Us!
- I’m so anxious! Caught squirrel to bring to rehab centre
- Cloudy blue eyes
- My squirrel's arm looks broken or shoulder dislocated. PLEASE HELP!
- Sneezing After formula out nose
- BOTFLY-----Ugly..... but Harmless (usually )
- Milky discharge from eye
- Swollen, maybe broken toe
- 12 Year Old Broken Teeth
- wild adult female dragging crotch? video and photo provided
- A nipple, an abscess, or something else?
- Strange aggressive behavior
- eye infection
- Milky Substance from Eye and Nostril
- To Release or Not to Release, that is the question....
- Need advice on whether to wait to release a squirrel I rescued a couple months ago?
- 2nd odontoma surgery
- Nodding Gray Squirrel
- 2 1/2 old pregnant female squirrel moving?
- Large mass on jaw
- Swollen testicle on red squirrel
- Chance of a squirrel coming back
- 8yr old just diagnosed diabetic squirrel
- Is it safe to release my little guy?
- Catego flea protection
- Wild squirrel injured hind leg
- Krocker
- Injured tail
- Pet squirrel broken paw
- Too long to be on antibiotics?
- Wild cutie waking up SUPER early.
- Hair loss
- Losing weight rapidly
- Any ideas about rehabs in Tampa FL
- richardson hair loss
- Alternative way to dose revolution?
- Ivermectin Questions
- Need help, but ..
- House fire
- Baby flyer not using hind foot
- Large Mass on Side
- Looking for a rehabber in N Georgia
- Advice needed-anatomy
- Floppy Goppy has sores on his legs from urine
- Diabetic Squirrel: looking for advice
- Pinkies! Need a refresher/formula choices
- tame wild with head tilt
- Breathing
- Best cage for transporting squirrel during 1.5 hr car trip
- Travel help needed in Ft. Worth, TX
- pine cones
- My Squirrel disappeared out of the blue
- Blood in Poop
- Foot injury
- Why my 6weeks baby squirrel is not drinking?
- Odontoma
- Squirrels look sick
- To Release or Not...
- Sudden aggression
- What to do with two babies?
- Revolution Evaporated
- Humping flying squirrel question
- Swollen baby squirrel hip
- New Baby Care
- need help diagnostic strange sticky fluid from uretra
- Licking excessively and head tilted
- My yard squirrels
- Garage Visitor - Advice?
- 30 minutes East of STL
- Overgrown Teeth
- Teeth Issues: Not growing back.
- Baycox dosing, please
- Need help with baytril dosage
- Need help with my adult female squirrel!
- Help with dosage
- Mixing Species/release locations?
- Parasite Help
- whisle's pimple
- Need advice please.
- Old Age or MBD or something else ?
- Pet squirrel has gone nuts
- Is this coloring normal on an Eastern Gray?
- male squirrel biting/sucking his own genitals
- Wilding Behavior?
- Sandy a uti?
- raccoon attack on baby squirrels
- Teeth teeth and more teeth
- 4 y.o. Flyer.. fleas?
- Can I see photos/plans of the PVC portal on your release cage?
- Teeth
- Baby squirrel falls
- Should I intervene?
- Proper dilution of Betadine (povidine-iodine, 10%)
- Broken tooth mouth is swelling
- Unusual behavior
- Housing non related/ different age squirrels together
- Heavy Breathing