View Full Version : Little Lilie...<3

09-28-2022, 09:44 PM
As some of you already know, my neighbor found this little baby squirrel. :Love_Icon She was very cold, very skinny and very weak. I got the baby and I've been helping her since Saturday morning and she is doing well. :Love_Icon

She is just very skittish and very feisty! She is in the inside cage and she mostly hides/sleeps inside of the fleece cube. When I take her out; she wants to run away. Yesterday, she ran away and got under the TV and didn't come out. I had to move everything to get her out.

She also started refusing the formula. Well, mostly I'm out of nipples; because she shredded them into pieces and I think she doesn't like the nipple I currently have. So I put some formula in a small dish and she's been drinking (or rather learning to drink) from that.

She's been nibbling Henry's blocks and today tried some avocado.

Should I keep her in the inside cage? I think she is 8 weeks or so. She is about 165 grams. I'm just nervous that she is not getting enough sun inside.

Also, any thoughts or suggestions on her being so wild so young?

09-28-2022, 09:56 PM
Keep her in the cage to protect her, from herself and whatever else. Cages are for the protection of their occupant, not to lock them away. It is their "safe space".

She does not "need" sun... though everyone enjoys the sunshine. She is getting plenty of Vitamin D form the Henry's and formula (hopefully you'll get a new supply of formula soon).

Placing marbles or rocks in the dish with the formula will be helpful in preventing her from sticking her muzzle too deep into the formula and aspirating.

09-30-2022, 05:21 PM
Thank you so much! :Love_Icon

One more question: is it normal that she never leaves that little fleece cube and keeps hiding in? It's been a week, and she is still very skittish and wild. In every chance, she tries to run away.

At what age do you recommend to move her to the bigger outside cage? I'm wondering if she'd be more comfortable there; but she is still tiny.

09-30-2022, 06:56 PM
They live in the confines of a tiny nest with other babies and their mom until they are about 9 weeks old. She knows what is right!

She had her eyes open when found? They are tougher - they have SEEN their mom and you ain't her. Try holding her in a fleece piece big enough that you can sort of flop it over her eyes. They will eat easier if they can't see you, too. My little Zeke was such a destroyer of nipples that I often fed him without one and just let him destroy the syringe!

09-30-2022, 07:56 PM
Thank you! :Love_Icon

I think she is ~8 weeks old. Yes, my neighbor found her a week ago. She was really really cold and just bones and skin - poor thing! :Love_Icon

I had Buddy; which I rescued when he was a pinky (~12 grams) and he ended up being the most friendly and sweetest thing and Jack was also younger when I found him; around 5-6 weeks; but Jack was not wild at all; he would play with us and was not skittish like this.

I have another friend who is trying to rescue another baby about 6 weeks old and he also is playful and not wild at all.

I can't barely hold her in my hands. She tries to run away. I'm giving her formula in a small/rat dish and she drinks a bit; but losing interest. She is eating some blocks and veggies though.

The only time she is somewhat calm is at night, when she under a fleece blanket.

Do you think she'll get used to being around us and not get scared by every little sound or person approaching?

I'm also wondering when I should move her to the outside/bigger cage? She is with us where there's people talking, TV or music on in the evenings, I wonder if she'd be more comfortable in the outside cage; where it's more quiet and calm (mostly). But maybe she is too young to be in that big outdoor cage. Thoughts or suggestions?

10-02-2022, 06:50 PM
Still waiting some comments/suggestions on my questions above but also, another question... Lilie has been sleeping and mostly hiding in a fleece cube that's on the bottom of the inside cage. She is still very skittish... I moved the cube just tiny bit above the floor, to give her more space. She seems to be having a really hard time getting into the cube now. Is it normal? I thought she find it immediately, but she gets out and seems like she cannot find the entry and she keeps hanging on the cage wires. :(

10-02-2022, 07:09 PM
An 8 week old baby will likely never be as friendly to you as a younger one would - but she will probably calm down a little.

I usually give squirrels an easy way in and out of hanging cubes - so there is perhaps a ramp or shelf that is right next to the entry hole. This doesn't seem to have a real easy way in.

10-02-2022, 07:26 PM
Thanks! I'll rearrange so it's easier to get into. I'm just surprised that she doesn't get on top and then move into it. She also never uses the top hammock either.

10-02-2022, 08:46 PM
I have to do a sanity check one more time: I was talking with my sister today and she was asking if it's better to keep this baby about 9 months or so all by herself rather than taking her to the wildlife rehabilitator where she can have potentially other friends and that she'd be released with others. I'm not a rehabilitator, so I'm not sure if she is too old to be introduced to others? She is about 210 grams today - though after feeding.

I really don't want to make any mistakes and do what's best for her. I haven't recovered after losing Jack (and most likely will never recover), so I'm doubting if it's the best choice for her to keep her with me; partially it's also because she is so wild...

Both Buddy and Jack LOVED playing with us for hours... This one is super wild and is scared of us (or anything) and keeps running away and hiding. :(

I even put blankets etc in the bathtub and closed the doors to tried to get her comfortable to be with/around me; and she kept jumping and trying to run away.

So, she won't play with us; will she get super lonely??