View Full Version : Buddy not gaining weight & looking for vet in Fla. area

05-17-2021, 08:47 AM
This is my first post and here is buddy who we rescued in our backyard on 2/15/21 and appeared to be around 5 weeks old. The night before he came to us we heard a very loud screeching around 2:30 am, the next morning went out to the work shop and while sitting there working up the entrance ramp comes this little furball who comes right in the door and sits there looking at me.
Tried to see if his mama was still around but no joy there so the wife and I went to work with him. The first week was a little rough and one night thought we would lose him but thanks to my wife he pulled through and has been doing well up to now. Over the last week he has not been gaining any weight (around 370 - 380 grams) He's eating lots of veggies, fruit and wild stuff, some of the katee blocks and some exotic nutrition squirrel diet ( I know I know these are not the best and have ordered some Harlan 2018). He is extremely active and runs our back porch area a couple hours a day.
So my questions 1. are why would he not be gaining? 2. any squirrel friendly vets in the Ocala Fl Marion County area? 3. Even though he is extremely friendly and attached to me is he releasable? Thanks for your help and recommendations.


05-20-2021, 08:20 AM
OK found a vet listed on another site in ocala, still looking for help on my other questions. Thanks

05-20-2021, 10:33 PM
Over the last week he has not been gaining any weight (around 370 - 380 grams) He's eating lots of veggies, fruit and wild stuff, some of the katee blocks and some exotic nutrition squirrel diet ( I know I know these are not the best and have ordered some Harlan 2018). He is extremely active and runs our back porch area a couple hours a day.
So my questions 1. are why would he not be gaining? 2. any squirrel friendly vets in the Ocala Fl Marion County area? 3. Even though he is extremely friendly and attached to me is he releasable? Thanks for your help and recommendations.

Eating "some" of the Katee blocks is not going to supply the nutrition he needs, hopefully he'll take to the Harlan better.
Exotic nutrition is junk and it's an opinion shared by many professional rehabilatators.
Friendly and attached doesn't stop a squirrel from being releasable. There can be exceptions but for the majority
with a proper soft release done right they will wild up and they will want to be free. My personal opinion, there is
nothing quite as rewarding then to be watching them free in their own element, ruling the trees being the squirrel
they were born to be.

05-21-2021, 09:05 AM
Thanks, have started to give him the harlan blocks along with a small amount of the other. also his normal veggies etc so we will see. He is 18 1/2 weeks now and still active as all get out but now down to 355 grams. His stool is solid and well formed so still looking for reasons for weight loss. will give it a little time and if it continues, well it will be off to the vet.

05-29-2021, 09:54 AM

I'm Sarah. The best get that I have experienced is Ravenwood in Port Orange. Dr. Emerson is a wildlife vet and specializes in squirrels. She is amazing and has felt with me and other Wildlife rehabbers and wildlife fosters in the area!!! Amazing and caring and will work with you.

Best regards and stay nutty!!

Sarah & Chance

05-30-2021, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the info, Port orange is a bit far for me but will keep it in mind. Have found two vets here in the ocala / Summerfield area with one being an old timer thats very wild animal savy. Still trying to get my buddy to gain some weight and have increased the greens but he still is not thrilled with the blocks. He is however a crack addict when it comes to whole pecans so have to limit his intake on those. Thanks again for the info