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  1. Hit by car adult with 1/16 inch gap in top teeth
  2. Buggy eyes that are looking backwards
  3. there is this sick, almost hairless, 3-legged squirrel hanging out around my house
  4. Pin Oak branch buds poisons?
  6. Baby Opossum....what to do?
  7. Please help! Babies on GME with loose stool!
  8. Sid - my new blind buddy.
  9. Squirrel repellent for neighbor so she stops killing them
  10. Advice needed - pregnant squirrel
  11. Flyer wound on back
  12. Amoxicillin and other meds getting tossed out
  13. What is this thing?
  14. My soon to be 7 week old squirrels are not eating Henry's Blocks
  15. Fearful/Aggressive newly released squirrel - attacked me!
  16. Bene-bac question
  17. 10month old squirrel extreme behavior change within 30mins
  18. Eating poop
  19. Looking for baby ibuprofen dosing info for little with busted lip and face.
  20. Question about one of the groundhogs on our property
  21. Hateful neighbors killing my friends (this is the second neighbor now!)
  22. Buddy's First Night Out...
  24. Trees, trees, more trees...
  25. 4-5 week squirrel refuses to eat
  26. Regular Intense Body Tremors
  27. Aspiration Pneumonia Medication
  28. Indoor play pen for Georgie
  29. Juvenile cataracts
  30. 9 month old release with limp tail
  31. Acclimating to outdoor temps.
  32. Wild Bunny info and advice needed
  33. My baby squirrel has knobs like pustule
  34. Squirrel staying on my window screen for maybe 24 hrs+
  35. Wilds near release cage
  36. NR with sores
  37. Concerning hair loss in patches--what is this??
  38. Large patches of fur missing - skin discoloration
  39. Baby Indian Palm Squirrel leg and neck injury
  40. 10wk old squirrel with diarrhea
  41. Did my neighbor kill my squirrels?
  42. Flyer Help
  43. Dosing antibiotic help needed
  44. Housing/nesting for two
  45. Hubby found 2 so far
  46. Sid - my half blind buddy - I need eye advice
  47. Bot fly?
  48. Knee and loin balding....
  49. Front tooth discoloration...
  50. Baby squirrel dental concern
  51. Squirrel in yard a ragamuffin
  52. Squirrel behavior already released following
  53. Waiting for Vet Appointment!
  54. Hand-raised squirrel that I'm reintroducing to the wild came back home with injuries
  55. My squirrel is gone.
  56. One eyed young squirrel releasable?
  57. Buddy not gaining weight & looking for vet in Fla. area
  58. Handling Adult Non-Releasable Squirrel
  59. Juvenile Grey with pox and poss genital injury
  60. Broken arm wild squirrel 🐿
  61. Wild Adult Eastern Grey balding; is this problematic?
  62. Unknown eye infection/condition
  63. Adult squirrel bloating?
  64. Need names of Veterinary in Northern California that are Squirrel knowledgeable
  65. Antler as a chew/teething tool question.
  66. 9-10 month old not wanting to eat his Henry blocks
  67. Why is Donkey's tail thin?
  68. ScrumpD still getting some siezures with CBD
  69. Wild squirrel with ulcer/sore on foot
  70. 10 month old grey came home and won't get out of "bed"
  71. Where do I store the Fox Valley formula powder?
  72. Found "pants tugger" in Toronto. Hoping to connect with a rehabilitator in the area.
  73. Blind squirrel needs a ride
  74. Tuff with the yellow poops
  75. Shedding and it's altering of food/water intake and energy expenditure....
  76. Sids white eye- what should I expect.
  77. Young Costarican Squirrel NEEDS HELP
  78. I have a squirrel that seems to have serious arm wounds
  79. Transitioning 2 month old squirrel to regular food for release.
  80. Wounded eastern gray
  81. Augustus might have a UTI...need advice
  83. Release questions
  84. Release during mating season
  85. My NR is depressed and I don't know why
  86. Daily amount of Mazuri block for foxes and eastern grey squirrels?
  88. ADVISE NEEDED please…Safe soil for dig box
  89. Help I am at a loss of what to do
  90. What breed of Squirrel is this?
  91. 9 week old can't open a nut...
  92. Is it mange or just restless sleeper ?
  93. Pale stool ? Is this normal ?
  94. Are these squirrels or mice
  95. 8 week old acting Jumpy and slightly agressive towards me
  96. not a squirrel, but….
  97. Help! What in the world is this???
  98. Chipmunk with balding spots?
  99. Prefers the ground to trees?
  100. Accidental Hard release advice needed
  101. Injured Arm
  102. 11 month old fox squirrel constantly wet?
  103. Squirrel (almost) drowned
  104. Question on whether a squirrel is releasable or not.....
  105. Heat Cycle
  106. My squirrel Dot just passed away - need help understanding what happened?
  107. Ivermectin
  108. Adult Wild Rear Leg Wound
  109. Tooth/Mouth Injury
  110. release 10 month old while in heat?
