View Full Version : Thinning hair on NR squirrel’s back

08-29-2021, 07:27 AM
Hi everyone, I’ve come here for help before with Stanley, my non-releasable neuro grey squirrel, and I am so grateful for your help.

Stan is around 8 months old and is a very active house squirrel - he has no contact with other animals and has been de-flea’d and wormed, so we know this isn’t fleas or other parasites.

We’ve noticed that he has two patches (on his back and towards the base of his tail) that have thinning hair - is this normal? Stan is our first squirrel but I have experience with gerbils and mice (including wild mice). I’ve not noticed him grooming these areas and there doesn’t appear to be any skin irritation. We are very careful with his diet - he is on a rat pellet-based mix (we’re in the UK so no access to Henry’s blocks unfortunately) with calcium supplements, fresh vegetables and very restricted nuts (1 or 2 a day).

If you have any thoughts on this I would be so grateful. Just to add as I’m UK based it’s virtually impossible to get veterinary treatment for these animals, so much easily accessible home treatments are much preferred if at all possible.

Thank you so much again for your kindness.


Charley Chuckles
08-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Gray squirrels also molt, shedding their summer coat and growing their winter pelage throughout September and early October, although their tails usually molt several months earlier.
Hope this helps👍

08-29-2021, 12:18 PM
Gray squirrels also molt, shedding their summer coat and growing their winter pelage throughout September and early October, although their tails usually molt several months earlier.
Hope this helps👍

Thank you so much for your reply, this is so helpful. He has a very full tail but I did wonder if this perhaps was a molt just as he doesn’t appear to be in any discomfort at all and I haven’t seen him grooming there at all. I’ll keep an eye on it but good to know it is likely normal! Many thanks!