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  1. Advice sought for overwintering foundling
  2. Left powdered esbilac out help
  3. 6 week old squirrel with enlarged stomach but not bloated!
  4. 4-5 week old Eastern Grey/ Placement needed
  5. Baby Squirrel Behavior
  6. Shaking squirrel
  7. Water
  8. Abscess??? or no?
  9. My squirrel just ate macadamia leaves. Will she be ok?
  10. Over wintering in New York?
  11. When to give formula
  12. Severe maloclussion
  13. How to know how old my baby squirrel is
  14. scab?
  15. New mom…
  16. acting different..eyes just opening
  17. where can I buy 4ft flourescent light fixtures that plug in???
  18. Latest Update 6-7 Week Red
  19. Thanks For Your Help
  20. How often to feed
  21. Teeth hurting?
  22. No Drinking Water & eating solid food
  23. Water?
  24. Neurological issues in baby- possible spinal cord injury
  26. Please advise ... thank you!
  27. Flashlight recommendation for deterring hawks
  28. Pinkish Stool and Other Issues
  29. Possible UTI
  30. clavamox question
  31. Baby squirrel 6 weeks old
  32. what is wrong with these squirrels?
  33. Newly injured squirrels - anyone know what this type of injury is?
  34. 4-5 week old baby squirrel questions
  35. Help with releasing squirrel
  36. Out of date Clavamox, and Clindamycin bitterness reduction technique?
  37. Please help, need dosage info for baytril asap
  38. Need help with dosing amount
  39. question about an adult squirrel
  40. Young baby squirrel question
  41. Squirrel passed away, is it contagious to my other squirrel?
  42. DIARRHEA!!!!!!!
  43. Baby with pointy, extended ribcage
  44. Possible yeast infection
  45. Is this a deformed tooth??
  46. Runny nose, sneezing, diarrhea.........
  47. Guppy mouth when eating solid foods?
  48. Smelly?
  49. Little Louie-not eating well
  50. Can I put two of my squirrels together to protect them from a hurricane
  51. Water Bottle
  52. Tail injury?
  53. Releasing
  54. Swollen Knuckle on 5 Month Old Red
  55. Diarrhea for 2 weeks but acts normal
  56. Bigger cage question
  57. 6-7 week old squirrel diarrhea
  58. White growth near eye (pics and video included)
  59. Newish squirrel not doing good
  60. Boredom
  61. Expired meds. Any good?
  62. Baby squirrel won't eat
  63. Sudden Partial Paralysis
  64. Little Lilie...<3
  65. Dragging butt
  66. Round tail ground squirrel questions
  67. Injured toe
  68. Diarrhea gone but what’s this mucous poo?
  69. Need Rehabilitator
  70. White boogers?
  71. squirrel not eating
  72. Abscess just popped on 7 week old. What should I do now?
  73. Please help! Possible UTI
  74. Need Motrin Dosing for Adult Squirrel
  75. Possible ear problem
  76. Squirrel nutrition questions
  77. Really aggressive 12 week old squirrel
  78. Gross Question
  79. Overwintering a chipmunk in Ontario
  80. Injured Squirrel can’t move back legs
  81. Need help finding a vet for Baytril
  82. Old male squirrel - prolapsed penis
  83. Cages!!
  84. Broken Tail
  85. Aggression
  86. Possible broken or injured jaw
  87. 5month old black pet squirrel attacks
  88. 2 questions have been on my mind!
  89. BUMP on the Head
  90. Has anyone seen this eye condition before??
  91. MBD?
  92. Advice for 3 month old grey squirrel girl
  93. Falling a lot from old injury
  94. Is there anyone near Nashville or down I75 who can take in a squirrel
  95. Need help. Not sure what to do.
  96. Hypoglycemia and hypothermia in Adult/Wild Squirrel
  97. New squirrel mom
  98. Teklad 2018 Inquiry
  99. Rubbing around in cage
  100. UTI dosing 8 Week old squirrel
  101. Squirrel/cat encounter
  102. What on earth is going on..
  103. Help needed for odontoma/infection!
  104. Furever Home Needed For LittleTeddy!
  105. Please help feeding solids
  106. Wild eastern grey male — possibly overweight?
  107. Missing White Squirrel
  108. Wild w swelling on head
  109. PNW HELP: 14wk Squirrel not ready to release!
  110. Strange bump
  111. Cat deterrent that won’t deter squirrels?
  112. Possible eye infection??????
  113. Need help finding place for young squirrel in Alabama
  114. Possible odontoma
  115. Heated Water Bottle for Overwintering?
  116. Help! Advice needed on release.
  117. Foot Issues?
  118. mold
  119. I saw a juvenıle squirrel on the ground with its hindleg scretched out
  120. I thought she was a fox squirrel, but now I'm not so sure
  121. Happy, sleepy, BOLT! Why does she run?
  122. Outdoor friend with injured front paw
  123. Something wrong with one of my backyard friends
  124. Extremely swollen testicles and calpers glands and painful
  125. Hello , it has been a long time.
  126. Recommended dosage of clindamycin
  127. Searching for a Vet in Miami, Fl or near by
  128. Little red coco front paw is cut
  129. Random Aggression
  130. Releasability of a squirrel with physical limitations
  131. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Need vet near Houston, Texas.
