View Full Version : Possible broken or injured jaw
10-14-2022, 09:27 PM
Does anyone have any experience with what might be an injured or broken jaw? My 6 year released squirrel has some swelling on her right jaw. A few days ago my husband noticed she couldn’t open her mouth wide enough to take an in shell pecan. She has opened and eaten peanuts since then, as well as veggies and boo balls. Today she seemed less interested in eating but did take some formula.
I’m uncertain if I should try giving her some type of anti-inflammatory or is this serious enough to trap her and take her to Dr. Emerson? Has anyone been through this and can recommend a course of action?
10-15-2022, 11:10 AM
Does anyone have any experience with what might be an injured or broken jaw? My 6 year released squirrel has some swelling on her right jaw. A few days ago my husband noticed she couldn’t open her mouth wide enough to take an in shell pecan. She has opened and eaten peanuts since then, as well as veggies and boo balls. Today she seemed less interested in eating but did take some formula.
I’m uncertain if I should try giving her some type of anti-inflammatory or is this serious enough to trap her and take her to Dr. Emerson? Has anyone been through this and can recommend a course of action?
Hi Mel:
I'm sorry to hear about your Squirrel's apparent mouth problems. Possibly some photos would help identify the condition or limit the possibilities. Obviously, finding out what is going on is very important! BUT what you are describing from a general health standpoint is an Urgency if not yet an Emergency because whatever is going on is affecting the ability of your Squirrel to maintain her own nutritional support! I would suggest offering only formula or very soft food as peanuts as we know are not real healthy but more to the point, eating anything with substance is probably causing discomfort for your Squirrel! I would strongly recommend contacting Dr. E. It is Saturday but if you are able to make contact with her she is an expert in Squirrels and especially oral and dental issues as you well know. If you have an NSAID available such as Ibuprofen or Meloxicam, this could very well offer some comfort to your Squirrel. One of the Admins will need to give you dosing recommendations. Please post what pain medication you have available and your Squirrel's weight (hopefully she will let you weigh her). What is her current status?
Regards, SamtheSquirrel
Diggie's Friend
10-15-2022, 01:29 PM
We had a squirrel here with a jaw swelling that was very large; it turned out to be an abscess that had to be opened up to clean it out.
Whether the swelling is from an abscess or the result of an injury/possible broken jaw; with her not being able to open a nut, Vet intervention is advisable.
Charley Chuckles
10-15-2022, 03:43 PM
Praying you can trap her and get her to Dr E 🙏🙏🙏
I hope it's something like an absence that can be fixed easily🙏
10-16-2022, 12:11 PM
Thanks guys. I got dosing for metacam and started it yesterday. The swelling might have gone down a little. She’s still willing to eat, so I question that it’s an infection. I reached out to Dr. E.
Here’s a pic. It’s sorta hard to see the swelling but it’s on her right jaw.
10-16-2022, 03:44 PM
Heard from Dr. E. She recommended I start Clavamox ASAP. She didn’t offer any suggestion of what she thought might be going on.
Charley Chuckles
10-16-2022, 05:34 PM
Praying all goes well 🙏
10-17-2022, 01:24 AM
Heard from Dr. E. She recommended I start Clavamox ASAP. She didn’t offer any suggestion of what she thought might be going on.
I'm glad that you were able to reach Dr. E on a weekend, Mel! Do you have Clavamox (or an equivalent such as Augmentin or generic Amoxicillin/Clavulanate) and have you been given dosing instructions from Dr. E?
Just my opinion but I would also suggest asking Dr. E when she is at work tomorrow; just what she thinks is going on as well as asking her for any other specific suggestions she might have for care of your Squirrel while she is being treated, the anticipated duration of antibiotic therapy, and what specifically (if anything) you should be monitoring other than the obvious and that would be the status of the mass over the right side of your Squirrel's mandible. How is your Squirrel doing now? Does she have a name?
10-17-2022, 10:40 AM
Yes, I have Clavamox and have begun giving it to her. This is a bit dicey because I can’t handle her. She has been released since 2016. I am putting the meds in the grooves of a pecan, but can’t use almond butter to cover it….she doesn’t like almond butter. I would prefer not to trap her unless completely necessary. Dr. E is going out of town tomorrow and will be unavailable for a week. She has given me the name of her assistant if I need anything while she’s gone. I’m hoping to just continue getting as much antibiotic into her as I can and will trap her if necessary and take her up to see Dr. E when she returns.
Her name is May and her story is in the Nursery. So far she is acting completely normal. She’s eating well and getting around well. Since she lives in my garage I provide food for her every night so she doesn’t have to search for survival.
10-17-2022, 12:15 PM
Mel, Clavamox has a very mild taste, it is not really unpleasant so if you can get the required dosage on a pecan, she will probably eat it as is.
