- Hit by car adult with 1/16 inch gap in top teeth
- Buggy eyes that are looking backwards
- there is this sick, almost hairless, 3-legged squirrel hanging out around my house
- Pin Oak branch buds poisons?
- Baby Opossum....what to do?
- Please help! Babies on GME with loose stool!
- Sid - my new blind buddy.
- Squirrel repellent for neighbor so she stops killing them
- Advice needed - pregnant squirrel
- Flyer wound on back
- Amoxicillin and other meds getting tossed out
- What is this thing?
- My soon to be 7 week old squirrels are not eating Henry's Blocks
- Fearful/Aggressive newly released squirrel - attacked me!
- Bene-bac question
- 10month old squirrel extreme behavior change within 30mins
- Eating poop
- Looking for baby ibuprofen dosing info for little with busted lip and face.
- Question about one of the groundhogs on our property
- Hateful neighbors killing my friends (this is the second neighbor now!)
- Buddy's First Night Out...
- Trees, trees, more trees...
- 4-5 week squirrel refuses to eat
- Regular Intense Body Tremors
- Aspiration Pneumonia Medication
- Indoor play pen for Georgie
- Juvenile cataracts
- 9 month old release with limp tail
- Acclimating to outdoor temps.
- Wild Bunny info and advice needed
- My baby squirrel has knobs like pustule
- Squirrel staying on my window screen for maybe 24 hrs+
- Wilds near release cage
- NR with sores
- Concerning hair loss in patches--what is this??
- Large patches of fur missing - skin discoloration
- Baby Indian Palm Squirrel leg and neck injury
- 10wk old squirrel with diarrhea
- Did my neighbor kill my squirrels?
- Flyer Help
- Dosing antibiotic help needed
- Housing/nesting for two
- Hubby found 2 so far
- Sid - my half blind buddy - I need eye advice
- Bot fly?
- Knee and loin balding....
- Front tooth discoloration...
- Baby squirrel dental concern
- Squirrel in yard a ragamuffin
- Squirrel behavior already released following
- Waiting for Vet Appointment!
- Hand-raised squirrel that I'm reintroducing to the wild came back home with injuries
- My squirrel is gone.
- One eyed young squirrel releasable?
- Buddy not gaining weight & looking for vet in Fla. area
- Handling Adult Non-Releasable Squirrel
- Juvenile Grey with pox and poss genital injury
- Broken arm wild squirrel 🐿
- Wild Adult Eastern Grey balding; is this problematic?
- Unknown eye infection/condition
- Adult squirrel bloating?
- Need names of Veterinary in Northern California that are Squirrel knowledgeable
- Antler as a chew/teething tool question.
- 9-10 month old not wanting to eat his Henry blocks
- Why is Donkey's tail thin?
- ScrumpD still getting some siezures with CBD
- Wild squirrel with ulcer/sore on foot
- 10 month old grey came home and won't get out of "bed"
- Where do I store the Fox Valley formula powder?
- Found "pants tugger" in Toronto. Hoping to connect with a rehabilitator in the area.
- Blind squirrel needs a ride
- Tuff with the yellow poops
- Shedding and it's altering of food/water intake and energy expenditure....
- Sids white eye- what should I expect.
- Young Costarican Squirrel NEEDS HELP
- I have a squirrel that seems to have serious arm wounds
- Transitioning 2 month old squirrel to regular food for release.
- Wounded eastern gray
- Augustus might have a UTI...need advice
- Release questions
- Release during mating season
- My NR is depressed and I don't know why
- Daily amount of Mazuri block for foxes and eastern grey squirrels?
- ADVISE NEEDED please…Safe soil for dig box
- Help I am at a loss of what to do
- What breed of Squirrel is this?
- 9 week old can't open a nut...
- Is it mange or just restless sleeper ?
- Pale stool ? Is this normal ?
- Are these squirrels or mice
- 8 week old acting Jumpy and slightly agressive towards me
- not a squirrel, but….
- Help! What in the world is this???
- Chipmunk with balding spots?
- Prefers the ground to trees?
- Accidental Hard release advice needed
- Injured Arm
- 11 month old fox squirrel constantly wet?
- Squirrel (almost) drowned
- Question on whether a squirrel is releasable or not.....
- Heat Cycle
- My squirrel Dot just passed away - need help understanding what happened?
- Ivermectin
- Adult Wild Rear Leg Wound
- Tooth/Mouth Injury
- release 10 month old while in heat?
- Help! Young baby female gray sounds congested
- Deworming a Release?
- Abscess, Eastern grey squirrel
- How to Discourage Squirrels from Chewing Up Balcony Baseboards?
- Sudden problem with left leg
- How will I know when she is ready to enter the world - soft release
- Flea treatment
- A night of puking then a week of weakness
- Baby Raccoons
- Environments formerly sprayed with pesticides....