  132. strange cyst on a cheek's adults need advices
  133. Lump on baby squirrel
  134. 2-3week baby with broken keg and arm
  135. Post odontoma surgery
  136. Large lump above nose — possibly abscess?
  137. Help with a letter
  138. Tips to assess a young squirrel arm
  139. New worries
  140. Are squirrels sensitive to already dried Great Stuff (aka spray foam)?
  141. Abscess help
  142. Swollen genitals
  143. Fake tree bark, non-wood materials adhered to a tree: Please share your experience
  144. Getting them back into cage
  145. Broken arm, 4 month old female
  146. Release gone wrong
  147. Potential UTI in 8-Month Old Red
  148. Does squirrel look dehydrated
  149. Shiloh our Flying Squirrel Only Poops on Us!
  150. I’m so anxious! Caught squirrel to bring to rehab centre
  151. Cloudy blue eyes
  153. My squirrel's arm looks broken or shoulder dislocated. PLEASE HELP!
  154. Sneezing After formula out nose
  155. BOTFLY-----Ugly..... but Harmless (usually )
  156. Milky discharge from eye
  157. Swollen, maybe broken toe
  158. 12 Year Old Broken Teeth
  159. wild adult female dragging crotch? video and photo provided
  160. A nipple, an abscess, or something else?
  161. Strange aggressive behavior
  162. eye infection
  163. Milky Substance from Eye and Nostril
  164. To Release or Not to Release, that is the question....
  165. Need advice on whether to wait to release a squirrel I rescued a couple months ago?
  166. 2nd odontoma surgery
  167. Nodding Gray Squirrel
  168. 2 1/2 old pregnant female squirrel moving?
  169. Large mass on jaw
  170. Swollen testicle on red squirrel
  171. Chance of a squirrel coming back
  173. 8yr old just diagnosed diabetic squirrel
  175. Is it safe to release my little guy?
  176. Catego flea protection
  177. Wild squirrel injured hind leg
  178. Krocker
  179. Injured tail
  180. Pet squirrel broken paw
  181. Too long to be on antibiotics?
  182. Wild cutie waking up SUPER early.
  183. Hair loss
  184. Losing weight rapidly
  185. Any ideas about rehabs in Tampa FL
  186. richardson hair loss
  187. Alternative way to dose revolution?
  188. Ivermectin Questions
  189. Need help, but ..
  190. House fire
  191. Baby flyer not using hind foot
  192. Large Mass on Side
  193. Looking for a rehabber in N Georgia
  194. Advice needed-anatomy
  195. Floppy Goppy has sores on his legs from urine
  196. Diabetic Squirrel: looking for advice
  197. Pinkies! Need a refresher/formula choices
  198. tame wild with head tilt
  199. Breathing
  200. Best cage for transporting squirrel during 1.5 hr car trip
  201. Travel help needed in Ft. Worth, TX
  202. pine cones
  203. My Squirrel disappeared out of the blue
  204. Blood in Poop
  205. Foot injury
  206. Why my 6weeks baby squirrel is not drinking?
  207. Odontoma
  208. Squirrels look sick
  209. To Release or Not...
  210. Sudden aggression
  211. What to do with two babies?
  212. Revolution Evaporated
  213. Humping flying squirrel question
  214. Swollen baby squirrel hip
  215. New Baby Care
  216. need help diagnostic strange sticky fluid from uretra
  217. Licking excessively and head tilted
  218. My yard squirrels
  219. Garage Visitor - Advice?
  220. 30 minutes East of STL
  221. Overgrown Teeth
  222. Teeth Issues: Not growing back.
  223. Baycox dosing, please
  224. Need help with baytril dosage
  225. Need help with my adult female squirrel!
  226. Help with dosage
  227. Mixing Species/release locations?
  228. Parasite Help
  229. whisle's pimple
  230. Need advice please.
  231. Old Age or MBD or something else ?
  232. Pet squirrel has gone nuts
  233. Is this coloring normal on an Eastern Gray?
  234. male squirrel biting/sucking his own genitals
  235. Wilding Behavior?
  236. Sandy a uti?
  237. raccoon attack on baby squirrels
  238. Teeth teeth and more teeth
  239. 4 y.o. Flyer.. fleas?
  241. Can I see photos/plans of the PVC portal on your release cage?
  242. Teeth
  243. Baby squirrel falls
  244. Should I intervene?
  245. Proper dilution of Betadine (povidine-iodine, 10%)
  246. Broken tooth mouth is swelling
  247. Unusual behavior
  248. Housing non related/ different age squirrels together
  249. UTI
  250. Heavy Breathing