Yes, I have Clavamox and have begun giving it to her. This is a bit dicey because I can’t handle her. She has been released since 2016. I am putting the meds in the grooves of a pecan, but can’t use almond butter to cover it….she doesn’t like almond butter. I would prefer not to trap her unless completely necessary. Dr. E is going out of town tomorrow and will be unavailable for a week. She has given me the name of her assistant if I need anything while she’s gone. I’m hoping to just continue getting as much antibiotic into her as I can and will trap her if necessary and take her up to see Dr. E when she returns.
Her name is May and her story is in the Nursery. So far she is acting completely normal. She’s eating well and getting around well. Since she lives in my garage I provide food for her every night so she doesn’t have to search for survival.
10-19-2022, 07:00 AM
I got some new pictures. The area that’s swollen is definitely near the jaw or maybe upper neck and seems to be getting larger. My plan is to continue dosing with the Clavamox and get an appointment set up for Dr. E’s return next week. If it gets better I’ll cancel. I don’t intend to trap her until then. I worry about destroying the trust. She is taking the ab laced nuts pretty well.
She continues to eat and act normal.
10-19-2022, 09:42 AM
That looks like it is located in the the neck and not the jaw? A bot or an abscess?
I got some new pictures. The area that’s swollen is definitely near the jaw or maybe upper neck and seems to be getting larger. My plan is to continue dosing with the Clavamox and get an appointment set up for Dr. E’s return next week. If it gets better I’ll cancel. I don’t intend to trap her until then. I worry about destroying the trust. She is taking the ab laced nuts pretty well.
She continues to eat and act normal.
10-19-2022, 09:17 PM
Thanks for looking Pete. It does seem more like it’s in the upper neck or maybe the area where the jaw is hinged. I don’t see any hole for a bot but it could be an abscess. Can an abscess develop like that from an infected molar?
I would expect her to act more sick, but maybe she’s just doing a good job of hiding it….which we know they’re pros at doing.
10-23-2022, 08:44 PM
Hi Mel:
How is May doing?
10-24-2022, 02:53 PM
May update: The swelling on the side of her jaw/neck is still significant. She’s been eating the pecan with antibiotic, but sometimes only once a day. I have an appointment to see Dr. E on Wednesday afternoon when she returns. I suspect it’s an infected molar, even though she is eating and getting around with no problems.
I’ve been stressing about how I was going to trap her, so I got out my little travel cage and set it up in the garage. Out of curiosity I had her hop on my shoulder and then took her to the cage and threw a peanut inside the cage. She hopped off my shoulder, and without concern, hopped right into the cage to get the peanut. I could have closed the door, but I don’t want to trap her till the night before her appointment. I’m thankful I will be able to keep the stress to a minimum. :w00t
10-24-2022, 10:11 PM
May update: The swelling on the side of her jaw/neck is still significant. She’s been eating the pecan with antibiotic, but sometimes only once a day. I have an appointment to see Dr. E on Wednesday afternoon when she returns. I suspect it’s an infected molar, even though she is eating and getting around with no problems.
I’ve been stressing about how I was going to trap her, so I got out my little travel cage and set it up in the garage. Out of curiosity I had her hop on my shoulder and then took her to the cage and threw a peanut inside the cage. She hopped off my shoulder, and without concern, hopped right into the cage to get the peanut. I could have closed the door, but I don’t want to trap her till the night before her appointment. I’m thankful I will be able to keep the stress to a minimum. :w00t
Thanks for the update! I'm glad that May will be seen by Dr. E! Good strategy with the peanut Mel! Please let us know what Dr. E has to say.
10-25-2022, 10:06 AM
I have May caged and in the house in a quiet area with the cage covered…..she’s not happy. :shakehead I didn’t want to contain her 24 hrs before her appointment, but the “what ifs” started invading my head….”what if she’s not cooperative this afternoon?”, “what if I don’t see her this evening?” Etc. Knowing she’s usually hungriest in the morning I seized my opportunity this morning. I’m relieved that I have her, but worry that her trust in me is completely shot. :sniff:sniff
10-25-2022, 10:44 AM
I have May caged and in the house in a quiet area with the cage covered…..she’s not happy. :shakehead I didn’t want to contain her 24 hrs before her appointment, but the “what ifs” started invading my head….”what if she’s not cooperative this afternoon?”, “what if I don’t see her this evening?” Etc. Knowing she’s usually hungriest in the morning I seized my opportunity this morning. I’m relieved that I have her, but worry that her trust in me is completely shot. :sniff:sniff
Hi Mel:
I'm quite certain that May will forgive you l and trust you as always. She knows that you love her!
I'm working but I just wanted to try to help reassure you that you are doing the right thing!