- 1 year old Foxer WILL NOT eat lettuces or cabbages
- Post op Odontoma/teeth extractions
- Squirrel in release cage for 8 weeks
- Personal Mental help
- Laura Ross aka Unikorngrrl is FINALLY in Jail
- Question about house
- malloclusion squirrel needs a new home
- Bring them inside for the 4th?
- Baby Raccoon Recovered
- Question about 2 captive male squirrels and mating
- Shinobi my 20 week old grey squirrel lady a toe nail
- Neurological damage
- Eastern grey squirrel - eye problem
- Curiously Concerned
- Female egs losing fur on the underside of tail.
- injured hind leg
- Need new cage, mine doesnt fit the bill
- Squirrel biting her leg - advise on amputation needed
- Issue with female squirrel?
- Urine with a streak of blood
- Fur Loss possibly fungas
- interesting behavior
- UTI?
- Fall from tree 7-8 feet
- found a ground squirrel with 2 broken legs! help!
- Unsure Diagnosis
- 3 month old with dull, rough fur
- Carrot recall!
- Advice desperately needed please!
- Possible mange
- I think my squirrel may be sick
- 1 Year Old squirrel very aggressive
- Need A Squirrel Safe Vet For Ashley
- Is this normal?
- Brussel's Live Green Mound Juniper Outdoor Bonsai Tree...
- Hives all over my body
- Few questions about Ava ♥
- Seeking health diagnosis/advice: urinary problems in 5yr old EGS.
- Scared away? Missing squirrel
- Question on Squirrel Ear Behavior
- 3 month old losing fur on butt
- Pyometra
- When to release rescued chipmunk?
- Why did 5 month old wild die rapidly?
- Constipation in Older Squirrels
- Indian Palm Squirrel Scared and Jumping
- Help. Need anti-diarrheal dosing info
- When should I start worrying about a lack of peeing and pooping?
- Rehabber needed in CT
- Gross worms
- Squirrel with aspiration pnemonia
- Irritated spot on hand?
- What would cause sudden increase in agression?
- Not squirrel but I need help
- Neighbor saw squirrel through window and I'm freaking out
- Frozen vegetables
- Patterned Hair Loss in Infant Squirrel
- What could this bump be?
- Found a baby squirrel; bloated?
- need antibiotics for AP. using colloidal silver over the weekend till vet opens Mon.
- Question about feeding timing
- Maloclusion problem
- Food question
- Is betadyne cream safe for open sore near mouth?
- Inflamed penis - use of Neosporin
- Baytril dosage
- Gasping for breath
- Everest: cataracts
- Teeth
- Baby Squirrels with Yellow Diarrhea
- My baby has a very long lower tooth, need to make sure he’s okay.
- Swollen red butt (1 year old)
- Cats brought me a baby squirrel
- Need help identify Chipmunk's illness or disease
- First time momma trying to diagnose if my squirrel baby have fluid in it’s lungs.
- possum in squirrel house
- Wild with raw scaly skin around head.
- Opps
- sorry to start with MY BIGGEST QUESTION EVER
- Thinning hair on NR squirrel’s back
- Pet Grey Squirrel - Lesion under arm??
- Male Fox Squirrel appears to have boobs
- Anyone know of a squirrel vet in Tampa, FL area?
- Cat Attack, 4-week-old squirrel
- Scaly Tail
- Permanent home needed.
- Exercise ball for young squirrel?
- New to the Forum, have a 4-5 week old.
- Lost my Dose Meloxicam
- Normal Poo?
- Pet Grey Squirrel - Lesion under arm - Safe antibiotic?
- My female we rescued from a snake was recently introduced to 2 males
- My flyer fell into the sink filled with water...
- Chipmunk with some kind of brain injury or balance issue
- Is this baby a DWARF, DOWNS?
- Rehab Centers in Colorado
- Diarrhea in 5 mo old
- Help with identifying pelase. Is this squirrelly Pregnant? Or Nursing?
- Colours in Eastern Greys
- Bad Situation - Advice Needed
- Constipation to diarrhea??!!
- Needing help with antibiotic dosage
- Found baby Squirrel covered in lice, scabs.
- Baby Found after Hurricane Ida
- Need advice on new arrival, switching formula
- Switching frm ibuprofen to meloxicam, dosage
- Not eating / losing weight
- Apple juice and gas drops
- Diverging squirrel teeth
- Indoor cage size for 5 Eastern Grey squirrels
- Bald Spot/Hair Loss
- Clicking.. not clicking sounds
- Lump
- where can I buy a baby squirrel online
- Young squirrel with compound fracture
- Pregnant Squirrel?
- First time Day 1
- Itchy baby
- Gretel not eating!!!
- Help from people with multiple squirrels... I have some questions
- Stinky squirrels
- Infection back
- FV Formula questions!!
- Squirrel Cafe Owners, what do you do?
- Bot or abscess?
- Baby squirrel nipple latching issues
- Oxygen supplementation?
- Mama Squirrel Injured
- St. Pete baby needs a home