  111. Help! Young baby female gray sounds congested
  112. Deworming a Release?
  113. Abscess, Eastern grey squirrel
  114. How to Discourage Squirrels from Chewing Up Balcony Baseboards?
  115. Sudden problem with left leg
  116. How will I know when she is ready to enter the world - soft release
  117. Flea treatment
  118. A night of puking then a week of weakness
  119. Baby Raccoons
  120. Environments formerly sprayed with pesticides....
  121. 1 year old Foxer WILL NOT eat lettuces or cabbages
  122. Post op Odontoma/teeth extractions
  123. Squirrel in release cage for 8 weeks
  124. Personal Mental help
  125. Laura Ross aka Unikorngrrl is FINALLY in Jail
  126. Question about house
  127. malloclusion squirrel needs a new home
  128. Bring them inside for the 4th?
  129. Baby Raccoon Recovered
  130. Question about 2 captive male squirrels and mating
  131. Shinobi my 20 week old grey squirrel lady a toe nail
  132. Neurological damage
  133. Eastern grey squirrel - eye problem
  134. Curiously Concerned
  135. Female egs losing fur on the underside of tail.
  136. injured hind leg
  137. Need new cage, mine doesnt fit the bill
  138. Squirrel biting her leg - advise on amputation needed
  139. Issue with female squirrel?
  140. Urine with a streak of blood
  141. Fur Loss possibly fungas
  142. interesting behavior
  143. UTI?
  144. Fall from tree 7-8 feet
  145. found a ground squirrel with 2 broken legs! help!
  146. Unsure Diagnosis
  147. 3 month old with dull, rough fur
  148. Carrot recall!
  149. Advice desperately needed please!
  150. Possible mange
  151. I think my squirrel may be sick
  152. 1 Year Old squirrel very aggressive
  153. Need A Squirrel Safe Vet For Ashley
  154. Is this normal?
  155. Brussel's Live Green Mound Juniper Outdoor Bonsai Tree...
  156. Hives all over my body
  157. Few questions about Ava ♥
  158. Seeking health diagnosis/advice: urinary problems in 5yr old EGS.
  159. Scared away? Missing squirrel
  160. Question on Squirrel Ear Behavior
  161. 3 month old losing fur on butt
  162. Pyometra
  163. When to release rescued chipmunk?
  164. Why did 5 month old wild die rapidly?
  165. Constipation in Older Squirrels
  166. Indian Palm Squirrel Scared and Jumping
  167. Help. Need anti-diarrheal dosing info
  168. When should I start worrying about a lack of peeing and pooping?
  169. Rehabber needed in CT
  170. Gross worms
  171. Squirrel with aspiration pnemonia
  172. Irritated spot on hand?
  173. What would cause sudden increase in agression?
  174. Not squirrel but I need help
  175. Neighbor saw squirrel through window and I'm freaking out
  176. Frozen vegetables
  177. Patterned Hair Loss in Infant Squirrel
  178. What could this bump be?
  179. Found a baby squirrel; bloated?
  180. need antibiotics for AP. using colloidal silver over the weekend till vet opens Mon.
  181. Question about feeding timing
  182. Maloclusion problem
  183. Food question
  184. Is betadyne cream safe for open sore near mouth?
  185. Inflamed penis - use of Neosporin
  186. Baytril dosage
  187. Gasping for breath
  188. Everest: cataracts
  189. Teeth
  190. Baby Squirrels with Yellow Diarrhea
  191. My baby has a very long lower tooth, need to make sure he’s okay.
  192. Swollen red butt (1 year old)
  193. Cats brought me a baby squirrel
  194. Need help identify Chipmunk's illness or disease
  195. First time momma trying to diagnose if my squirrel baby have fluid in it’s lungs.
  196. possum in squirrel house
  197. Wild with raw scaly skin around head.
  198. Opps
  199. sorry to start with MY BIGGEST QUESTION EVER
  200. Thinning hair on NR squirrel’s back
  201. Pet Grey Squirrel - Lesion under arm??
  202. Male Fox Squirrel appears to have boobs
  203. Anyone know of a squirrel vet in Tampa, FL area?
  204. Cat Attack, 4-week-old squirrel
  205. Scaly Tail
  206. Permanent home needed.
  207. Exercise ball for young squirrel?
  208. New to the Forum, have a 4-5 week old.
  209. Lost my Dose Meloxicam
  210. Normal Poo?
  211. Pet Grey Squirrel - Lesion under arm - Safe antibiotic?
  212. My female we rescued from a snake was recently introduced to 2 males
  213. My flyer fell into the sink filled with water...
  214. Chipmunk with some kind of brain injury or balance issue
  215. Is this baby a DWARF, DOWNS?
  216. Rehab Centers in Colorado
  217. Diarrhea in 5 mo old
  218. Help with identifying pelase. Is this squirrelly Pregnant? Or Nursing?
  219. Colours in Eastern Greys
  220. Bad Situation - Advice Needed
  221. Constipation to diarrhea??!!
  222. Needing help with antibiotic dosage
  223. Found baby Squirrel covered in lice, scabs.
  224. Baby Found after Hurricane Ida
  225. Need advice on new arrival, switching formula
  226. Switching frm ibuprofen to meloxicam, dosage
  227. Not eating / losing weight
  229. Apple juice and gas drops
  230. Diverging squirrel teeth
  231. Indoor cage size for 5 Eastern Grey squirrels
  232. Bald Spot/Hair Loss
  233. Clicking.. not clicking sounds
  234. Lump
  235. where can I buy a baby squirrel online
  236. Young squirrel with compound fracture
  237. Pregnant Squirrel?
  238. First time Day 1
  239. Itchy baby
  240. Gretel not eating!!!
  241. Help from people with multiple squirrels... I have some questions
  242. Stinky squirrels
  243. Infection back
  244. FV Formula questions!!
  245. Squirrel Cafe Owners, what do you do?
  246. Bot or abscess?
  247. Baby squirrel nipple latching issues
  248. Oxygen supplementation?
  249. Mama Squirrel Injured
  250. St. Pete baby needs a home