10-26-2022, 07:10 PM
:wallet:wallet…..$478 later….May and I have returned from her vet visit. The swelling was an abscess. She had two dead molars extracted and the abscess lanced and cleaned out. She was bouncing around the cage the whole way home. I guess there was no pain after the injections she was given. I have purchased some leather gloves since I have to give her several meds every day. Poor baby just wants her freedom again. :sniff. It will be a little while before that happens.
10-26-2022, 07:16 PM
This is what I thought it was going to be. I am so glad you got her taken care of!
10-26-2022, 07:57 PM
FYI squirrel teeth can penetrate leather gloves. :tap
10-26-2022, 08:01 PM
FYI squirrel teeth can penetrate leather gloves. :tap
Yup. Like a hot knife through butter...
10-26-2022, 08:49 PM
Leather glove? Might as well wears no gloves.:hug
Glad you were able to track this down. Infected molars? I wonder what caused that?
10-26-2022, 08:58 PM
Leather glove? Might as well wears no gloves.:hug
Glad you were able to track this down. Infected molars? I wonder what caused that?
They didn’t know, but she had actually broken them. They suspected biting on a nut or rock. She does chew on the bones that I have on tree limbs but that would be her incisors, I think. I think the squirrels chew on lava rocks, though. My neighbor has them around his house and many times I will find a random lava rock in my grass or along the edge of the road in front of my house. I believe these rocks have some naturally occurring minerals in them that squirrels like.
10-26-2022, 11:54 PM
:wallet:wallet…..$478 later….May and I have returned from her vet visit. The swelling was an abscess. She had two dead molars extracted and the abscess lanced and cleaned out. She was bouncing around the cage the whole way home. I guess there was no pain after the injections she was given. I have purchased some leather gloves since I have to give her several meds every day. Poor baby just wants her freedom again. :sniff. It will be a little while before that happens.
This sounds similar to what Jack went through. We can pretty much identify bad incisors, molars not so much.
I'm glad you could get her to Dr.E. :grouphug
10-27-2022, 01:41 AM
I'm so glad that you were able to take May to Dr. E and that her conditions were diagnosed and definitive treatments begun! I know that May longs to be free again but it will be because of your concern and love for this Little Squirrel that May will all to soon be returning to the trees; once again in good health, and destined to live a glorious Squirrel Life! Thanks for your care of May, Mel!
10-27-2022, 08:05 AM
Yup. Like a hot knife through butter...
Yup, just ordered me some Kevlar ones!:grin3
Charley Chuckles
10-27-2022, 08:28 AM
Great job👍
Glad she's on the mend🙏
I've used welding gloves but hard to hold anything.
May will not hold this against you she's smart and knows you saved her life again❤️🥰
10-27-2022, 09:47 AM
I use two gloves. An exterior kevlar glove (sized up a size or two) and a interior glove made of neoprene. The interior layer of neoprene allowed the outer layer layer to shift, so teethwould bite, catch a bit on the kevlar and then shift off my finger a bit due to the neoprene. It is also more flexible and grippy than a thick leather glove. Worked pretty well, 75% of bites did not puncture my skin. But even with this, if they get a firm bite on you, it goes right through the kevlar and whamm, they nail you! :sadness
11-01-2022, 12:22 PM
Just catching up on this thread. Glad to know May was treated and on the mend! Good luck with all you need to do now!
11-02-2022, 09:30 PM
FYI squirrel teeth will penetrate a level 5 Kevlar glove. :tap
Luckily we are almost done dosing her. Since she’s only getting the antibiotic now I have resorted to putting the meds in the grooves of a pecan and allow it to sit in the fridge overnight. She has been pretty good about taking the meds, but it stresses her…. and me… catch her in the cage and hold her long enough for dosing. She has not been eating very well since she’s been indoors, so she’s pretty willing to eat the antibiotic laced pecan. She’s still taking a couple syringes of formula twice a day, too.
She has settled down in the cage….no more backflips and running around the cage like a lunatic. It’s like she’s resigned herself to her fate. :confused:
Her release date is this Saturday. I know she’ll be happy to be back in the trees and I’ll be happy to have her living there. :grin3.
Charley Chuckles
11-02-2022, 11:04 PM
Awesome update :bliss
11-05-2022, 10:42 AM
As of 30 minutes ago May is back in the trees. :bliss:bliss. After getting some medication advice from TubeDriver, I gave her a double dose of antibiotic via syringe so she could return to the trees this morning instead of in the late afternoon. Needless to say she was ecstatic to climb HER tree and sniff the fresh air. :dance I’m happy to say that she was willing to jump on my shoulder once released and take a peanut from me! :w00t
I’m very relieved that this ordeal is behind us and that it had a happy ending. Thank you all for your words of advice and encouragement. They were very helpful. :hug
Here’s a couple of photos of the cheek that had the abscess.
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